Bleach: TYBW anime continues with episode 22, featuring Mayuri vs Giselle, and the return of several dead characters – including Bambietta and some Arrancar!

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Beware manga spoilers in this video!

In episode 22 of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Marching out the Zombies, Mayuri takes on Sternritter ‘Z – The Zombie’, Giselle, who summons her zombie army to fight! Old favourites return including Bambietta, several Arrancar, and even a zombified Hitsugaya! Plus, Ichigo and the others prepare to head to the Royal Palace – let’s take a look at this episode of TYBW!

Intro – 00:00
Live Reaction – 01:50

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49 thoughts on “IS HITSUGAYA DEAD!? MAYURI VS GISELLE! Bleach: TYBW Episode 22 – LIVE REACTION (Manga Spoilers)”

  1. You should def do the Pepe v Byakuya fight analysis video! I know I know lol it means you have to discuss and possibly show Gudoero but I think there are some interesting things to discuss, like Byakuya not getting brainwashed even though he was hit by Pepe's love kiss

  2. They can still keep the conversation about Orihimes outfit
    Chad is the one brings it up, asking Ichigo about it
    So they just put a flashbacl of Yoruichi and Urahara convincing her of using it

  3. Despite the cut content i like the several added scenes.

    Robert looking at Yhwach departure slowly walking towards Byakuya and Komamura scene, damn nice. We just need more scenes like that…

    also, we need to get that Roberts N reveal.

    Yhwach scene will show up later, so it's not like it's cut, they just rearanging things.

    Animation was… eh, mid like most of the time reall, nothing standed out.

    Some "new" tracks finally, did i hear "cometh to the hour" rearrangement?

    Wondering why the hell they just don't use the Jigku hen movie OST as it is very fitting, instead they are limiting themselves only to the new songs.

    Tell me if "Then We All Can Go Home" Pt. B_Opus3 or "Lucifers Dance" Pt. A_Opus1 (specifically show the titles so anyone reading that can check it) wouldn't fit to the cinematic vibe they are aiming with the new adaptation?

  4. So they're not outing Giselle as a "man" they're outing her as a trans woman. It's a really important distinction that she is not a man. (Only comfortable pushing this one bc MrTommo has always been good about this kind of thing and this is almost definitely just a blind spot)

  5. Spoilers!!!:……………………………………….

    The stitching on the Arrancars is reminicent of the effect of a certain character's Bankai, indicating that the stitching was the result of modifications made to make them stronger.

  6. Yo does anyone know the name of the track that plays when Ikkaku and Yumichika start going after Giselle? It played during Bazz’s fight with Hitsugaya several episodes ago and I can’t find the name of it anywhere. It’s so good

  7. I did miss the yoruichi jamming her arm between orihime's boob window and basically saying "ichigo come on bro, she's trying to send you a message my guy"

    Mostly because I'm really hoping that doesn't foreshadow cleaning up of God of Thunder, because oh boy is that a lot of fun.

  8. The whole chat with Inoue and Ichigo might come later, like what they did with the Kon scenes in the last season, putting the comedy at the right moment. They are streamlining what need to be together in the episode and i think they will do the same thing with the arrival of Yhwach.

  9. I don't mind the fanservice cuts, and I understand that if tone wants to be prioritized, they cut some comedic scenes, but as you said, the Chad IchiHime interaction, etc. was one of the winks at the ending and I wish they would've reworked it instead. I really hope they're not being negligent about that part of the story. Maybe for the staff it's not a big deal either because they think it's obvious anyway who are the romantic couples (although it was their very own studio misleading people with the old anime fillers and changes), or because they don't think people should care too much. But we know how fandom gets, so I do hope they don't underestimate it. Bleach romance is already quite simple and to the point, reducing it to less might be for the worst rather than for the better. But considering how much speedrunning has been done on this cour, one could wonder about them making space for more original material in future cours, I just dont' wanna get my hopes up just in case.

