It Has Begun! US Has Sent Its Army and Navy To Defend Taiwan From China!

Everyone understands that the war over Taiwan is predetermined. The only question is the date of its beginning. The Celestial Empire wants to seize the island for both objective and subjective reasons. China is a rapidly gaining power empire. It has already become the world’s economic leader and now it wants to convert this power into visible territorial acquisitions, as any empire should. Especially since Thailand is not far from mainland China and in the past was indeed part of that state.


45 thoughts on “It Has Begun! US Has Sent Its Army and Navy To Defend Taiwan From China!”

  1. One thing that hurts our Country , is that we've had Chinese spy's enlisted in our military… Gatherings information on our tactics and equipment.. They've been doing that for awhile now , and they have been buying land that's surrounding or next to some of our most important military bases.. Then we have the Chinese & Middle Eastern men of military age , coming across the border over the past few years… Setting up Sleeper Cells all over the Country.. So if we get involved with Taiwan , then we'll be hit from within.. The United States is very vulnerable right now… We have an Administration who's depleted or resources , and that's not including the Billions of Dollars in military equipment and supplies that were abandoned when we pulled out of the Middle East.. The United States isn't in good shape right now , so the Government better slow down and stop putting our nose in everyone business.

  2. The U.S. can easily take on the CCP in a battle scenario. The U.S. Is more honed more precise more battle tested. Quality vs Quantity etc. But just because we could win not necessarily when you consider the overall outcome in regards to the economy and infrastructure etc. They too would have the same issues as well as all other player's involved.

  3. When JiJingping once again claims that Taiwan (Formosa) belongs to China, lets remind him that when Japan won the 1894-1895 Sino-Japanese war, the Qing government in Beijing agreed under Treaty of Shimonoseki that Taiwan would be ceded to Japan in perpetuity.

    The economic strength of a country is determined by its gross domestic product (GDP). In other words, the amount of all income generated in the country from the sale of goods and services. With a GDP of 25.44 trillion dollars, the USA is by far the world's largest economy in this ranking for 2022.

  5. Communist China will capture the small islands first to demonstrate and verify intent. Secondly, they will then engage mainland Taiwan. Both invasions at a surprise time of Communist China's own choosing that no one will know.

  6. They're about to sacrifice those sailors to fulfill a prophecy. 'Blood on the water' Ezekiel, I believe. Then China, which uses "666" AND uses hand and forehead forms of payment, will continue its march through the mid-east via Belt 'n Road. China heads the Beast.

  7. 8:15 Yes, they very much CAN be intercepted by current air defense systems. "hypersonic" only matters at close range: if the Chinese fire them from more than a couple hundred kilometers away, they can and will be intercepted. Interception does NOT require "faster" projectiles, just a clear idea of the targeting cone.

  8. WHY?? Russia has Nuclear Sub in Cuba AND 13 Subs surrounding our USA Coast lines just off shore and within our waters. Yup
    no Commie Network News etc! We peasants need to be unarmed in
    order to have a peaceful transition to Amerika!

  9. Taiwan invasion was likely until Xi had to purge and remove top generals from his Rocket Force. Furthermore, the corruption within the PLA is extensive enough that Xi simply cannot trust a full scale war. Unlike the Ukraine-Russia conflict focused within a singular plane of warfare, the Taiwan conflict would likely as not, involve multiple nation states from all angles to come to Taiwans' aid and geographically must enter the conflict kinetically. From Japan, South Korea, Australia and the U.S. to allies from Europe will most likely join forces to address China both in battle and through economic warfare. A force too strong and too diverse to attack and to defend against for Xi.

  10. They better hope it doesn't happen under this weak Creepy Joe Biden administration, because they have proven to be Anti-American against their own people and they also support rogue nations and Muslim terrorists over the American people

  11. The USA is so excited that they can't wait until WW3 really starts so they can finally try their new toys… see only videos and story's with the propoganda that china is the aggresive one 😂 ok China have almost amercian missle's on home ground and they are aggresive? Its a joke the us wants to play games. doesnt care about a world war they are always at war


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