Is Nukaworld Really That Bad?

In the words of Frank Sinatra, some folks get their kicks stompin’ on a dream. Nukaworld was meant to be a final send-off for fallout 4, as it was the final story expansion to Bethesda’s most ambitious fallout to date. The Nukaworld DLC has developed a sort of cult “unfollowing” among the fallout community despite actually not being all that bad… or is it? well let’s see if we can figure out whether it really is the train wreck that some claim it is.


49 thoughts on “Is Nukaworld Really That Bad?”

  1. I always thought it was great but would be better if they had a developed "free the slave/start a rebellion" questline instead of "go shoot em", like you could find the place, then run to Preston and bring back Minutemen for an assault or sneak in weapons to give to the slaves/sabotage or assasinate the gang leaders.

    I usually play MM so when it comes to this DLC I feel forced to just do Open season as a bland quest else I ruin my character, the vast majority of players are "good" and us being unable to really use this DLC properly I think accounts for a good portion of the hate.

  2. The complaint about lasting impact in NW is a poorly covered point. The reason why people are disappointed is because instead of REAL choice, like having a minuteman ending, the choice is "be a raider, and play the content" or "you basically dont have the content"

  3. I basically felt cheated by the fact there was no 'good' path whatsoever. My character was a good guy and I have no interest playing evil in RPG's, so I just shot Gage in the face and proceeded to clean house like it was any other (somewhat oversized) raider hole. That's all I got out of that shit DLC. Should have been a big warning line in all caps at the top of the store page "ONLY FOR PLAYERS INTERESTED IN PRETENDING TO BE A HORRIBLE C**T"

  4. I like the Nuka world DLC but I'm very disappointed that there is no option to take on The institute with the radar games and settlements that would have been really cool and a good evil ending especially if you could capture the institute instead of blowing it up

  5. Ok the thing is I see all the points everyone makes BUT nuka world gives you alot for survival play throughs. Grape and victory nuka cola, the weapons and armors. Weirdly it gets you more prepped for far habor which is to me is extremely harder for survival

  6. Yeah there's a reason I usually get a mod that lets the Minutemen take over leadership of Nuka World and they help you wipe out the raiders. Not a big fan of being a raider boss and even less making raider settlements. About the only thing I regretted was the loss of Porter Gage but you get over it eventually. About the only thing I really liked was the reintroduction of the Hubologists to Bethesda's Fallout franchise. Anyone that played all the old school Fallout games knows in Fallout 2 I believe you actually meet the Hubologists so it was a nice, "blast from the past," moment and gave you some insight on how entwined the zetans are in the Fallout IP.

    Aside from that I usually knock Nuka World out of the way to make way for Far Harbor, which is my favorite DLC. In my opinion Far Harbor is the New Vegas version of Lonesome Road, in that it ties up certain elements of the vanilla game to set up a final confrontation depending on who you sided with. Far Harbor ties it up all in a neat little bow that is almost a love letter from Bethesda themselves.🥰

  7. The only bad thing about nuka world is there wasn’t dedicated quest lines to dismantle the slave trade and kill/ take over the gangs. They could have come up with an engaging story that had multiple quests, involved gathering any army to take them out, possibly convincing some gangs to change their ways, but instead you just kill everyone.

  8. The morons at Bethesda couldn't imagine the player only supporting one of the three gangs.
    Since if you chose to do so then one of the two gangs, which you gave no turf to, will still support you in the end.
    Neither does it matter which gang you piss off.
    The differences are purely cosmetic.

  9. I loved Nuka World. It's just packed with irony.

    I always just kill the raider gangs. Which forces the gangs to behave rationally – they should see me as a threat. Fun fight!

    You can do the power plant after the raiders are dead. Then you can build one of the larger settlements in the game and clear out the theme parks.

    There are tweaks I'd have liked. You touched on them. It's still fun.

  10. I just hated the galactic zone,that and on ps4 it tends to crash alot,idk why,I'm playing vanilla,but it crashes often when entering the place,at least once every like 5 times I fast travel there,I do like the gun you get for completing it tho,it has literally unlimited ammo

  11. I'd say 6/10 is a fair rating for NW. It was made purely on trying to address player feedback to the first game in a string of bombs Bethesda has now had, so they definitely cut corners in very obvious places. It couldn't integrate well into the main game because it wasn't an option they ever planned on giving players initially, unlike the other DLC's and Far Harbor.

