Is It Possible To Keep Up With The Fastest Animals In The World? | Wild Ones | Real Wild

Discover the incredible world of speed and agility in the animal kingdom! From the lightning-fast cheetah prowling the Savannah to the majestic galloping of wild horses, witness the extraordinary abilities of nature’s fastest creatures.

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7 thoughts on “Is It Possible To Keep Up With The Fastest Animals In The World? | Wild Ones | Real Wild”

  1. An uncle of mine ranched in the Nebraska Panhandle. He told me about a neighbor of his who chased a pronghorn on horseback for miles. After finally getting close enough, he roped it. The thing turned around, ran under his horse and disembowled it, leaving him afoot miles from anywhere.

  2. There’s a lot misleading info here cheetahs lack the power to catch any of the animals shown in the video also they are not 2 more times successful then “lions” meaning a pride they are arguably just as successful as a single male lion which the rate is probably as low as 1/10 attempts
    Running top speed got “100s “of meters is insane and misleading and they can maintain top speed for only approximately 1-5seconds


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