Is The NEW Verge Of Silence Better Than Before? || EVE Echoes

VERGE OF SILENCE is back in EVE Echoes.
What have the developers learned from last time?

#EVEEchoes #Exploration #CaptainBenzie


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26 thoughts on “Is The NEW Verge Of Silence Better Than Before? || EVE Echoes”

  1. Ok so I guess for the most part I like it for its combat fun without actually losing a ship, and on top of that I eventually get a core that I want to put time in and try to train one for once. Other than that, I been logged in since day one and I'm not that excited for it. Ultimately could have been better.

  2. SIR!!!! did you just use one of those mercenary combat soundtracks from eve online for this video?! I love eve online battle music, though not more than galaxy on Fire 2, lol!

    13:43 people will max out their five factions nanocores if they got for cruisers through the previous verge of silence event.

  3. I do like this event as its not pay to play at all, it a time investment. I do wish the devs would have at least fixed the spawn rate for the mining portion. They are maxed out so quick so you spend more time waiting than mining.

  4. Benzie, I would like to have access to your Discord. Maybe I could find some useful info to better my experience of the game? I've been falling behind my corp in terms of skill building since I've been going in and out of the game, the game cycle hss been too repetitive.

  5. I swear, I have 0 Benzie KMs, but if I did it would be BoB, bad juju! Because we're moving towards Halloween they could bring back the old Halloween skins, with the nanocores they could look cool.

  6. My cruiser alt has been having a lot of fun in the PvP side of things in verge of silence – when I’m not cloaking up to avoid the carriers 🤣

    But I’m deffo gonna grind the interstellar tokens on my small ship alt to get that nanocore for my thrasher III dictor. Exciting times IMO

  7. I am totally outraged about the war! keep your spirits high and hold all of your sove loosely. Is the only way to make it through. we’ve been there too many times before but don’t pay no it’s not worth it! – I like the event because we’ve been practicing cap Warfare and busting up the camps lotta fun

  8. When I look at this game and feel like quitting I take events like this and consciously choose to ignore that they exist, focus on the basics and fleet up with Corp mates to rat or mine and my game experience is just richer and more rewarding. I have an alpha alt I play here and there because actually, maxed out on an alt in a cruiser or battlecruiser in high sec can feel like a holiday from some of the unrewarding high reaching content of this game. All the alternate realm of existence stuff like nihilus was interesting but they never really explained it and then just added some fantasy dream realm that doesn't and simultaneously does exist and everyone is asleep but not really asleep…. they could gave just set it as planet surface or asteroid I interiors, how cool would that have been. This is a space ship game. It feels like they are trying to absorb elements if diablo 3 gameplay with rifts and levels. Ergh. I want gritty, space cowboy vibes, trade and piracy, dodging scenarios, picking battles, building infrastructure, exploration and adventure. The base game actually offered all of that better and the content is breaking the suspension of disbelief.

  9. I think the event is a great way for capital pilots to practice using their ship in a perilous situation. If the first time you put your capital on the line was hot-dropping VOID for example, you may be so nervous you forget how to manage your capacitor properly. If you have the opportunity to drop on enemy capitals in this event however you can practice that movement and built that muscle memory in a safe environment (and then do it again and again).

  10. Yet another event mostly catering specifically to people who can afford to throw cash at a 25-50b capital ship. Unless you want to sit in a safe system and earn absolute crumbs. Another reminder the devs feel If you don’t have a capital and can’t afford to spend 300$+ on ip when it eventually gets blown up, you clearly don’t belong in this game. So disappointed!

  11. Bothers me they put a destroyer only core in an event that's capital centric. Would love to do more than afk in a covert ops ship for hours. Aren't events supposed to be engaging?

  12. THANK YOU for telling me Destroyer Engineering contributes to Frigates. I may never have noticed this little tidbit! As a small/medium hull specialist, every fraction of improvement counts! It's a small and obscure powergrid bonus, but still cool!

  13. For me it's just another to add to the long list of things that may as well not exist for me in game, FW, dormant realms project discovery etc.. the rewards are so lack luster and the game play mechanics so boring that the effort to do this solo or find people to do it with just doesn't match the enjoyment or rewards from the content.


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