January 3, 2024 – Are 3D structures on Mars remnants of past civilization?

TOPIC: Are 3D structures on Mars remnants of past civilization?


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Wars of the Anunnaki: Nuclear Self-Destruction in Ancient Sumer
Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D.


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40 thoughts on “January 3, 2024 – Are 3D structures on Mars remnants of past civilization?”

  1. Condolences to Ian and his family.
    Been thinking about this- If we have a secret Space Force and can travel to the planets, why are we running a "dog and pony show" space program run by NASA? Think of the wasted money and lives. We need Disclosure.


  3. An opinion. In Haim Eshed book “ The Universe Beyond the Horizon “ He speaks about an organization called the Galactic and that our governments have been dealing with them since the late 40s. if we knew that an adversary, who had no emotions and had abilities beyond our own, wouldn’t it be advantageous to be part of that organization. we Homo Sapien Sapien must evolve by ourselves. In Jason Reza Jorjani book “Closer Encounters” he states “ The child must be burnt to know what fire is?

  4. The Tall Whites doesn’t want the truth to come out until the big event that’s coming . The question I wonder is…….. what is the big event? Is it the major solar storm that Buddy referred or is it the biblical flood that Linda’s source mentioned previously? Is one of these future events or something totally different?

  5. You’re succeeding Linda. You and the few doing this. Even Disney plus has documentaries about aliens. That’s meant for the young kids the new generation. So change is becoming more and more apparent. Whispers are becoming conversation now. Thank you Linda

  6. If you see something like this Dome and you would have control of the Mars Orbiter go up and look at it don't just send us these pictures, something is missing in this because if I was one of the ground control and I said look there's a dome over there let's go over and see what it is, let's go and close, somehow they missed the opportunity to do this consecutively when they see pictures that are clearly I looked at more than $14,000 images from the Mars reconnaissance Orbiter and it's clear to me Mars was carved out by water it has a significant amount of it I'm looking into incredible water flows and lakes and all this type of stuff

  7. Hola Linda. First, Happy New Year 2024!🎉 May the Universe keep you and your family safe and in prosperity.

    Linda as of December 23rd my husband and I have been hearing and recording a sound that is new to us, and wondered if perhaps you would like to listen to.

    The sound usually starts at around 8 pm or 9pm. We have been able to record various nights of this sound.

    If you would like to receive the video (from 01.03.2024) this is the best recording, I will be more than happy to provide.

    During our X-mas family gathering, I played the sound and no one could figure it out.

    Much love ❤️.


  8. Just watched your talk from a few years ago about the different species and star map.
    I have a theory that perhaps the aliens that our governments have been in contact with are withholding certain technologies from being shared with us until humanity has been unified, such as, for example, a one world government, and that ever since being told this, various governments have been in a race to be the governing body of such a unification.
    I wonder if the extraterrestrials understand about the problem of psychopathy and sociopathy and how our economic systems have been more favorable to the small percentage of our population suffering from a stunted or non developed ability to empathize, which is an ability that happens to be what makes the majority of humans so unique and special.

  9. I think it is a very likely step that Mars was once like Earth and was inhabited. I believe that Aliens destroyed Mars, either in their own wars, or to destroy the beings living there.

  10. Ok can't ESCAVATE moon & planets, If, inhabitants live there, w/ out problems. So, you CAN'T DIG UP OTHER PLANETS OR THE MOON, only if, there's no one else, involved where you wanna dig.

  11. I'm/ in, many of, " the inner circles," E.T. , 2 in 20:00, in communications Frequencies I barely enjoy as, it's grossly infiltrated, so, w/ my sister there, Uno, ANY deaths, she gains, so, you have to, ask, WHO'S DEAD/ WHO died, w/ the increase &/or, gains, in status. I hope we can erase damages secrets & tell the truth….

  12. Are EBE type 1 coordinating efforts with elites in order to help them control time travelling? Thus elites currently are sending from future time travelers to inform on future in order to change present and future present situation. They can know what everyone does or even says, and what will everybody will have done or said this way, and change it at will 😵

  13. * R.I.P. 2024, &, IDK…. WHO disappeared, but, Uno. Can't, put, up, w/ much more, on, the headcount, on, OUR SIDE, anymore/ FYEO, "TRUTH" human rights, FREEDOM, no forced marriages, kidnappings paper-tripping, &, No more " deaths," (AKA, other, dimension ventures), Uno…

  14. Linda you say 100 and 80 million years, something inside of me tells me it's more like a billion year lineage of human existence and wondering stardust that finally asks itself the question.? Where do we come from??

  15. I am a member of this MarsX3D group on Facebook, and there are thousands of images that show all kind of unnatural objects, domes, statues, wooden boats, trains, pyramids.. different kind of enclosures, strange looking bunkers, buildings and even some strange creatures, so yeah. I wanted to share this message to tell you that there is a lot that meets the eye on the red planet that might have had a thriving civilization in the past.

  16. 2/ truly amazing series for secrets hidden on other planets. He also names a bunch of ETs. 2) you mentioned on Mars a ice cream cone shaped item that was marked off it was just ll left of the t
    under the flat tabl😢e. That come aboard😅

  17. 3 sorry I’m using my phone so it doesn’t work so well some times anyway attached to the cone looked like a man. That whole thing first looked like the astronaut sitting in his flying machine.


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