Israel-Palestine attack: Hamas militants commit massacre in Kfar Aza

Disclaimer: The Independent did not witness any evidence of beheadings.

The ‘smell of death’ dominates the air in Kfar Aza after Hamas breached the nearby Gaza border and committed a savage massacre in the village.

The Independent’s Bel Trew is on the ground in Israel after Hamas militants launched a brutal attack early Saturday 7 October.

“They came with one mission, to kill more and more Jews”, said Major David Ben Zion as he stands among the wreckage.

The IDF described how they entered homes and found residents’ bodies “decapitated” the rural farming community of around 800 people left decimated by the attack.

At least 900 Israelis and almost 800 people in the Gaza Strip have lost their lives in the attack.

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35 thoughts on “Israel-Palestine attack: Hamas militants commit massacre in Kfar Aza”

  1. In such situations you need to be very careful becose journalists words can cause death of millions.If you have no evidence of what happened,you better keep silent insteed of creating theories about what you have heard.When starts wars all sides use propaganda,so if you did not see killed children,tell -i did not see,if you saw killed children,you must say -i saw killed children,not creating theories about who did it and what emotions and conclusion people MUST have now.

  2. He kept Ottoman Muslims in prosperity and unity. Not only Muslims, but all Jews, Muslims and Christians from Istanbul to Jerusalem lived together more comfortably than Europeans. For 400 years, ottoman did not try to change the language or religion of neither the Hungarians, nor the Africans, nor the Arabs. But the British, Americans and French consider a drop of oil more valuable than a drop of blood civilized vampires. Muslims helped Jews who were escaping from European oppression, living on ships and looking for a homeland for themselves.

  3. Islam means peace and by practicing this religion of peace Muslims cannot be cruel to anyone. But what we've seen over the years in Ganja and Palestine will make any heart burst. Why is there no love for people in the hearts of Jews? Palestinian women and children are victims of their murder, rape and murder. And in this case, why would the Western world support these crimes?

  4. and till now no proofs off children and women being beheaded Disclaimer: The Independent did not witness any evidence of beheadings. u should delete this video with false claims how can u say on it they beaheaded and then write in the discreption that there are no proofs so ur just lying ??!!!

  5. Do you believe the news? News and newspapers never reflect the truth. All truths are hidden from the world. When Muslims die, no one speaks up. When a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist or a member of another religion is killed, the world stands up. God is great. The days when Islam will dominate the world are near. Whether you want it or not, Allah will complete His light. No one will be able to stop this

  6. Why does this world, which sees the bombed festival, not see all the children killed, women's hospitals, Palestinian people whose cities were bombed and destroyed?

  7. Everyone who supports this brutality is just as guilty as those who committed this war crime. You see things the way you are told. Most of what you are told is fake news, fake newspapers, lies. Don't believe Israel and America. If there are terrorists, it is Israel and America that killed women, bombed hospitals, and organized September 11. These are states with Kabbalistic beliefs, they do not care about their own people, they do not value them, they have no religion, they take orders from the devil himself, they do not respect anyone's religion or belief.


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