Is the world heading for a war in Taiwan? Why the West will make the real difference.

Is the world heading for a war in Taiwan? Why the West will make the real difference.
#chinasnewnormal #taiwanwar #pelositaiwan #taiwanstrait

DISCLAIMER: When I talk about Taiwan, I refer to Republic of China. When I talk about China, I refer to People’s Republic of China. I deliberately do not mention the official R.O.C and P.R.C names as most people outside Asia are less familiar with these acronyms than with the names Taiwan and China. This is done for ease of understanding, not as a statement that Taiwan is a country.

00:00 Recap video about history of Taiwan. Does Taiwan belong to China?
01:55 Explanation on 1 LAW (Taiwan Relations Act), 3 Communiques and 6 Assurances that define how US is dealing with the One China/Taiwan question
07:49 The ambiguity of the Taiwan question
10:40 Why R.O.C changed after 2016 with the victory of DPP under Tsai Ing-Wen. How do the Taiwanese feel being Chinese and how do they view Beijing today?
13:44 Did Taiwan change because the worldview of China changed or because Taiwan has a different view of their own identity?
15:31 Why is Beijing so hung up on reuniting Taiwan with the mainland from a geopolitical point of view.
16:36 Why did Pelosi create all the tensions? Did she have a right to visit the island? Should she have visited Taiwan? Was the real issue Pelosi or Biden?
18:33 Does China and the West have the correct view on how the world views the reality? Which red line are Beijing and Washington crossing?
21:14 What are the real dangers to incite a war in Taiwan?
23:29 How do the Taiwanese see their future and a war? How do the Chinese look at a potential war and whether there would be a war? How does the West think about whether we will see a war in Taiwan?
25:40 What can we expect in the next months to come? What is the biggest danger for a mishap leading to a war?



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27 thoughts on “Is the world heading for a war in Taiwan? Why the West will make the real difference.”

  1. Pascal, I disagree with your statement that Biden can’t stop Pelosi because of US is democratic country. She took Government Air plane and coordinate her trip with US Navy (heard that $90M spent). He has the right to stop her using government equipment and structure and citizens tax money. If she insisted to go, gave her fly commercial jets. As a president, he has authority to do it. DO NOT CRYING INNOCENT or using democracy as excuses

    BTW, her son also join (pictures meeting with TSMC). It prove that she had private agendas. The administration definitely know upfront!

  2. You completely missed out the fact that the US meddles in Taiwan, XJ, Tibet and HK. The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy is an offshoot of the US NED/CIA and funds/directs the DPP. There cannot be democracy in Taiwan when it is controlled by the US. The Sunflower Revolution in Taiwan was the colour revolution instigated by the US…. Evil.

  3. Thank you very much for your explanation. Communist Chinese government is right to claim back Taiwan.
    What's the problem at the moment? I think the US wants to keep the damned so called No 1 of the world. And troubling China, will surely maintain its goal.

  4. The Taiwanese acknowledge they culturally are Han Chinese However politically the Taiwanese wants to run their lives their way independent of China with their own unique identity and experience different from mainland China

  5. Taiwan's current situation is a reminder of China's hundreds years humiliation in the colonial period. It is a shame, a scar that will always make Chinese souls bleeding. Americans should understand this and do not be the last representative of the old evil colonizers.

  6. Let me provide a perspective from Taiwan. For someone that experienced the 1970s in Taiwan, so called “autocratic rule” by the West, many older Taiwanese (myself included) know that the current rule in Taiwan under DPP and Ms. Tsai is the most autocratic, corrupt gov’t ever, and those who dare to challenge DPP have less freedom than in the last 50 years and are seriously scared. All the newspaper and TV media who dare to expose DPP’s darkside lost their gov’t licenses to operate while DPP media constantly brainwashes the public. So to see Taiwan being called “No. 1 democracy in Asia” is the biggest joke if it were not so tragic. Nobody in Taiwan wants a military conflict, nor does the mainland gov’t, and the US gov’t knows it and don’t like it, so it keeps provoking China. Pelosi’s visit and calling Tsai a beacon of democracy is a blatant example of US ignorance or hypocrisy, and proves the US is only using Taiwan as a pawn, and cares NOTHING about the safety and wellbeing of Taiwanese people.

  7. What seems to be missing and "misleading" here is that Taiwaneses identify themselves as Taiwaneses, as much as people from Hockien identify themselves Hokienese; People from Hongkong identify/ introduce themselves Hongkongners etc . but that does not infer these people are from difference countries ; because all are from provinces of China. and that is how Chinese usually introduce/ identify themselves to others.

  8. Pascal, I would like to add that the whole "democracy vs autocracy" conflict exists in the western minds only, because the western mind sees itself as a "universal/ultimate civilization" and the west wants to evangelize and convert the whole world into western, and anyone who is different is the enemy. That "exclusive" mentality in the western mind is the root of all problems we have today, and the cause to 90% of wars since WW2. The Chinese on the other hand do not see themselves as some sort of "universal civilization" and they are not interested in making other parts of the world "Chinese". The Chinese believes in "harmony in diversity", meaning every civilization should govern themselves with a system that best suits them, based on their unique cultural and religious social fabrics, and although every civilization is different to each other, but we can all work together peacefully by understanding and tolerating each other's differences. Furthermore the Chinese do not see themselves as "autocracy" but a meritocracy. Also the Chinese people don't like to interfere with other people's business, so the Chinese would selfdom express their true thoughts about the western governments. But if asked, most Chinese would describe the western governments not as democracy, but rather the Chinese would describe the western governments as plutocracy.

