Is Mar a Lago a secure place? Are some Republicans ready to jump ship?

Intuitive impressions of the news


34 thoughts on “Is Mar a Lago a secure place? Are some Republicans ready to jump ship?”

  1. Nov. 25, 2019
    FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. β€” A Chinese businesswoman who unlawfully made her way into President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort earlier this year with a purse full of electronics was sentenced on Monday to eight months in prison.

    Because Yujing Zhang, 33, has already been in custody for more than seven months, since March 30, she could be out in a matter of days. Judge Roy K. Altman of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida ordered her deported upon her release.

    Prosecutors had asked for an 18-month sentence for Ms. Zhang, who was convicted of trespassing and lying to federal agents in September. The short trial failed to make clear whether Ms. Zhang was a befuddled tourist or a foreign spy. *Trump was President then so Mar a Lago was well guarded then.

  2. How secure is Mar-A-LARDo? In February, 2017 Trump was hosting a huge dinner party there for the Japanese Prime Minister Abe when news broke about North Korea firing missiles. The Secret Service tried to get Trump to go into a secure room that was set up to look at spy photographs taken from the air over North Korea, and lots of other top secret information and pictures, but Trump insisted on doing it right there at his dinner table in front of everyone. People were taking pictures with their phones. So Mar-A-LARDo was never a secure place. We can only imagine what went on there from the time he bought it in 1985 for $10,000,000. He and his father both had ties to Russia going back to the 70’s.

  3. Hi Milou πŸ‘‹!
    Enjoyed the reading and giving thumbs up on all the readings. Finally finished with my second Master Degree. I am taking a break before I go and finish my Doctorate Degree. My brain 🧠 is exhausted 😩. Laughing πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Love your videos Milou! FYI: I don't think you can control your ads but, I was locked in at the start of this video to anti Democrat ads. Ugh. I have not had that happened since 2020! Watch out for bots.

  5. I believe the the FBI and DOJ are serious about this matter trump has not seen the pressure the FBI or the DOJ could apply they've been trying to give him respect and handle this with dignity it's not a game to them it's national security information that should be safe guarded.

  6. I know Garland will ream all of them a new one. He is angry, but patient, and does not emotionally knee jerk. He is brilliant.
    We know when Trump cannot win, he is jealous, vindictive, and destroys.
    Will Trump or one of his misfits, like Roger Stone, release anything criminal to take DeSatan out of the presidential race?

  7. I grew up in south Florida in Miami, The Upper Keys & Key West. I left in 1976. My brother lived there all this time and finally left in about 2018. For years, Rick Scott was Governor and then Senator. They have been destroying Florida with dumping sugar manufacturing materials. Instead of them being regulated with their dumping, Scott simply changed the amounts of poison they can dump..increasing the amount! Lake Okeechobee & the Everglades are being destroyed. Property in Florida will be worthless between poisons & flooding.

  8. DeSantis has begun profiling, arresting, jailing what HE & HIS PERSONALLY APPOINTED HEAD OF BROWARD ELECTIONS,
    is publicly stating that 2,000+ ILLEGAL VOTERS ( across THREE counties) were
    "DISCOVERED" by the 2 of them 😀😀.


    Felons !!??, what "Demographic" πŸ˜’πŸ˜ , is he REALLY TARGETING 🎯🎯 ???.

    WE. ALL. KNOW. πŸ’―πŸ’―.

    DeSantis & his Personal Law Enforcement Militia is PURPOSELY doing this, with only EIGHT DAYS before PRIMARY VOTING in Florida!!😀.

    This is POLITICAL & USING BLACK & BROWN PEOPLE who also happen to be DEM VOTERS ??

    ( πŸ‘‰as RED MEAT to incite MAGA INSANITY) is completely reprehensible πŸ’―πŸ’―.
    They all NEED to be shut down.

  9. Milou are they billing rose 🌹😳 red it.s a Steve King movie you should watch it I think you will like it great movie thumbs up πŸ‘πŸ˜€ p.s. let me know if you like it o.k.thank you πŸ˜‰

  10. Trump is still looking for who discovered his Russia connection. He had that golf game, they could have been bidding internationally on documents. He is so smart. He should I lf be brought before world court.


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