  10. The part where kyoraku mention that Zero division letting Ywach coming and not shoot them down, it's make the scenario more sense…
    In the Manga it looks Silly, Ichigo just Arrived and the Boss immediately Go to the sky 😅
    Now it's make sense, Zero division letting them to come

  11. One major critique I have of this episode that I hoped would be fixed from the Manga, but was instead made worse, was Yumichika casually using Hado 57 without an incantation, showing he is clearly an expert with at least that Kido.
    Previously, no member of Eleventh Division used Kido in canon.

    I was hoping Ikakku would at least look at Yumichika questioningly about using Kido, because clearly from Yumichika's actions with Giselle, Ikakku doesn't know about Yumichika's Shikai. Otherwise, Yumichika would have used it and just ended this before it began.

  12. The scene with yumichika is still really uncomfortable to me, I liked him but it's just really uncomfortable to see him out someone like that

    I love the episode overall tho it was so good, I love Mayuri and I love Giselle so I'm obviously happy

  13. My favorite moment was Charlotte calling yumichika fugly
    I still die Everytime I think of that part😂
    Then the part for his attack on bambietta
    The name was so friggin long I died along the way 😂
    I just couldn't hold it no more 🤣😂🤣

  14. I'm surprised they would let the Giselle/zombie battle have 2 episodes to breathe, but blasted through Kenpachi/Gremmy in a single episode. Even the episode vs Unohana was split (weirdly) between 2 episodes.

  15. MrTommo could you please cover the death threats that have been going out to the bleach animators and team, love and support for the makers of our favorite series its animation has been nothing but awesome and peak, surely the community wont let these imposters run wild without giving the full support to the bleach team.

  16. You know if I was yhwach, I would have exploited weakness of my most dangerous enemy and give to my soldier like this…….

    Taking a deep breath, Candice struggled to remember what she read in the Daten on Ichigo Kurosaki….

    His abilities were known to the Quincy. During the first invasion Candice would've been more than a match for the boy. A shame they didn't cross paths earlier. But somehow Ichigo had powered up so much that he was easily schooling her. She didn't know if the boy could hollowfy anymore but it didn't matter. He hadn't revealed his Bankai yet but her medallion was useless now this late in the war.

    'Wait…wasn't there a psychological profile in there too?'

    Remembering certain aspects on the report, Candice grinned. That was certainly something Ichigo couldn't have trained for when he was preparing for war. "That might work…"

    Ichigo was calmly walking over the rubble created by the fierce fighting when Candice floated down on her lightning wings. "Had enough?" he asked in his still calm manner. Her wings disappeared as she ended her Vollstanding.

    "Hardly," Candice said grinning. As she removed her cap she disengaged her bow, returning it to her heart belt buckle.. In a single flourish she whipped off her top and pulled down her short-shorts. "Like what you see, bad boy?"

    Finally, to the satisfaction of Candice, Ichigo's calm demeanor finally broke. "What…WHAT THE HELL?!" Ichigo said with his mouth gaping. "PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!"

    "No," Candice adamantly said as she continued to walk over to Ichigo. "What's the matter, Ichigo Kurosaki? You're not about to attack an unarmed, naked girl are you?" she said still grinning. Ichigo lowered his weapons, realizing he couldn't attack her like she was now. Candice grinned as she walked over to him, her hips swaying seductively with each step.

    Ichigo backed up until his back was pressed against the wall of a nearby building but Candice still advanced. She thought about using her Vollstanding and fry the substitute but decided against it. In order to kill him, she'd have to use her Electrocution and at this close of range she'd be likely to fry herself.

    Ichigo couldn't help but admire the Sternritter as she stood before him in all her glory. She had a body that matched Orihime's, with bouncing breasts and a fit, toned body. Her legs were shapely, leading up to her pink lips crowned with a patch of lime-green hair. "What are you doing?" he asked nervously. Suddenly he thought it was a bad idea to engage the woman in the first place. He never counted on this happening.

    "Oh, I just realized that I was no match for you. But I can think of another form of close-quarters combat!" Candice grinned as she pressed herself against Ichigo, taking in his blushing face. "What's the matter?" she asked as she slipped her hands into Ichigo's shihakusho. "Admit it, Ichigo. You're attracted to me, and it's not because we're both Quincies." Her face neared Ichigo's and Ichigo could feel the vibrations from her electric power as it radiated off her.


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