    Regarding the shift of opinions in the Taiwanese people that more see themselves as "Taiwanese" than Chinese; I am not sure how the survey was conducted, such as how was the question framed (in the original Chinese language) and what was the demography. For example, I was born in Taiwan and my ancestors probably came to Taiwan two or three hundred years ago from the Fujian province. If I am asked, then depending on the language of the question, I would also likely to say I am Taiwanese, but I only use it in the context of describing my birth place, I do not think Taiwanese is a separate national/cultural identity that is broken away from the greater Chinese nation and Chinese civilization. But if you ask me, what is your birth nationality, then I would say The Republic of China and I wouldn't say Taiwan, indicating I am a Chinese national. Therefore I would caution how we interpret the survey results. Furthermore, even if more and more Taiwanese see themselves as "Taiwanese" and not "Chinese", but other surveys still show only 5% of people in Taiwan want immediate independence, while 1.6% want immediate unification, the majority still prefer to maintain the status quo. Most importantly, you mentioned the shift of opinion mostly took place in the last 10 years and the rise of DPP. But to understand the DPP phenomenon, you have to understand the complex historical and cultural fabrics in the Taiwanese history and society since the KMT was forced to "relocate" the ROC government to the Taiwan province. For example, in Taiwan, the people in the South dislike the people who came from the mainland with Chang Kei Shek. They call them the "out of provincers", and meanwhile they call themselves the "in provincers". It is a steep hatred and the cause is very complex and it requires a lot of discussions. There is also a division and dislike between the people in the South and people in the north. It suffices to say the DPP fuels these hatred to win votes, and it is not dissimilar to the rise of populism that we are seeing in the western world. Also ever since the DDP first came into power in 2004, they began the campaign to "cancel China", they did things like changing the history text books at school and stopped teaching children about the Chinese history, to make children think they are not Chinese. That is a major factor to why more and more Taiwanese do not think of themselves as Chinese.

    Finally, I say the future of Taiwan and China should be decided by the Chinese people themselves. Decades ago, the western world already acknowledged that both mainland and Taiwan are China (the one China policy), this means the people in Taiwan are Chinese, the people on the mainland are also Chinese. The west has no right to interfere in other people's business, and the west has no right to encourage or influence how Chinese people think of themselves. The Chinese people don't interefere and encourage the Scots to think of themselves as non-UK nationals, nor do the Chinese encourage Scottish independence, so why on earth is the west trying so hard to influence Taiwan into breaking away from China?

    When China was weak one hundred years ago, did the west export democracy and human right to China? No, the west trampled on the Chinese. The west invaded China, burned down their Summer Palace, forced the Chinese to buy opium, and plundered, raped, and pillaged China for their money and lands! Now the Chinese are finally getting somewhere and doing good for themselves, suddenly the west comes and say, "hey, you need a better government". That is insulting! So you can't fault the Chinese for not trusting the west.

  9. long live the Republic of CHINA !!!!!

    go, go Taiwan. go, go KMT !!!!

    The Kuomintang (KMT) or the Chinese Nationalist Party of Taiwan.

    KMT is trying to cool things down by dialogue. very refreshing. the China and Taiwan Cross-Strait relationship will improve from the present stupid DPP's worst time, worst troublemaker, with so many threats and warnings, to peaceful dialogue that brings forward PEACE and prosperity to Taiwan.

    One Country, Two Systems is crucial to taiwan's long-term stability and prosperity. One Country, Two Systems is the biggest respect for Taiwan…

  10. Hasnt taiwan know of the majority rule off law? How can it deceive itself into thinking theyre rhe real china controlling the mainland. Just look at the territory size and population, it plainly loses to mainland china. What delusional taiwan is( im referring to the present govt and the pro-independent party)

  11. China is barbaric and imperialist country. Throw china out from UNO. China should be punished by 4o trillion dollar as compensation for victims of virus. China is responsible for biological warfare against humanity. Ccp is a threat to human civilization. World community should unite against Chinese aggression in Taiwan and India. Stop all trades with china. Isolate China from global community. Other countries should learn the lessons from srilanka, Pakistan, myanmar, nepal, Bangladesh and laos. These countries first debt traped by virus and now facing civilwar

  12. Pascal, with all due respect, there will be a conflict. The US leadership is incapable of negotiating and agreeing anything with any country. Even its so called friends know this. They are only concerned about themselves to the detriment of all other countries. All you need to do is to look at Western Europe and the economic crisis that is escalating in those countries to know the truth. So while they are losing another conflict in Ukraine both militarily and economically while turning the Ukrainians into cannon fodder, and just a year on from the debacle in Afghanistan, they start a conflict with China!?! Brain dead is not a strong enough phrase to describe what the US is doing.

  13. Armament industry needs wars ,conflicts to sell its products.. If human beings are genuine in their desire for peace then they need to show their genuineness by voluntarily scrapping armament industry .

  14. Fourteen minutes explaining CCP's version of history, then he blames the US for everything. More useless propaganda. Bottomline, no one trust Beijing because Beijing is untrustworthy. The CCP's frightening military build up and their aggressive military respond to Nancy P visit to Taiwan reveals the warmongering nature of Beijing.

  15. Even during the Japanese invasion and occupation of Taiwan, Taiwan was still part of China. US has invaded and occupied many countries, it does not mean these countries are parts of US.


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