Is the Government Hiding Proof of Anti Gravity UFOs? | Unveiled

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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at anti-gravity UFOs! Ever since Bob Lazar blew the whistle on UFOs in the 1980s, the race has been on to prove that there’s a cover up… and in this video, we explore the truth!

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0:00 Intro
0:44 UFO Cover Up History
1:58 What is Anti Gravity?
3:00 Bob Lazar Claims
5:30 Modern UFO Study
7:09 The Real Science
8:25 Conclusions

#AntiGravity #CoverUp #UFO #UFOCoverUp #BobLazar #Element115


44 thoughts on “Is the Government Hiding Proof of Anti Gravity UFOs? | Unveiled”

  1. Believing lazar, a guy with no proofs and just his word.. has to be one of the dumbest things one can do… lots of people can make up a great story, why would you fall for one

  2. Flying aliens isn’t a end to religious believe as it is a general part of many including the bible. Aliens of different colours with human body’s and animal type heads are the angles in the room with the Jewish god Yahweh working as aids and Worshippers. Angels. They don’t all look like humans . Get educated and get over it . There not all demons that are forced to watch us suffer because the devils pride ruined us. The things in the bible are as real as we are so stop making them out to be mythical and impossible to relate to as other creatures because that’s all they are plus what else they are also. . ?

  3. Electro-gravitic propulsion isn't fiction anymore , but it's kept secret because it's the step that leads to time travel , and of its own it can create other problems if overused such as gravitic wave storms , and time travel comes with a bunch of other risks and rules … ever heard of the Mandela effect or noticed "glitches in the matrix" ? Free energy devices are even kept in more secrecy because it's the piece that makes this tech possible and potentially endlessly usable. We don't realize how cushy we have it to be honest , with all the drama that politics and the media are spinning it's ease to forget … or to discredit out of ignorance :-/

  4. Back in 1973, when I was serving my country in the US Air Force, I was stationed at Pease Air Force Base in New Hampshire, I was young and loved racing cars, once I drove to a drag strip (I can't remember if it was upstate New York or in Vermont). At the time I always believed that UFO's were just crazy imagination. Yet after a day at the races, I had to drive my Gremlin X (with a 304 V8, Hooker headers, Accel Dual point distributor, custom dual exhaust) back to the base. I got a really late start, so I was driving between 10:00 PM and midnight, est back to the base, at some point I don't know where but there was nothing but countryside, I noticed some lights in my rear view mirror, they seemed to be getting closer and closer until I realized that this was not a car or a truck as it flying about 20 to 30 feet above my car, I was terrified, I looked up and saw a dark craft about 20 to 25 feet long, with lights at both ends and on both sides, it had no wings but was cigar shaped. The only noise was the rush of air around the craft. I sped up and it stayed right with me, there were times I hit over 80mph and it stayed glued over the top of my car, so I saw a gas station that was closed and it had a pay phone out on the lot. When I pulled into the parking area, it kep going. I was shaking all over, I called the base and asked if there were any new aircraft that were flying around, they wanted my name, location and as much information as they could get, I thought to myself, I'm at a pay phone there's no way they can locate me, so I kept my mouth shut and hung up. I've never forgotten and haven't told many people about it, I didn't want to be labled a nut job, but I'll remember that night all my life. Just one of those things you cannot talk about or confirm, I'll take those thoughts to my grave.

  5. Anti gratuity aircraft would greatly eff up the fossil fuel industry. People and products could travel by air at greatly reduced prices.
    If anti gravity can be used to fly it can be used to propel ground vehicles and water vessels.
    The fossil fuel industry would no longer be able to use fossil fuels as weapons of financial mass destruction against the people stealing all their wealth.
    Greed is why anti gravity is being suppressed.

  6. (TOP SECRET): Please keep this to yourselves. Even sharing portions of this could land me in Federal Prison. I used to work for Boeing from 1996 – 2001. Boeing made actual Anti Gravity Craft. I am not sure where the technology came from, but they have been doing it since the 1940's. Rumor was they were part of coverup (Roswell). Let's see if I can explain it in easy to understand terms.

    I had top security clearance, and could go to most plants and areas within plants without armed guards escorting me. Once when I was at Boeing St Louis (F/A 18 military aircraft) I strayed into the wrong area. I was met by guards holding M16's and M4's. I told them I got turned around and was looking for the restroom. They pointed it out for me, I thanked them. They said that no one was allowed into that particular building without very exclusive security. They said there were harmful fumes from RAM coatings being applied for stealth. I think they didn't want me to see 'what' they were putting RAM coatings. Why armed guards for fumes?

