James Burk – Space Advocacy & Humans to Mars – June 18, 2022

From the Eco Astronomy Inc Lecture Series. We apologize for the audio quality as it was recorded over a low bandwidth connection.

James Burk is the Executive Director of the Mars Society, the world’s largest space advocacy organization dedicated to sending human explorers to the planet Mars. A former Microsoft engineer and technical project manager, James leads the fundraising and program development activities of the organization and is based in Seattle, Washington, USA.


11 thoughts on “James Burk – Space Advocacy & Humans to Mars – June 18, 2022”

  1. waterlocks as airlocks make living easy – give everyone 9m diameter luxury apartments, make river-like lakes for indoor walks, seafood and o2 algae
    (ice as building material be self-sealing and give vast structures in no time)

  2. Why don't we occupy moon. It's local, it has resources, it has solar power,, good staging point where humans can switch between gravities with lunar centrifuge. Way less Delta V to get numbers of people there. Cost possibly within resources of a mere mortal. ( Colonise Moon first…. Mars next).
    Good place to keep seeds, sperm/eggs safe from earth impact.

  3. The Earth is cooler with the atmos/GHGs/albedo not warmer.

    To perform as advertised the GHGs require β€œextra” energy upwelling from the surface radiating as a black body. https://youtu.be/0Jijw7-YG-U

    The kinetic heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmos molecules render that scenario impossible.

    No greenhouse effect, no GHG warming, no man/CO2 driven climate change or Gorebal warming.

    Version 1.0 062522

  4. Well the moon and Mars are already inhabited by humans, humanoid people , and other beings . πŸ™πŸ˜‡βœŒοΈπŸ‘½
    Our human race currently has been programmed and influenced by the powers that be to keep Us infighting against every single issue , that we used to get along ( but not always agree )
    over the last 100 years at least!
    And only the rich people and the slave class get to move to other planets , or under ground . πŸ‘½+😎=πŸ€πŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ˜‡βœŒοΈπŸ’«

  5. Someone let this guy know nobody will ever go to a fake place, Hey kid's, instead of using your mind to benefit humanity on the place you live, let's waste time and money faking space programs and tell fairytales about places that are not realistic. Hey let's steal taxpayers money and tell them they live on a ball and see how many people are brainwashed and retarded enough to believe, I mean they already believed they came from nothing, are monkeys and it's okay to be a pedophile, eat junk and get sick to keep profits up, they already do not know who, what or where they are, how far can we get teaching them nothingness


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