It is ‘unsurprising’ that China has reportedly developed hypersonic spy drones

According to the Washington Post, the Chinese military could reportedly be deploying a high-altitude spy drone that can travel three times the speed of sound.

USSC Director Foreign Policy and Defence Peter Dean said China has done “lots of testing” on hypersonic weapons and carriage systems.

“It’s unsurprising in many respects that this news has come out,” Mr Dean told Sky News Australia.

“This is an area where the Chinese have been heavily investing in for decades now.”


20 thoughts on “It is ‘unsurprising’ that China has reportedly developed hypersonic spy drones”

  1. Anything with hypersonic and spy in the same sentence should set off your bullshit detectors because you can't go that fast and not have the leading edges of the vehicle get so hot that they glow brightly in the infrared spectrum. That glow is traveling out ahead of you at the speed of light like a beacon announcing your approach long before you arrive, and it is very easy for satellites to pick up and track too. This makes it possible to get a directed energy weapon in place to do an interception, one that the vehicle can't see coming or evade.

  2. I think Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and South Korea can handle any Chinese overreach in the region.
    It's definitely time for the US and several of its closest military allies to take leave.
    Hence no submarines….

    With the Chinese Defence Minister just having spent 3 days in Moscow in talks with President Putin and his senior defence officials, you can almost guarantee that AUKUS and the 5 Eyes are now not just dealing with China.

    Keating is right in my opinion, because whenever he is asked or China is mentioned, people forget that he has an intimate knowledge of the nation and its leadership and has for decades.

    Making him amply qualified to pass comment on what the CCP will or might not do in future.

  3. China have hypersonic missiles and drones…..
    Why do you think that they are so stupid as to send a weather balloon as a spy ?
    Use your brain.
    USA have 100 military bases surrounding China and China have ZERO military base within 5,000 miles of USA.
    Western propaganda is a joke.

  4. We have a small and ageing population in possession of enormous quantities of natural resources that could abundantly support the development of any of the larger nations to our north. In the past, we enjoyed the protection of a liberal rules-based order freely provided to us first by the British and then the Americans, but that surety is now in serious decline meaning that our security is being increasingly exposed to risk. The sort of risk that comes from a position of military weakness, something that has historically, as history well attests, always resulted in aggression by stronger nations against weaker ones.

    We need a much stronger defence force to discourage any idea that aggression against us will pay. We need nuclear-propelled submarines and nuclear weapons because we are too small to defend ourselves by means of the small number of conventional weapons we possess and the wishful thinking about our own exceptionalism that seems to accompany them. It is better to prevent conflict by placing ourselves in a position of strength than it is to be forced to prosecute a war from a position of weakness.

  5. Thats not a spy drone… Its rocket propelled. “Im guessing” latent kamikaze drone that is just a v2 missile with multi purpose. So what they plan to do is define it as surveillance to undermine this idea of it as a threat. Same thing as a jet with missiles that wont fire unless fired upon. Except no pilot. So imagine it as a smart v2 missile that could fly over berlin in ww2. Come home if it wanted to. Or drop on an enemy position.

    The article said cutting edge. Idk about that. Its supposed to hit m-3. Its formidable. Probably stealth. Cheap to manufacture… all it needs is a warhead. Which forces us into the same rhetoric again. Of digital and internet warfare.

    If we came at china. And they had 1,000 of those. Stealth like sr71 type missiles? We have some awesome tech these days… but those can wipe out an entire fleet. All they have to do is design wings that can fall off and release and even more efficient missile…

  6. Arsetraya's crappy little AUKUS submarines wouldn't last hours in a war with China. China can build more nuclear submarines in one year than Arsetraya will get over half a century.


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