It's all-out attack! Ukrainian Army opened the entrance door of Crimea! Russia on verge of disaster!

It’s all-out attack! Ukrainian Army opened the entrance door of Crimea! Russia on verge of disaster!


37 thoughts on “It's all-out attack! Ukrainian Army opened the entrance door of Crimea! Russia on verge of disaster!”

  1. Russia never has faced an enemy that has fought back like Ukraine, Putin is a lying bully who thinks he can take what he wants, no matter how many Russian lives he loses, one gold chair in his many mansions, could buy a cache of weapons for the front line, instead of shovels. He can't even supply his troops who he sends out there to die for him and his ego. Victory for Ukraine and Biden in, 2024. VOTE BLUE AMERICA ❤❤❤

  2. Putin is besotted with Soviet ideology, he is a child of Soviet Russia, his whole psychopathological outlook on life is formed by Soviet doctrine, he seriously believes that the brutal methods he uses on his own Countrymen will work on the Ukrainian people, he will never "defeat" a people who feel nothing but disgust and open revulsion for his vicious prejudice and sadistic persecution of their identity.

  3. As known Ukraine did not attack Belgorod city within their right to defend their people. But they attacked targets on a military base in Belgorod as soon as they had registrated coordinates from the launch sites for the terrorists missile attacks against sivillians in Kharkiv. They tried to stop the second wave of missile-attacks against Kharkiv with their attack at the military base, because this was the best way to defend sivillians in Kharkiv, in that the short distance from the launch sites at the military base in Belgorod the air defence had too short time to react and take down the missiles. In that the terrorists in this war unfortunately have showed more fair of damages at their stocks of missiles than killing their own people, they tried to shoot down Ukrainian drones and missiles in the air over Belgorod on their way to the target at the military base at the other side of the city. The terrorists S300 missiles are used both in their airdefence and in missile attacks, and have a high explosive power that made major damages on residential buildings and sivillians in Belgorid city. We all know that the Russian propaganda like cowards always like to blame others for the bad and take glory for the good. In that I feel sad that some western journalists and media to often like this are acting like puppets for the Russian propaganda. Because of their lack of understanding in such attacks they didn't understand the Ukrainian explanation, but by showing such an obvious lack of insight they should take a lesson and never again believe in Russian propaganda, and in this lack of knowledge trey always should try to practice some better press etiquette and wait for some completely independent analyzes of the situation. They don't seem to understand the intent behind all Russian propaganda and fake news, and the dangerous damage they can inflict on the society as puppets for the Russian propaganda. I thought that it forever would be impossible to forget that the Russian terrorist regime illegally are attacking their pieceful neighboring country. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

  4. How naive do you have to be to believe that Ukraine has any chance at all under its corrupt, right-wing radical president. Russia has let the entire conflict escalate into a war of attrition in order to weaken us Europeans and the USA militarily. And it worked. There is no longer a fully capable army in Europe because so much material and money has been pumped into a country that is simply not worth it. The Ukrainians should finally stand up to their government and put an end to the senseless killing. Ukraine has almost no soldiers left. Who will Zelensky send next? Children ??


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