Steven Spielberg HUMILIATES Kathleen Kennedy at Indiana Jones 5 Premiere | Dial of Destiny

Steven Spielberg HUMILIATES Kathleen Kennedy at Indiana Jones and the Dial Of Destiny Los Angeles Premiere | Steven Spielberg GHOSTS Kathleen Kennedy in speech | Spielberg forgets to thank Kathleen Kennedy for Indiana Jones… or does he?

Wednesday night June 14th, the Los Angeles premiere of Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny launch with special thanks from Steven Spielberg to the three people he said that without whom, Indiana Jones would not exist. He was joined on stage by George Lucas, Harrison Ford, John Williams, Frank Marshall… and Kathleen Kennedy who stood not 5 feet from him as he addressed the crowd.

Kathleen Kennedy has run everything at Lucasfilm into the ground including Star Wars, Willow, and now Indiana Jones.

#indianajones #indianajones5 #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #lucasfilm #disney #kathleenkennedy #starwars

thumbnail by @JFG and special thanks to @EchoBaseNetwork for altering us to the story!


43 thoughts on “Steven Spielberg HUMILIATES Kathleen Kennedy at Indiana Jones 5 Premiere | Dial of Destiny”

  1. Well what has she done to be remembered except destroying beloved you know storylines like Star wars in Indiana Jones tell me what she's done to be remembered for that was so great plenty to remember her ass for for being so damned lousy but not great if anybody has ever crapped the bed she has

  2. Oh yeah, that was brilliant. The last and final was the composer of the music?? LOL Spielberg knows assassin Kennedy's monster ego… she's the only one during the lead up that thought it was her… and he shoved her face in that big pile of proverbial poo!!

  3. There are creators like Spielberg… and there are destroyers like Kathleen Kennedy. How she progressed to her current role is a travesty… but I couldn't care less. RIP Disney.

  4. Misogynist crap. Stupid haters like him will really try anything to find a scapegoat because their beloved Star Wars was "destroyed". What a stupid shit this guy babbles here ….

  5. The United States has always been a matriarchy. Steven Spielberg, a very talented filmmaker, was captured by Kathleen Kennedy back in the 1980's and manipulated him with her disapproval. Even in his 50's Spielberg had the quality of a boy wanting to please his mother. Kathleen Kennedy had no talent for filmmaking. She was fiercely ambitious for financial success. Spielberg has an extraordinary track record, with very few flops. Kathleen helped him produce hit movies. But I'm sure he would have made better films without her commercial but philistine influence.

  6. Hmm, he just introduced the band, there is no humiliation. It is just you making money out of Star Wars fanatics who may hold a (justified) grudge against Kathleen. YouTubers are bit of a pathetic beings when they try to bring offences where there are not, but then again it’s all about subscriptions and views right?

  7. so here we are 3 weeks later and the movie is out and it just got beat by a 14 million dollar movie. clearly spielburg saw the finished product and knew it was gonna be a flop

  8. I dont think youre right on this. Theres no way she didnt know there was an entire orchestra with Williams back there and she 100% knew this was an intro to him. Say what you want about the actual movies but this kinda "reporting" is really grasping at straws.

    And this whole video seems like your voice is not synched to the video.

  9. Kathleen Kennedy has single handedly – dismantled Lucas Film and Disney Film over the past ten years. I would go as far as to say, she has personally lost both companies over $5 billion dollars in scripted revenue. How is this ever possible with a pedigree so deep in modern film history, Disney have stood by and watched this woman take fan driven legacy franchises to the nearest cliff and then throw them off. Kennedy has said the fans don't matter – it's important to bring on a new fan base, try telling the Disney bean-counters – that's your plan. Seriously this woman has been out of her depth from the very beginning, as stated by Steven Spielberg 2008. With an IQ of limited creative ability – Hollywood politics from the "Me too" movement; woke ideas and nonsensical narratives she is truly the grim-reaper of Executive Producers. Production companies aren't designed around throwing hundreds of million at a film with no audience support ! Indy has instantly become her most unwatchable movie to date – and is sure to bomb cross every market! Of course Disney will say it made it's money back once they hand it on to Disney + for $500 million company roubles – by that point no one will care. NB I have heard she is producing season 4 of The Mandalorian and season 2 of Andor – such a tragedy as Andor was a step out from Star Wars; with a truly cerebral script – great heroic characters and believable off world locations. If she gets her hands on season 2 – GOD help us!

  10. Let me educate you. I've been successful in 2 very male dominated careers, starting in the 70s, one in entertainment. I've been in countless all-male meetings and projects, where my ideas weren't even allowed to get out of my mouth, much less considered by anyone (I also worked with some great guys). The hurdles are innumerable in these all-male bastions, something you will never experience. I'm not saying Kennedy hasn't ever made a mistake, but she's been very inspirational for me, since there's only a tiny few powerful women in Hollywood, and she was one of the first of the modern era. Glad you made over 8min of a childish joke at someone in a hellish business, getting humiliated by a dubious icon, who no doubt made it more difficult for her over the years (ever notice his wives had to stop working?). I have little respect for him as it is, as all he's given to the business is $$$ and a only a couple of actually good films, but I respect you less for making $ from her hugely public humiliation, not to mention the issues with the film, which will all be blamed on her. 2nd and last vid of yours I'm watching, like you care. I'm not your target audience, obviously. BTW, I know what it's like to go home in tears, collapsing in my husband's arms, more times than I wanted, as I imagine she did that night, or else she's just numb to it by now (she knows exactly who Spielberg is). Exercising my anger out of me, until I was ready to collapse, but doing it all over again the next day, because I wouldn't let a bunch of insecure, misogynist men separate me from my dreams or success. Guess this is what you'd want for your daughter? Along with sexual harassment and assault. And no, things aren't that different now, and in many ways worse, in my industries, than almost 50yrs ago, when I was a novelty instead of women viewed as only sexual, or threats, as they made inroads into these professions.

  11. That’s a reach to call this an insult. This was never the focus for Kathleen Kennedy. You’re talking about 4 mega hitters. George, Harrison, Steven and John…..come on, man. This is more of a trolling video than anything.

  12. I don’t think KK expected to be on the list. She was, like, a director’s assistant in 1981. No one, not even KK, figured a DA is getting a spot on the Mt. Rushmore of Indiana Jones.

  13. Disney and Lucas Film are rotten at their core by this point. There's not much to salvage IMHO! Rogue One was the last good Lucas Film movie! I don't think I want to watch any more political agenda pushing Pixar films! I will remember Indy for the first 3 films and imagine the Short Round reunion scene that never was in my head! It IS a beautiful scene and human imagination makes it so, not overpaid Disney Producers and Executives riding on the coat tails of giants!

  14. I can't even imagine how Steven Spielberg and George Lucas must have felt after watching this horrible 5th part. I can't even understand why they were there on stage after such a successful joint work was destroyed in such a way.


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