Is is Game Over for Zelensky? | Pakistan's Imran Khan removed at behest of the US, is Niger next?

On this Moats, George Galloway surveys the many battlefields across the world that stem back to the USA. The evidence is as compelling as Hunter Biden’s bank statement, the US told Pakistan ‘get rid of Imran Khan or it gets tough. He reflects on the official declaration that Imran Khan was removed at behest of US as the prep attacking Niger as France rejoices.

Scott Ritter: Former UN Weapons Inspector and Marine Corps Intelligence Officer, Author and Political Analyst.

Twitter: Ritter Extra YouTube:

William Sakwa: Pan-African, Anti-Imperialist and correspondent for African Stream:



29 thoughts on “Is is Game Over for Zelensky? | Pakistan's Imran Khan removed at behest of the US, is Niger next?”

  1. Russian farmers are projected to reap up to 137 million tons of grain, including 88 million tons of wheat this year, which I will talk about in more detail on my channel too, but we can already say that export capacity assessment has been raised by IKAR analysts, who predict foreign sales of grain to the amount to 61 million tons, including 47.5 million tons of wheat.

  2. I think a central problem for the Washington neocons is that they don't live in the real world but in the world of their own ideas instead. That's why they fail so spectacularly every time they attack and invade some country somewhere, for some strange reason that makes next to no objective sense. Destroying countries in order to 'save' them, is a very strange idea.

    But, at least the neocons have some kind of ideas, compared to the rest of the crowd in Washington, who don't have any ideas at all. This alone makes a tiny group like the neocons incredibly powerful, because in the land of the blind the one-eyed man, is king. It really is that simple and that bad.

    So there is no organized political opposition to the neocons to speak of, because the opposition doesn't exist, has no ideas of their own and is incredibly fragmented and weak. It's a political system that is in terminal decline and cannot be reformed from within. It's too late for that. The corruption and degeneracy has spread too far by now.

    All that will happen is a catastrophic military defeat that can't be swept under the carpet, that can't be spun away and made invisible, or turned into a victory.

    The neocons are so successful and unopposed with their propaganda, that they have convinced themselves that their view of the world is real and true and that they actually are all-powerful and the indespensible nation the natural leaders of the world. Only, when an imperial elite actually begins to believe in the truth of their own propaganda and nevermind reality, which tells a completely different story, they are doomed to failure and collapse. The tragedy is that they could drag everone else down with them in WW3.

  3. Why should it be over ?
    A tyrant like Putin with his totalitarian state should never ‘win’
    Hope Brave Ukrainians are able to secure their list territory and the war ends.
    I can only hope 🤞

  4. Excellent question at 37 minutes. Good answer from Scott Ritter. In the western nations we now live under the most powerful and corrupt aristocracy ever. The empire is going down but is becoming increasingly dangerous.

  5. Ayodele, the leader of the INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, made the statement on Wednesday after Niger’s ousted president, Mohamed Bazoum, reportedly asked Washington to intervene in defeating the military government that seized power last month. In a press release published on several local media outlets, the religious leader said, “US involvement is just a means to enslave the people of Niger Republic” and to start a “third world war, which God is against.”

  6. IK with consulted with army chief, went to Russia only to get cheap oil for his poor country , like UE does and India does! It seems what was the beef usa had here, was it ex army chief lied to them or the lobbyist Hussian Haqani lied , why not talk to IK directly , like Biden talk with Putin ?


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