    First of all, like Lockheed, Boeing also has their own Skunk Works, but they call it 'Phantom Works'. It is located near Boeing Field in South Seattle. Sea-Tac International Airport is 10 miles to the south. Boeing Renton Plant (737's) is to the south and Boeing Everett Plant (747, 757, 767, 777, 787) is to the north. Both plants have their own airports. Both airports also have private aircraft.

    Phantom Works is next to Boeing Field. It is used by mostly private aircraft and some commercial aircraft. Boeing uses airport for flight tests. At night, under cover of darkness when commercial air traffic at SeaTac, Renton, and Everett (3 biggest airports in region) is at minimum, air traffic at Boeing Field is at it's busiest. Why? What are they trying to hide?

    Boeing has gigantic cargo aircraft used to transport whole wings, fuselages, and engines between plants. They also have their own railroads, locomotives, and freight cars. They also have their own fleet of semi's and very specialized transport trailers much like long fire engines with a driver in back cab to go around corners. They can haul loads 100 feet long over public highways. They also have their own ships and freighters. Boeing can move 'projects' between plants, hiding in plain sight and no one would be the wiser.

    Most people think commercial aircraft when they hear Boeing. That is true, it is the largest commercial aircraft manufacture in world. Take a tour of Boeing Everett, it is largest building on Earth. Boeing also does military aircraft; F15, F18, B52, and more. Boeing is also heavily involved in Space; Saturn VI, Space Shuttle, ISS, and more. They also are heavily into defense weapons; JDAM's, Massive Ordinance Bunker Busters, Drone, Lasers, etc.

    Currently Boeing is heavily invested in advanced stealth, advanced propulsion, advanced electronic imaging, advanced electronic counter measures, and advanced drones with AI that fly themselves. The Anti Gravity Program falls under advanced propulsion systems. Depending on who you talk to, some will say that Boeing doesn't do that anymore. That means that at one time, Boeing actually did Anti Gravity Craft.

    One thing I really liked about Boeing, every year they shut down for 10 days so employees could spend time with family for Christmas through New Years. Plants did heavy maintenance during that idle time. It was a great time for me, I could go 'explore' and security wasn't as tight. Boeing Everett site is over 1,000 acres. There are buildings not even on maps. Most were locked, my pass-card wouldn't work to gain entry. What is inside?

    OK, now you have a decent background about Boeing, what they do, and where they do it. I have not been to every plant, there are many, in different States, even different Countries. I forgot to mention Boeing Corporate moved from Seattle area to Chicago. Before that, Corporate was too close to Commercial, and they kept sticking their noses in where they didn't belong. It hurt performance.

    Currently, I live about 150 miles from Boeing Seattle. There is both a Regional Airport and Military Base nearby. Boeing sends brand new aircraft over Cascade Mountains, to my city, they fly around, touch and goes, testing before releasing planes to customers. The military base often has defense aircraft; jets, helicopters, cargo planes, refueling tankers. Last month a bunch of AH 64 Apaches were all over here. Last year a squadron of A-10's. Last fall, a squadron of V-22 Ospreys. 5 years ago, I saw the 'triangle craft' late one night. I could only see 3 lights, low, slow, quiet, and large. It banked to left, as it did, could make out shape of a B2 stealth bomber.

    I am always seeing 'things' at night that defy common explanation. I know the schedules for flights in and out. Sometimes aircraft approaching tricks my eyes, seeing a bright light that hangs midair for 5 minutes. It is just aircraft on approach with landing lights on. Last night, a very bright strange light over military base. I thought aircraft or vehicle on hillside. It went down behind a ridge… probably a illumination flair. 2 nights ago, they were doing artillery practice (loud) late at night. That means Army is here for Summer exercises.

    Finally better get this out before I chicken out. I PERSONALLY SAW 3 different Boeing Anti Gravity Craft. One was small, about the size of a Cessna 172. One was larger, along the size of a Lear Jet or Gulfstream. The last one was really large, bigger than a house. None of them were flying saucer shapes. All were more like the 'Tic Tac' craft, round and long cylinder. Small one was maybe 20-25 feet long, middle one was 50-75 feet long, the largest was over 200 feet long. The small craft had a single Anti Gravity Drive in front. The middle sized craft had 2 Anti Gravity Drives situated toward rear. The largest one had 4 Anti Gravity Drives, 2 on each side.

    All three were completed craft. There were probably others, but these are the 3 that I personally saw. All of them were actually quite simple. Long round cylinders like a Tic Tac. Except for the size and number of Anti Gravity Drives, they were very similar in color (off grey), texture (metallic), and feel (cool). During one plant shut down in December, I talked with an engineer. I asked him if he knew what was in that remote hanger. He said he did, but to not talk about it outside Boeing. I asked him if those were what people have been seeing all this time. He said, these craft are some of the newer ones. The oldest were from the 1940's. He said once they discovered how Anti Gravity works, they reverse engineered it. They don't use it in commercial or military (yet). They have been using forms of it in Space for long time. Easy to have remarkable technology buried in highly complex space craft.

