NO MAN'S SKY IMPROVED??? || MrSaviorHD react

holy moly wish they had this at the start

original video:

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29 thoughts on “NO MAN'S SKY IMPROVED??? || MrSaviorHD react”

  1. I am having fun with Starfield, never got into No Man's Sky (might change if buddies want to play it too). But omg Starfield is a mess at times, there are good points, and the potential it has when modders get their hands on the tools is gonna be amazing, but performance wise especially it is a travesty, the fact that brightness/gamma/FOV slider/DLSS was not an option (and still isn't at time of writing) and is a big "First big patch" thing is baffling to me tbh.
    There are just so much that screams "This was pushed out a year before it should have been out". Dunno why they needed to rush it out this year tbh.

  2. Don't you just LOVE how negative review bombing is bad and should be shunned on…. but POSITIVE "D" sucking stick-it-to-the-trolls-and-haters 10/10 MASTERPIECE reviews are completely legit and perfectly fine.

    I have probably more than 500 hours into No Man's Sky and have been playing since Day 1. I was one of the people who had played and loved the game even at launch, so seeing how HelloGames has evolved and changed the game with every new patch and update… it has been astonishing. I mainly play on my Nintendo Switch now, but I own it for the PS4 (original copy) and PC. I've played handheld (on Switch) and with VR (PSVR). I am still playing it today, especially with the Echoes Update.
    EDIT: After looking at my hours obtained on PC… I might think I have maybe 5000 hours altogether between systems… omg… lmfao

  3. ships handle weird, there are some annoying bugs related to multiplayer, and the combat is still just drawn out and annoying most of the time. Those are the only real complaints I have about it in 2023

  4. ME, clicking the video to see how she reacts to Modern No Mans Sky. Didn't expect the CowGirl Breast milk….. shit gets WIERD in Vtuber land. LOL! The chat just WIERDING you out SO HARD. Its like a Train Wreck, you can't stop watching. As for Pasteurization, I don't think you would need to. Unless your planning on Storing it or shipping it somewhere. Although if your worried about Bacteria (among other things) that is naturally in the milk, Pasteurization is certainly recommended. Iv heard doing it on low heat for a long time is best for preserving the Flavor of the milk. Pasteurization is just a matter of Time vs how much Heat you apply to the milk.

    I recall a few years back some couple in England or Scotland i think, they took BREAST MILK and made cheese out of it. WHY? Just cus i guess.

  5. Fun Fact, their is a ORGANIC ship you can get. You need to find and incubate the Egg for it if i recall correctly. Edit: Yup, every update that has ever come out for No Mans Sky, 100% FREE! No BS, just a Update with more content. You can even play it in VR!

  6. I don't think game studios often create new engines from scratch, they usually iterate on what they already have, or sometimes do a big overhaul on it, as someone said the Creation Engine is derived from Gamebryo, but has had a lot changed and updated since then, the concern though is that there may be limitations present due to the fact that the foundation of the engine is so old.

    If I remember correctly there was an issue at least a recent as Oblivion, maybe as recent as Skyrim, where they could only transform terrain vertically, meaning instead of just modelling them as part of the terrain, any caves or outcroppings had to be prebuilt and stitched into a hole in the map.

    Starfield is stated to be developed on Creation Engine 2, the hope is that it was a massive overhaul and iteration that had significant upgrades and completely removed issues rather than sweeping them under the rug, but there is no way of knowing, maybe it was a legit upgrade and they are just using the same naming convention as Unreal Engine, or it could have just been a rendering update and they slapped a 2 on there to shut people up.

    Difficult to say really, only the engine devs know for sure, and they are probably chained up in the boiler room.

  7. 12:34 its all fine for men and women. your over thinking it.
    this women: i personaly think its wierd to fetishize men therefor its wierd for women in general to fetishize men… wolf girl… you dont represent the monolithic hivemind that is (women) like you seem to think you do… there are women who fetishize men including women who are into furries… i cant belive i need to even say this… thats sad. its sad that you need this spelled out for you… theres people… who like things you dont… shock i know… i had to get used to it as well.

  8. starfield is the first bathesda games since daggerfall that i acutally like to play… fallout 3-4 are janky and boring… skyrim is REALLY borking, oblivion is fun for like 10 hours, morrowind is i dunno kinda boring as well… also i just didng care about anyone or anything in those games. i find the setting of starfield intresting and the dialogue isnt nearly as boring than the older games…

  9. Suggestion for reaction: AI President Yugioh Celebrity World Championship by Rhazelx. Start chronologically because there’s a story to be followed in the series.

  10. gamebryo is over 20 yo, oblivion was made with it with atleast 3 years pre production, oblivion was 2006 release that means at the VERY VERY least 2003, so yeah starfield is over 20 years old, at release. Hell they don't even bother to change the adress of stuff, player.additem 0000000f is still add currency, player.additem 0000000a is still the tool to open stuf, lockpick, digipick, gold, caps, credits, it's all the same.


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