Jan. 6 LIHOP Confirmed! "Treason" in Canada? Fani Willis the "Ho"? Viva Frei LIVE!

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49 thoughts on “Jan. 6 LIHOP Confirmed! "Treason" in Canada? Fani Willis the "Ho"? Viva Frei LIVE!”

  1. This is Bull. This video was made RECENTLY. Pelosi and the DC mayor REFUSED IN WRITING to have national guard troops there. Kash Patelā€™s book has receipts. After the Feds & Ray Epps started the riot, Pelosi tried to get the MILITARY to come in FIRING MACHINE GUN. Nice fish. Gators are QUICK in the short run. Go surf fishing. Wear bullfrog sunscreen.

  2. Everyone on Badlands Media new all this in 2020, Wake up people. Nancy Pelosi is showing this to cover her ass. Pelosi and Mayor Bowser refused the National Guard. Trump gave Pelosi and Mayor Bowser access to 10,000 National Guard.

  3. Why is this all Happening?, Because the Democratic Party has been and is a Genocidal Terrorist Party, a long with their Counter parts in Canada and Europa. What else can a Reasonable Man or Women Conclude from their Actions. This Genocidal Terrorist Party and their Politicians need to be taking to the Court and found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity. RAM ON!.

  4. Until such time as people are dropping in the streets, and there are calls of "bring out your dead" I'm not believing anything the state, media, or local goose stepping busy-bodies, have to say.

  5. How is her Husband getting on after getting hammered? Sorry fistedā€¦ sorry compromisedā€¦. Sorry corrupted for cash moneyā€¦ sorry for sharesā€¦.. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  6. First we need to prove that person in that video, is actually Nancy Pelosi and the video is authentic. It looks and sounds like her, but we need a photo/video expert to examine the video and make sure the video has not been altered. The narrative is in line with testimony taken under oath, so that part lines up. What do we do next? All American's should know the truth about J6.

  7. Pay close attention to the dialog from the limo. It's a onc act play with the purpose of producing "evidence" that Pelosi didn't have foreknowlesge that the Capitol doors were to be breached by a group of foreign actors who left after their mission was completed.

  8. That happened to me. I went to a protest where a group had occupied an empty bank building. I watched from the sidewalk. Then went home. 10 weeks later I was arrested at my home and jailed for felony conspiracy to trespass. See: Santa Cruz Eleven in 2012

  9. Since when does a country have to be at war for treason to exist?
    Hunter being convicted in Delaware shows just how sick the people of Delaware are of the FJB crime family walking all over them and handing out favors to their buddies. Jill biden glared at the jurors every day, I would have voted guilty if she did that to me, no matter what. A friend of mine lived in Delaware and the FJB's are far from popular, and it shows that the Daily machine in Chicago was not the only crooked election system in this country.

  10. What happens if two separate copyright claims are made on one stream? Do the claimant split 50/50? What if there are 3?what if therewere 10? What if you deliberately added claims to make the individual's claim unprofitable? What if a company that worked for you had 10 copyright claims onyour video becauseyou played their music in the background?

  11. How can anyone deny the trending news stories before the sixth of Trump asking for Up To 10,000 National Guard Troops to be present at Capital and Pelosi denying them. It was Trending news at the timešŸ˜”šŸ¤¬TRAITORS

  12. Nancy Pelosi is such a sorry piece of (*&#!)work. Sadly, I no longer believe there is anything this compromised female wouldnā€™t lie about and Jan6th is probably her biggest lie of all times. May GOD have mercy on her soul and that of her accomplishes!

  13. You do know that they give gingerbread Wafers now for communion in church right? Yeah it's true and you know what the gingerbread is symbolic of right. Oh boy

  14. The FBI lead for the Michigan hoax Fednapping of governor Whitmer lied under oath about how he stated to a witness he was attempting to turn on the others, "never let the truth get in the way of a good story…" That FBI lead literally persecuted astray Americans that simply thought they were making friends who enjoyed the same hobbies as them, not realizing there were a bunch of Federal agents, assets and informants buzzing around them hoping to exploit and entrap some citizens so that they might receive an award to better their resume to chase after power, and that FBI lead claimed some random broke guy living in the back of a Chinese restaurant (or was it laundry mat?) somehow was the mastermind of this supposed kidnapping plot of the governor in Michigan. Madness. Once the government realized people were making documentaries to expose just how corrupt some parts of our government have become, they sent those persecuted Americans into Super Max prison so that they could not speak with the producers.

    That FBI lead who persecuted Americans was then sent to DC to again persecute more Americans, this time the January 6th political prisoners in which he pushed the exact same madness, "never let the truth get in the way of a good story…" Doesn't hurt that the district is a collective that by majority believe it is necessary to frame January 6th as these corrupt politicians have done, so no fair trial could ever be had when the very same jury that is to judge you is likely the exact same people that were outraged that Americans protested their tyranny and abject abuses of authority. Everything that corrupt FBI agent touched should be the spoiled fruit of a rotten tree, completely revoked and dismissed with prejudice by the courts so that other corrupt government assets cannot carry the torch and retry the exact same madness, because all these corrupt politicians have is assumption, 'nuance,' innuendo and scapegoats to pretend they are not lying to the American people. These people took an ethical oath before receiving such positions of authority, it would be wise have them swear that oath again and then investigate what they've done to violate their pledges.

  15. Trump should offer to clemency to Hunter because "political opponents and their families shouldn't be targeted if it looks like a hit job" or something along those lines. Would love to see a response.


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