Japan Just Discovered 7,000 New Unknown Islands

In a shocking piece of news, Japan finds out that they have WAY more islands than they originally thought.

ARTICLE: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/japan-discovers-7-000-new-unknown-islands-after-fresh-survey-since-1987-3799365

#theanimeman #joey #japan

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31 thoughts on “Japan Just Discovered 7,000 New Unknown Islands”

  1. It's not islands.. According to UN law of the sea. An island has to be visible on high tide and be able to naturally sustain human with fresh water. Japan by claiming those are ISLANDS is trying to claim EEZ.

  2. β€žDamn thats a lot of islands. We will spent years count them.β€œ
    β€žLets just guess a number, like 7000, and call it a day, deal?β€œ

  3. As funny as this news is, it actually makes me very concerned. The fact that they discovered so many new islands means the Japanese government is taking the surveying of its national waters very seriously.

    From my perspective, these discoveries are likely connected to their increased preparation for war with China. Japan is already increasing their military budget by 50% over the next 5 years and is planning on purchasing missiles and other strike capabilities to both attack and defend. Most likely they needed to find places to set up new bases and silos to house these new weapons on and off the coast of the mainland, and these discoveries were a result of those surveys. Unless it's just a massive coincidence, it would be strange that the timing of this report would be so closely correlated with the timing of Japan changing its war footing and preparation

  4. Quite literally. It's just a bunch of mile wide patches of land that they each individually call an island and most of them are unusable land. You only need to know they exist for navigation purposes. A lot of them as well just weren't navigated by the coast guard but are currently in use. Either that or they literally didn't exist 35 years ago which you kind of skipped over while reading that part

  5. Looked into this, they didn't 'miss' them, they just didn't record any islands under a certain size for time saving purposes/to keep a clean looking map.

    Most are smaller than 100m^2, so they'd be perfect for a little fishing hut and a jetty


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