Japanese BILLIONS $ Aircraft Carrier Is Finally Ready For Action! | US Shocked

Japanese BILLIONS $ Aircraft Carrier Is Finally Ready For Action! | US Shocked

And the Japanese elites understood that. And they began to prepare for war.
In 2006, the lead ship 16DDH Hyuga was laid. And in 2009 it was commissioned into the Maritime Self-Defense Force. The Japanese have announced that it will be based on an air group of four helicopters. This caused a lot of bewilderment on the part of observers – a ship with a total displacement of 18,000 tons, a thorough flight deck, two helicopter elevators, and only four helicopters as the main weapon looked strange. The samurai descendants, however, shrugged and smiled and mumbled something about Japan being a peaceful country. That’s how smiling, they laid down Hyuga’s sister ship, the Ise, which went into service in 2011.


21 thoughts on “Japanese BILLIONS $ Aircraft Carrier Is Finally Ready For Action! | US Shocked”

  1. I like Japan modernizing there military fleet. And the blackhawk paint job looks really good imo. And they should also be able to service a lot of allied helicopters and planes as well as there own. And there carrier dont really NEED to be as big as the ford class carrier as long as US puts one of them in Japan then there fleet and airforce will work much better and so will the US's fleet and airforce. And you dont want to advertise your militry units being as good as they are. Deception is part of war in making your enamy think you dont have the actual strength you actually have. As a bonus your military wont frighten and cause panik in its own citizens and imo thats a good thing sins last time Japan got nuked two times and thats not something you forget. Also you wont intimidate the countries around you ether. Anyway good stuff, i like it. =)

  2. Personally I believe that Japan is doing things the right way by having more smaller carriers verse having larger ones. I believe this because it makes sense to be more mobile and having more smaller ones means if one is lost in battle, it is easier to be replaced. The USA could do something similar if they wanted to, and honestly we probably should do something similar in a limited way. Do not get me wrong, I love the big carriers and really wish the battleships were still around.

  3. You're making it sound like Japan is somehow doing some dangerous forbidden pursuit. No. The US has been slowly and discreetly removing a lot of old rules that used to place on the old agreement. The US encourages it because Japan is ground zero for a possible war in South China sea

  4. Good that's gonna chase away cowards like Russia and China and North Korea navy's and the thousands of those countries that plunder Japanese terrrortoral waters they are close allies of the USA and close to NATO


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