Hey everyone Rho here! Today we’re discussing if Leman Russ is the best suited Primarch to return to the Imperium. Is he the Primarch the Emperor needs?

General Spoiler Warning to begin as the events we’re discussing today are from across the Warhammer 40,000 universe. As always I really recommend you read the stories for yourself first without spoilers! As that’s the best way to enjoy the lore for yourself! So you have been warned!

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  1. I think they should bring Russ back by maybe having the Lion or Roboute finding some instructions for a device designed for the Golden Throne that eludes to being some kind of regenerative addon machine. When they inspect the area of n the golden throne that the said device is supposed to be connected, right above it there is an insignia of a wolf’s head. Enter Russ with the “tree of Life.” Obviously the story would be told by a professional but it’s just what I would like the premise to be to get the Wolf king to come back and make sense.

  2. I’d love to see Russ back and interacting with Lion. They finally got totally cool with each other to the point Russ was totally distraught when Lion went missing. It would be cool seeing those two total badasses fighting together.

  3. Russ has been out in the warp since i got into 40k. My theory? Which nobody asked for & is highly uneducated – is that Big E was already imprisoned upon The Golden Throne when Leman recieved this vision? Far be it from me to question The Emperor but here i go: what if that wasnt The Emperor warning his son? Instead of a mission sent forth from his father, a deciet formed from the Big 4 (screw off, belakor)? If i was a god of chaos, id want my enemies executioner outta the picture. How do you do that if you can neither kill him nor turn his loyalty? You send him away on a goose chase (or in this case, grocery shopping)

  4. I can see it now…..Fulgrim is going be on verge of killing Guilliman and with his death the Imperium is going to go into a death spiral and all hope is lost for Imperium . To the rescue comes the King of the Russ to save his brother and slap around the pretty snake boi.

  5. if russ returned instead of guilliman, he could have been killed by the council of terra for trying to mess with them. guilliman instead used subterfuge to get rid of them

  6. I’m willing to be big money Dorn is on his way back. If they had any brain cells at all they would ride the nids wave properly to unleash the confrontation we all wanted. The nids suffer from the absolute worst writing. They have all the BS hacks like chaos. How can bone pierce something supposedly magnitudes harder than anything now?? They should be a overwhelming force like the xenomorphs. Anyways, Russ found his way out of the garden with the eldar god. Together they will bring back the great angel and magnus will be lured into a trap to seal the webway door forever. The big E will get off the throne just in time for the biggest threat in the ghoul stars. They could bring back everything and have a even better setting.

  7. Lion will probably ignore Bobby G and do what he thinks best but would be interesting to see how Russ reacts to Bobby. Would he accept his role as Lord Commander and essentially take some suggested directions or just go AWOL and do what he thinks best? The traitor primarchs are brought down by the fact they never cooperate and even hamper each other. Loyalists need to cooperate as that's their only edge.

  8. I just hope Russ grabs the chance to challenge the Emperor to an eating competition again now that he's been sitting inactive for 10,000 years and likely hasnt got much of an appetite.

    Strategic advantage!

  9. I think Russ has hypocrisy because he actually knows the truth about the warp. He is fully aware of the dangers, and as he knows his brothers did not, was dead set against them exploring it. He had to execute two brothers, potentially because of the warp. He would be very much against anything which might cause he to do the same to a third.

  10. Guillauman(?) Is easily the one primarch who understands the galaxy, though he himself needed to die to live? ….via belacoriois call n some dark elder, plus a lil trezon the infinite…. um gubbins, apologies about.the spellings

  11. I wonder if a primarch returns and abolish the inquisition would the grey knights fight along or against the primarch, my take is destroy the inquisitors let the grey knight remains but who knows, the old wolf would be a xool look alongst the old Lion

  12. As much as im a space wolves guy with the way the lores going I think it will be corax then the khan mean while i think the salamanders will find the last 3 of vulkans artifacts ,this is when the the phalanx is reported to have left terra orbit , some time later it is spotted in the system of the golden lions home world along with the entire bloodline of dorn handing the inqisition there arses ,only after the inqisition is purged does vulcan appeer followed by russ several months later probably to turn the tide of some huge battle that would have been lost

  13. OK so I've got an idea. The emperor was created when ancient human psykers combined their souls in the warp to create what we would come to know as the emperor. We know that at least a thousand human psyker souls are "consumed" every single day to feed the emperor's power, lighting the astronomicon and keeping the breached webway closed.

    However, what if those souls are never really destroyed? We know from lore involving Slaanesh that when it consumes souls, those souls never reincarnate.

    What if, every day a thousand more human psykers are joined with the Soul of the Emperor?

    What if the true goal of the sacrifices of "The Chosen" are to create a true God Emperor in the warp?
    What if, in order to truly save the galaxy from the chaos gods, the emperor's mortal form must die?

  14. I think Corvus would also be able to understand his father more than most of this brothers. He was extremely well trusted by the emperor and was even given access to some very highly classified information regarding the base genome of the primarchs themselves.

    With his own ascension as a warp being, his own reappearance would likely be given the same treatment so he’d definitely understand, he definitely wouldn’t like it though


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