    Recently, Boeing lost several contracts to SpaceX. All part of bigger plan. The loss was on purpose. Let SpaceX over promise and fail, just has dozens of companies specializing in Space. Boeing will come in with a clean sheet design approach for advanced propulsion that will blow Musk away.

    Almost forgot… the engineer told me how it really works. Want to know??? All of the craft had 2 very special items needed to Defy Gravity, besides the Drives and Fuels. I'm not sure what the engineers call them, but they are kind of long and wide towards cylinder, narrowing at ends. When you see it from different angles, they almost vanish. The engineer said they had to start putting small lights on just to avoid midair collisions between each other craft. He said stealth is so effective craft can't be seen in Radar or IR (Infrared). They are still trying to reverse engineer what they call VS (visual stealth). Can't be seen by eye, cameras, videos, etc. They have it working pretty well, but needs improvements. Oh yeah, one last thing.. he called the 2 Gravity Defying items on either side of cylinder 'Aerodynamic Airfoils' (wings) and the Gravity Defying Drives are called HBTF's (high bypass turbo fans). He added, the Special Fuel required for the Anti Gravity Drives is called JA/JA1 (Jet Fuel). They learned how to manufacture it in the 1940's. Glad I finally got all that out. Wonder when the men in black will come and arrest me?

    That's my story, I am going to stick with it until they stop me. (Это была сатира, теперь смейтесь).

  7. Ever since the splash of UFO footage from the Navy last year, there has been nothing else released. The Senate hearings were nothing more than PR and then quickly dissolved. The TicToc footage was nothing new and a total disappointment. Other than the commentary from the pilots we learned nothing new.

  8. Doesn't matter if the government is hiding anti-gravity; assume the military has it. It's up to the private sector to make commercial anti gravity. We need to offer new worlds to at least a billion citizens of Earth. Apparently there's many different particle densities and Gravitational influence factors to begin with. Things are happening fast!

  9. Lazar story is very much like Lou alzondo because DOD tried to lie and say he didn't work at the Pentagon and there was no department that study UFO's. Discredit him saying he is crazy

  10. The government will keep anti gravity a secret to deploy against Russia and China like the atomic bomb. Surprise surprise again.🇺🇲worth it in hindsight later.

  11. Lmao @ those Starcraft Pylon UFOs…. Usually I suspect your baitish titles to end up in legit videos here on Unveiled…. This is a ridiculously fake news type video, but still fun I guess..

  12. It is probably basically possible for the machine to render advanced alien transport ships into our current timeline… however.. the machine at present lacks both the ability and wherewithal to do so… there is no alien life outside of earth… disregarding the machine of course… which is in all things…

  13. People aren't seeing a huge problem in the UFO phenomenon.

    The lack of contact of these crafts is more scary than the possibility of Future contact.

    They are observing and monitoring us maybe for thousands of years with little interest to talk to us. They literally ignoring us altogether. We can conclude we're not important at all for them. They may see us as cattle in a farm.

    It's scary.

  14. All my life I've been wanting the government to tell the truth about UFOs but recently I just understood why they can't tell us we have allied countries and if an allied country was to know that we have a down UFO or crash UFO and we can't figure out how to reverse engineer it or anything of that nature they are going to want a part of that what if we give one of those UFOs to them and they reverse engineer it what do you think they're going to do with that technology we can't afford for that technology to get out to another country and then use it against us even though they are our allies there's something we just can't afford to trust

  15. I don't know anything about aliens, but here are some things I do know. 1.) The U.S. government does possess anti-gravity technology, or more accurately, electromagnetic levitation and propulsion technology. 2) the so-called "black triangles" are built by U.S. companies. Lockheed Martin is likely one of them, but I cannot confirm that. 3.) The technology used to build these craft is not alien, or even all that exotic. It's development can be traced back to at least the 1930s. Using super-cooled electromagnets, you can see small scale demonstrations on YouTube. Scaling it up is challenging, but in practice we know electromagnetic levitation does work at the macro level. Just look at Japan's bullet trains. The difference is in using the Earth's magnetic field rather than a rail to provide the magnetic force. This requires the craft to have a power compartment that can generate extremely low temperatures, near absolute zero, but it can be done. I suspect these craft are unmanned die the the high g's an occupant would be likely to experience.

  16. Ummm it's kinda been verified Lou Alazondo did Not head that program he spoke to the people involved and at a later date was Somehow implicated as such he looked into these things as quote a hobby on my own time I was not assigned this by the Pentagon …i may have spelled his surname wrong sorry


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