Is the Economy Mad At Us? | Mia Mulder Code: MIA 50% Off 1 Item + Free Shipping in the US & Canada. Some exclusions apply

What even is money? Why is everyone poor? Why are the rich better of than ever? I don’t know, but I sure got a rant about it!

link to the community census:

If you saw me upload a previous version with bad sound mixing, no you didn’t.

Watch some of my other videos!

What Is “The Trans debate”

How To Pass As A Woman | Mia Mulder

Why You Shouldn’t Be A Nationalist | Mia Mulder

Anti-intellectualism: “Facts vs Feelings | Mia Mulder

Sweden: Heaven And Hell | Mia Mulder

Pronouns: She/her
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00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:47 Money
00:40:04 The Stock Market
00:55:12 A Gamestop Example
01:05:05 Road Ahead
01:21:05 Invest in Mia Mulder
01:21:48 Power
01:34:43 False Ideas
01:46:38 The Left
02:24:50 Deserving
02:32:24 Outro
02:35:14 Sponsor
02:37:07 Credits


21 thoughts on “Is the Economy Mad At Us? | Mia Mulder”

  1. Amazing work as always Mia. THe economy is so scary and you made it a bit more understandable and I appreciate the hopeful bits at the end although I still remain a sceptic of UBI. I wish for a world where people can do work that has real value and is rewarded accordingly without having to work themselves to death while no one is leeching off off the work of others and those who can't work due to mental/physical issues can still live good lives, might one day come. And that is only possible if the current system isn't regarded as the best and an open dialogue about a better alternative is presented. And conversations like these is where change can start (hopefully and also if we remove the evil guys who are trying to stop such conversations because its benefitial to them).
    My solution? Scaling down the economy still feels good to me because it eases the workload and helps the enviroment and it doesn't necessairly mean less stuff for the people. If better quality stuff is made you dont have to buy as much of it so in the end you get the same value for less money. Like lets say a laptop that lasts 20 years and gets enough software support to do so is superior. Sure it could cost twice as much as the laptops made today but you dont have to buy 5 of them in 20 years. And you can apply this model to anything except food for obvious reasons. People will have less money because there will be less work but there will also need less money because the things they will buy will last longer. We just need to deprogram from a consumerist society to a sustainable one and make the capitalist realize that the profit number going up is not the best solution

  2. 2:05:01 me having been forced to wait for like five years (SO FAR) to get my teeth fixed because the work i need done requires operations that the dentist that can take my insurance only does a few times a year: 👁👄👁

    and when it's 6 months between light cleanings when you need a deep clean, an extraction, and oral surgery, in that order, and brushing teeth physically hurts. No progress is being made.

    (not to like. trauma dump or anything. it's just genuienly, unironically, funny to me when europeans go "imagine <describes my current situation precisely>" because i don't have to imagine it. what I have to do is yell at dental workers because they won't fucking listen when I say "this tooth needs to be extracted because it's injuring my tongue"

    it's definitely a "please laugh so you don't cry situation" lol

  3. love the video as a manic skimming of the various different ways politics and people manifests themselves in economic systems, however… the topic got a bit away from you i feel? certain parts were well organized {like the "company" part and the game stop part} but the entirety of the video lacked a clarifying through line. i think the video was too broad i guess. anyways this is my first video Ive seen of yours ill check out the rest of your catalogue in the coming days! thank you :}

  4. So in the US most companies just include the same insurance to all of their full time employees. It's cheaper and easier to negotiate the same offer for everyone. Generally, the offer includes a set cost for the insurance that is significantly less than you would pay on the open market because they negotiated a group rate, and they partially underwrite it. You used to need to look very closely to figure out which insurance plan was best, but since the affordable care act they are all basically offering the same three tiered plan. Sometimes unions do negotiate to get the company to underwrite more of the cost, but it's very rare for them to be negotiating whether or not to offer insurance at all. Basically, at this point insurance is so much assumed to be a part of a good job that companies feel like they have to offer it or they'll struggle with recruiting.

  5. Holy shit the fake ad got me.
    I noticed the pause, the tone, and good pavlovian dog I am, raised my finger to press skip ad, only to be puzzled by the lack of a skip button. Upon which I started hearing "Mulder" and realised how I had been played.

  6. first time watcher here, yes you do take a while to get to the point, i see that criticism, but i really don't mind at all since your tangent and examples are really interesting microcosms of their own.
    I personally really like your style of video so please ignore the haters.

  7. Building a cooperative needs funds and skills and capitalists are hellbent in you having neither of those.
    Satanland conducts only studies of UBI that are set to fail. If they were not, Satanland would indeed be a Santaland.

  8. And, as it usually happens, it is the rich who don't deserve what they get out of society. Thanks for this video. I've had so many discussions trying to push UBI and I feel this really covers all points.


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