Scaling vs Milestones | Terraforming Mars Online

A strong engine setup featuring an interesting discussion about claiming milestones vs continuing to develop (circa gen 8). Enjoy!

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For the scoring overlay and speed mod, head to this repository and follow the install instructions:


16 thoughts on “Scaling vs Milestones | Terraforming Mars Online”

  1. Theoretically, I suppose MS and Awards < Hyper Scaling in terms of point scoring potential, but there’s always the fact that this is only true if you can push the pace of the game to long enough for the scaling options to return on the investment.

  2. I think I agree with Anthracite there, I would have saved the Solar Wind for one gen. Maybe you pick up Mars or Olympus, maybe opponent has a tapper and something to do with a stolen energy. Sure an active dev center is nice, but you already had an active one and in this kind of game you won’t be using heat to push tempo basically at all so surplus power into heat isn’t much of a consideration. Really it’s just the Mars or Olympus synergy you’re looking for, but I think it’s worth waiting a single gen on solar wind for it since the power and tags didn’t really advance your game plan.

  3. When it comes to guild over dev, use the guild first when you KNOW what your specific outs are and you know you’re only looking for 5 or 6 cards in 200. The math says in that situation it’s correct to guild first. When you don’t know your outs, don’t need outs, or are just trying to generate value then “free draws” first.

  4. Should have done physics and then power grid, grid 1st is great if you activate the second bumper and eat all the o2 and kill his point scoring potential from his plants, already have PI and can flip the power to cash, or need to up heat prod to corner the market on those points, which in this style of game you don’t want to do since that helps him.

  5. Europa on far west ocean, valley next to noctis spot, convert NE of noctis, eco zone for 4 rebate and block his city in gen 7 I think is the line anthracite was looking for to convert there. Seemed the best of the conversion options after Domed got killed.

  6. @ Highlander in regard to chasing builder, or any two MS really, that’s really sub optimal here. The opponent has already purchased the 8 award for us, we only need one MS to split the 8 costs and then we trump by winning all the remaining Awards so he can’t fund anything anyways. Don’t go out of your way to fight an opponent on an axis that doesn’t matter when they’ve already conceded the fight to you on the axis that does matter in this game state. Just take the gift they give ya, say thanks, and post the W.

  7. You could have ended, he had 42 cash and 1 heat bump… Ending was certainly possible. I think you’d win?? Dunno, didn’t count and my eyes are good enough to read those tiny score tracker numbers, lol, but you definitely win gen 11 with all those points in hand.

  8. Great game. I'm certainly guilty of undervalueing energy prod in my games, thus that was a good reminder to be more open-minded and make more use of synergies around the science pay-offs. Thanks for that!

    As a side-note: there was a slight missequencing in the turn with the free ocean (~47:00). The proper line is heat conversion for the ocean, then comet to take away the two plants from arctic. Wouldn'tve mattered in the grand scheme of things and didn't cost opp a greenery, but it's a definite miss.


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