It was made for me (The Banished Vault)

The Banished Vault: It was made for me (The Banished Vault)

This video came from my stream on July 26th, 2023. Catch me live from 9AM-2PM PT every weekday here:

The Banished Vault is a Euro-style board game inspired space strategy game. It’s…a little hard to explain. Check it out!

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40 thoughts on “It was made for me (The Banished Vault)”

  1. Aerospace engineer here (not that anyone cares): the thrust calculation in the game doesn’t really make sense because we calculate thrust based off the need of the change of velocity/distance needed to get to the desired orbit. I’m sure some astrophysicist has deep space calculations, but for us normies the thrust calculation the game is probably like half of the “burn calculation”.

  2. Reminds me of some of Zachtronic's games…especially the older one. I definitely suggest you check them out….and don't just look at the ones on their website, they produced miraculous games before. This game is the perfect game for those who are willing to invest the time…..beautiful graphics, amazing artwork and score.


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