Italians in the Battle of Britain – RAF Finally Shows Up

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After the initial air raids of the Corpo Aereo Italiano (Italian Air Corps) against Britain in which no RAF fighters were met, things changed on 11 November 1940. Two Hurricane and one Spitfire squadron opposed the attackers and caused them significant losses. But how heavy were the overclaims? And did the Italian CR.42 biplane fighters shoot down any RAF airplanes? Find out in this video.

Main sources:
– Håkans aviation page

– Håkan Gustavsson and Ludovico Slongo – Fiat CR.42 Aces of World War 2

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38 thoughts on “Italians in the Battle of Britain – RAF Finally Shows Up”

  1. Faith, Hope and Charity. The RAF took delivery of Gloster Gladiators in 1938 and there was also the Fairey Swordfish, which helped sink the Bismark.

  2. Incredible !!! One more masterpiece of Your air war videos!! And You bring more Light on the operations of the REGGIA AEORONAUTICA in WW II . I'm interested espacially in the Italian Air Force.And I don't know about that bad experience of Musolini's pilot's agains't RAF.
    First Time ,You bring this to me !! Brilliant video and naration by Your smooth voice ! Also brilliant.the camouflage of the Italian planes ! As a model builder I love it,and now from Your video,I have some more new impressions for my Hobby. Many, many Thanks for this good stuff…YOU ARE THE BEST…

  3. The missions were all a big failure. Minimum damage due bombing and lost most of the airplanes. And many pilots claimed failures and turned back for nothing. See at beginning most of the best planes "turned back "because of the weather". Paper Tigers..

  4. Most British would pronounce Harwich in the way it is spelled, despite the W being silent. We have lots of names like Bicester being pronounced Bister etc. If you know, you know.
    Another great video. Now subbed.

  5. 9.51 Is it not bizarre Mr Narrator how segreant Walker isn'r pronounced Vallkerr. Very odd eh?. Almost as odd as how Germans pronoonce the word "german" as "chorrmann" or London as "lonndn"

  6. The Title is also misleading in saying the RAF FINALLY shows up. Their rapid interceptions gave Germany its first defeat and saved the country. The ' unexplanable' reason is entirely explainable. Britain has been around a very long term enduring failed and successful invasion attempts. Its language, like many other's has therefore changed and evolved absorbing French,Viking,Latin and Greek words to name a few. Some towns date back to pre-medieval times and so bare pronunciations from that period. Some letters in many languages are actually silent or 2 combined letters can create a unique sound as well. Psychology has a silent P, it is at the end a foreign word. The stress of word placing in a sentence can change the meaning completely hence the title has a negative slant to it. Great video,excellent research. Linguistics of another countries language and grammar is always a challenge,but not unexplainable. Great channel,keep up the good work, old chap ( PS a friendly english expression that doesn't refer to your age)

  7. In 1943, the Germans wanted to adopt an Italian design for a monoplane fighter with in-line engine, and launch it into mass production, as something preferable to Me-109. The main reason for continuing with Me-109 was the fact that the required assembly time (hours of labor) for Me-109 was about a half of the time needed to build the Italian design.
    Not clear to me which was that Italian design: Macchi MC202 Folgore or Macchi MC205 Veltro ?

  8. Thanks for trying to get the town name right … better than most Americans who mangel British places names without bothering to find the correct way to say the names

  9. Regia Areonautica means King's Air Force, all Italian soldiers fought under the orders of King Vittorio Emanuele III.
    They were not fighting for Mussolini but because of Mussolini, just to clarify.
    Loyalty was to the Fatherland and the King, the only groups that fought for Mussolini were the Blackshirts.

  10. My late mother grew up in Maidstone, Kent. In 1941 she was only 16 but she would tell a story later about the Italian Airforce bombing the center of Maidstone trying to hit the bridges over the River Medway. The Italian Air Force roundal looked like the RAF roundal and some people thought the planes were British. So they ignored the air raid sirens – until bombs started falling. I am not sure if she was actually there or she just heard about it. She was evacuated to Yorkshire during the blitz.

  11. Really enjoyed the video. The only tiny thing was you pronounced lieutenant the American way of "lew tenant" instead of the British way of "left tenant" but apart from that it was good 👍

  12. IL-2 Cliffs of Dover would have been such THE PERFECT platform for this video. They even have the radioman's position modeled in the BR.20.

    Any reason not to?


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