'It's as if they blamed my daughter for being black' BBC Africa

The mother of a black girl who was not given a medal at an Irish gymnastics event ceremony told the BBC’s Stephanie Hegarty the apology she has received is “useless”.

A video emerged recently showing the alleged racist treatment of a young black gymnast being ignored by an official who was handing out medals at an event in Dublin last year.

The mother said watching the incident unfold at the time was “horrendous”.

Gymnastics Ireland apologised on Monday “for the upset that has been caused”.

In the statement, the governing body said it was “deeply sorry”, that it knew it needed to do more to ensure “nothing like this will happen again” and it condemned “any form of racism”.

#irelandgymnastics #irelandgymnast #gymnast

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21 thoughts on “'It's as if they blamed my daughter for being black' BBC Africa”

  1. Ban Ireland 🇮🇪 from all sporting codes especially Gymnastics Ireland they are so racist and they insist to be allowed to remain ignorant with such glaringly racists 😡 😤

  2. I guest this is business as usual. White people being happily racist and proud to hurt a little girl, in an attempt to portray themselves as more civilized and more disserving. I'm not shocked or sadden, just wonder what is next.

  3. It took a FBA Black American, Simone Biles, to draw attention to this matter. African immigrants have hatred and contempt towards Black Americans. But without us, no one else cared.

  4. The RACISMS is real in the so-called civilize western nations , it is disgusting , hypocritical , discriminative and segregative , the west only lectures is NONSENSES , said majority of the whole world in discussions period .


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