  12. I usually hate raiders with a passion so having 3 gangs suddenly under my control was new,different and exciting, and I embraced it.
    Smashed nearly all my previous minute man settlements and then had Preston nearly kill me and I couldnt kill him he'd just fall over cry out for meds I'd give him some he'd say thanks.
    And then get back up and go bak to tryna kill me again until he finally stopped.
    From then on he would bitch and moan about me while also saying I could never speak to him again.
    I gave him some pretty good gear I could never get bak too but.
    Gage was a great comp I was very sad when I killed him and the other leaders who had remained loyal.
    But I had done everything else and so blitzed through them all without dying.
    Gage even had his own bootleg shop and was pretty handy in a fire fight.
    I managed to save a lot of the unique nuka bots too by putting them into shut down mode usually its permanent but once the super comp is bak online it turns all the off ones bak on too nice!
    Fighting ppl coming through the gauntlet was kinda cool at one point a rouge brotherhood knight comes through with more rare armour for me!

  13. Nuka World was something I thought was missing from the vanilla game. Raiders were just enemy npcs before, but now were finally full factions.. that being said, it was also my chief complaint. They had the trappings of being unique, but when it came to mechanics, were virtually the same. You had a faction based around animals, yet they cant even feed themselves without pissing them off. No animal pens. No cannibalism. A gang that is basically organized crime, yet couldn't open gambling dens or even a poker table. They had a new gun which is fantastic, with each gangs new colors.. new armor sets.. but almost none of them had any power armor, let alone their own variants. Imagining working with the pack and getting one based around a elephant animatronic, bull rush indeed.

    Even the park itself contains secrets you'd think certain gangs would die for, but when they take them over.. its just.. over. Operators were already working on mind control, giving them the space area would make them shit their pants. The pack and the cloning lab in the park? Free fight dogs for life… but nope.. Doesn't matter what you do. Its just the same mindless npc wandering in circles.

  14. I really liked Nuka-World's environmental and level design but the story was so very weak and two dimensional, you have to follow a fixed story helping the raiders or you kill everyone, that's it. There's no depth or real choice to be found, if it wasn't for the great park segments then the whole DLC might be a total write-off.

  15. So before conquering any parks I killed All the raiders gangs because I didn't like any of them, Gage turned on me I killed him too and now Nuka world seems pretty pointless

  16. the shovel museum is actually pretty neat.

    the Handmade Rifles are based on a real AK someone made out of a shovel, using the blade for the receiver and the handle as the stock, just like in-game.

    the shovel museum is out of shovels because they all got turned into rifles

  17. It just didn’t seem like they were trying to create a believable world in Nuka World. Robots on rides that fire real lasers? A pre-war not that rewards you with bottle caps? And worst of all they find their new raider boss by luring you in with promises of heroism. The only good part was Kiddy Kingdom.

  18. The side-story seems interesting. And if I can just not do the main quest until the end of Nuka World and then do Open Season and then get Preston being okay with us, we’ll, that sounds like a plan to do.

  19. One questline I would’ve liked to have seen is the concept of actually making Nuka World a place to go to as a tourist destination again. You could side with the less psychotic raiders, slowly get the whole place working again, and then improve the lot for the slaves, eventually turning them into paid employees, letting the gangs still run things to make them happy, but basically turning them into business moguls like Mr: House did with the Strip. But no, then Bethesda would have to innovate beyond rubble filled shooting gallery.

    Also, since you did this, I guess you should do a how to fix video on it at some point.

  20. I like that I can tell just from the bits of the power plant storyline that you show that it's the Disciples who rebelled, because that's literally always who I screw over too. My biggest issue with the DLC is that once you start expanding into the Commonwealth you're playing a zero sum game against yourself. You can't (or at least I couldn't figure out how to) take over "empty" settlements that have a workbench but no settlers because they're infested with mirelurks or feral ghouls or other raiders, you've got to give settlements you've already put at least some effort into acquiring and building up to one of the gangs.

  21. This is the worst combo dlc I've seen for fallout but not as bad as atomatron, I mean no new worldsapce and using the existing map is lazy. Fallout 3 had 4 dlcs and 3 of them had unique locations, The PITT, Piont lookout, and Mothership Zeta fallout 4 gives you only 2 with Far harbor and Nukaworld so as bad as nukaworld is automatron is possibly the worst DLC for Fallout 4


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