Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation | Thursday 14th September

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19 thoughts on “Jacob Rees-Mogg's State Of The Nation | Thursday 14th September”

  1. If people get run over by a train they will die and if they get run over by a plane landing on a runway they will die, so maybe all trains and planes should travel at 20mph?
    Yes, this is stupid, but so is 20mph on major roads.

  2. Why should we make the roads safer for "kids", when roads are made for vehicles not children?
    We don't put laws in place to make pedestrians go faster on the pavement because of the vehicles on the pavement; each has its place and each should stick to its place, and parents should teach children how to cross the road, the road that is full of vehicles, safely.

  3. There are no "residential roads"; there are residential areas with roads, roads made for vehicles, going through them. You need to stop trying to make out the roads are for people, when they are not – pavements are for people, and vehicles are not allowed on them so people are safe on pavements.

  4. Why don’t we jus make the whole world 10mph so everywhere is safe then? Exactly! Lefties are attacking tax payers as always and the people who work hard and law abide. It’s emotional manipulation. It needs to stop!

  5. Hey brexstremists Mogg muppets- see the EU have forced Apple to start to use standard decent (and licence free) USB-C charger plugs . A good thing. Now UK will follow suit because Apple ain't going to make a different one just for a tiny forgotten small country off the corner of Europe. See how we will always be affected by the massive economic block to our south. EU free Sovereignity? Hah. See how we have to follow EU. Money and power talks Muppets.

  6. The housing debate was simplistic without introducing the basic reason of population increase. England is the most populated country in the Western world except Holand. A more grown-up discution is required, rather than rather basic sound bites.

  7. The labour guy ducking and diving as usual, trying it on says we need proper investment in council housing. A lot of people will agree but whats happened is all the council housing was built to help local people who have been in the area contributing to the economy and the council their whole life. But they have been thrown under the bus and all the 'council housing' has been given to diversity immigrants who just arrived and have invested nothing in the area. Of course he wouldn't mention that. This safety net for local people has been taken away and caused a lot of suffering.

  8. We have sewage in our rivers we don’t need any more problems. Jacob is not interested in council houses that is obvious he’s more interested in making rich developers, even richer and accepting donations from them to the Conservative party.

    Corporations, establishment and media hit back to Russell. His last posts against military industry and USA Congress and influence to R and D parties was too realistic. Is Russel abuser, well I dont know, all fleet of politicians are saved from public trials related to the sex abuse. Someone is cherrypicking the woman abuse events for the purpose of corporatism interests.


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