January 6 committee's final report suggests barring Trump from holding office

The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection has released its final report, a comprehensive overview of the bipartisan panel’s findings on how former President Donald Trump and his allies sought to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
The 845-page report – based on 1,000-plus interviews, documents collected including emails, texts, phone records and a year and a half of investigation – includes allegations that Trump β€œoversaw” the legally dubious effort to put forward fake slates of electors in seven states he lost, arguing that the evidence shows he actively worked to β€œtransmit false Electoral College ballots to Congress and the National Archives” despite concerns among his lawyers that doing so could be unlawful. #january6 #CNN #News


46 thoughts on “January 6 committee's final report suggests barring Trump from holding office”

  1. "Who decides on the 14th amendment?"

    Easy, the founding fathers of the constitution already did. You break the oath via insurrection then you automatically are barred from holding office. In fact at the moment you (attempts to) do the insurrection you are barred that very minute. Reason why Trump didn't make phone calls or bring in the national guard was because he was no longer president. I'm not sure why he wasn't escorted out of the building for trespassing.

  2. The list below is supported by physical evidence, i.e.: texts, emails, and recorded conversations, and eyewitness testimony that Trump tried to overthrow the election.

    Fact: Trump conceived, planned, and orchestrated the Stop the Steal campaign beginning May 2020. Fact: Trump incited an angry mob he knew was armed to march on the capitol and fight.

    Fact: When he saw his mob had successfully broken into the capitol, he put a bullseye on his VP hoping he’d be taken out so his Trumpets and Minions could attempt to subvert a free and fair election.

    Fact: Trump stole documents and intentionally concealed them when the FBI went there.

    Fact: Due to his actions and inactions, Trump is guilty of Dereliction of Duty as defined by the UCMJ-Uniform Code of Military Justice which he is bound by as Commander in Chief.

  3. It’s sad that it’s been proven in numerous court filings that this guy has been charged and proven to have committed fraud and multiple crimes but they have to vote on a law to prevents him or anyone else from holding office of any status?!?! πŸ™„

  4. The FBI reported there was NO INSURRECTION on Jan 6Β 
    nobody has been charged for insurrection..
    Nancy Pelosi's documents uncovered found she is GUILTYΒ 
    of not protecting the Capital Building because she refused to accept Trumps OfferΒ 
    of 20,000 NATIONAL GUARD 3 weeks before Jan 6..Trump had US Intelligence about anΒ 
    attack on the Capital Building Pelosi and shared it with Pelosi..She turned it down

  5. That which you accuse others of….
    Is exactly what they are guilty of.
    Trump wanting an investigation of the vote – that was wrong?
    Yet there are zero investigation of this magnitude against the Clintons, Obama or the Bidens.
    Only the corrupt can accuse others and force an investigation.
    The laws of this land are twisted to fit their agenda….
    Justice and the American people shall come last and the corrupt pocket books first!
    Apparently I'm a terrorist – make America great again….
    Fire the government!

  6. So sad to see the true colors of our government over 1 man that can run for 8 years at most the people running our country is garbage time for a change I can feel one coming in next few years time to clean the garbage out the white house an turn America around

  7. Imagine assembling an insanely biased committee, spending two years and millions of dollars dealing with one riot that didn’t even scratch the surface when compared to the 2020 riots, and then providing a conclusion that people already predicted was going to happen the very millisecond this committee was announced.

  8. Why is the epidemic in China more serious than abroad? Because China has released the original strain of the Wuhan virus from the Institute of Virus again, for the sake of face and in order to show political correctness under the resistance, people must be more vigilant, and indirectly make secret wars to the world in advance, and constantly accelerate nuclear weapons and military expansion preparations, preparing to declare war on the world in 2023_2024 with the communist world such as North Korea and Russia. If the world does not open up and accelerate the elimination of the Communist Party soon, the world will face an even greater threat.

  9. The US Political Machine is dangerous, Trump obviously moved right into their trap, and the terrible fear among Democrats that these 4 years with Biden been a mess and Trump will be surely returning to office and this time for 2 Consecutive terms. Hence findings all avenues to try to shut him down. It's pathetic


  11. Barring Trump from office has been the democrats goal form the get go because Trump did more for the people then any president sense JFK and they killed him really surprised Trump is still standing to be honest . Insurrection What a joke. There was no insurrection just Dems. wasting tax payers money to get rid of Trump . The impeachments were also a waste of our money too.

  12. Why would Americans put such a damaged person back in control of the government? The reality check has to happen for all the MAGA extremists. Truth needs to be brought back into public discourse. Without it, the USA will not function, society will not function. Confusion will continue to rule, which is exactly what Trump wants.

  13. Jan 6th happened because the Democrats dirty ass politics…. period.. you super smart educated democratic trump haters to wake up… your completely eating up and trusting dirty politions…. it like you people hold your leftist Democratic politicians over god and country….

  14. So that you can convert yourself and the whole world into an Islamic State, as you continue to move in the so called migrants across the states, the same strategy Buhari and his agents have used to conquer many tribes and at the end they killed all the tribe leaders that worked with them to destroy themselves, at end, they will team up against you and remind you that no matter how you try to mingle that you are forever infidels to them because it is their ideology and they know themselves originally, and it will take them only 5 years to finish you forever, and you forgot that there is always a plan B that will be better and bring growth and development and freedom and love to humanity, tell Africa the truth and nothing but the truth and be fair and share on how to imports and exports to stop what is about to befall you in just a few years from now, Buhari's divide and conquer strategy, lies and deceits, use you to conquer you they have been using from the world go is fully playing out again, end this, deport them to embrace freedom or lose it to them very soon and forever.

  15. It's funny how the mental midgets on the left do not know there is a difference between the "court" of public opinion and an ACTUAL court of law. I can't wait for them to finally understand but I'm not going to hold my breath , they're dumb enough to never understand , you know , it's really no wonder that America has the world's largest prison population when you consider how stupid they are. I'm starting to think that we could actually rob these people on the street without actually committing a crime by just saying to them "give me all your money or else" whilst holding your hand in the shape of a gun …

  16. You are upset because you are paying too much income tax.
    Take a close look at Donald Trump income tax reports. Donald Trump managed to pay little or no income tax! A man who says he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, paid little or no income tax! Is this equitable, just, and fair? This is a prime example of how tax loophole and creative accounting resulted in multi-millionaires paying little or no income tax!
    Do you remember the Donald Trump Tax Cuts Act of 2017? These tax cuts targeted the wealthy and especially the corporations. The corporation received a $320 billion tax cuts.
    Do you remember the arguments used by Donald Trump to cut taxes for the wealthy. The wealthy will have more money to spend, and the money will trickle down to the lower class of society. There was no wealthy trickling down! The wealthy use the tax cuts to buy stocks and to get much richer. In 2021, the Federal Reserve published a report: the top 10% of the wealthiest Americans own 90% of US stocks.
    Do you remember the arguments used by Donald Trump to cut taxes for the corporations?
    The corporations will use the tax cuts to invest and create new jobs. It did not happen!
    The corporations did not invest to create jobs. The corporations used the billions of tax cuts to buy back shares! The stocks buy-backs benefited the CEO and top executives because of their stock options.


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