What Navy Recruits Go Through In Boot Camp | Boot Camp | Business Insider

We got an inside look at the United States Navy’s 10-week basic training program. Chief video correspondent Graham Flanagan spent five days inside Recruit Training Command Great Lakes, where he observed different companies at various stages of training at the facility located about 35 miles north of Chicago.

Recruits must pass a physical assessment and a swim qualification before they train in seamanship, firefighting, and weapons training. They’re also exposed to tear gas inside a confidence chamber where they learn to correctly wear gas masks.

Training culminates with “Battle Stations” an all-night event that takes place on a mock Navy destroyer ship designed by companies who have created theme park attractions for Walt Disney World. After completing the event, recruits officially become sailors when they receive their US Navy ball caps.

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What Navy Recruits Go Through In Boot Camp | Boot Camp | Business Insider


20 thoughts on “What Navy Recruits Go Through In Boot Camp | Boot Camp | Business Insider”

  1. best part of boot camp for me was firefighting training it was a lot of fun. the most rewarding part was right after the night of battlestations where we got our navy ballcaps since it meant I made it through training and was finally a navy sailor. been out of some time but will always look back at my navy career with fond memories

  2. It's always disgusts me to see training personnel using sarcasm, foul language and an aggressive tone as an everyday tool to teach basic skills. The public expect our soldiers, sailors and airmen to be professional, highly competent and conscientious in doing their jobs as modern warfighters, but our nation's defense apparatus is still using teaching methodologies from the times when all that mattered in a warrior was his willingness to carry out a bayonet charge into a fortified position. It's sad that we still think screamin, cursing, and being an obnoxious jerk is a form of leadership/teaching.

  3. You either smart or a strong division it’s up to you work together and you’ll be fine everything is for a reason your going to get “beat” meaning exercise ite it’s all planned listen study and it’s fine your going to get sick from drinking the water do not say your dehydrated in freedom hall where is time to do your pacer etc swimming is easy just listen to rdc they mean well you will not like some of you division mates but that’s all you got for the next 10 weeks oh and your first week doesn’t count you get a call every 2 weeks they want to see you succeed by week 5 they will start to kinda treat you like a human good luck to y’all hope everything works out ps …I only made it to week 7 I didn’t make it through but wish I would have known these things before I went it

  4. 3:51
    "At no point in time will you look at a staff member in the eyes. That's f***ing rude and disrespectful, and that's the quickest way to piss us off. Is that understood?"
    "Yes, chief."
    "YES, CHIEF!"

  5. All you need to do is swim 50 yards and float for 5 minutes? My grandma can do that. Why are half the recruits obese, aren't they all like 19 or 20? The instructors at 8:18, 10;20, 13:48 are really big, no requirements for instructors to stay in shape?

  6. I am enlisting right now and this was such a great way of showing what's to come. I also would want all my friends to see this so that they know that this is all possible and I will come back better than ever!


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