Jason Goldstriker Night of Terror! – Fishtank Live

Compilation of Jason Goldstriker fighting Jon and wrecking the Fishtank house.



31 thoughts on “Jason Goldstriker Night of Terror! – Fishtank Live”

  1. Hey wise guy, where's the gosh darn ice cream?!? 🥊SLAM🥊 *Repeats bit 5 times.

    I shouldn't be rewatching this part so much. Sam vaporizing the cabinet about had me in tears…

  2. Jason Goldstriker wouldn't be as compelling of a host if he wasn't so strong. Him doing this and then proceeding to have 1 on 1 conversations with the contestants behind closed doors must have scared tf out of them.

  3. I can't say if Sam was trolling the fishtank house or using the fishtank house to troll the internet. The ending al9ne where he re creates original willy Wonka ending was too on the nose for me . The way he screams " you smoked weed the sign said no weed, you broke the contract under article 2 its in fine print"


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