Is Fallout 76 Worth Playing in 2023?

i guess you could say this is my review of Fallout 76 – since Fallout 5 isn’t happening anytime soon
@ManyATrueNerd video on Fallout 76:
Also his ToTW series:


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46 thoughts on “Is Fallout 76 Worth Playing in 2023?”

  1. Fallout 3 was bad for roleplaying but overally a good enough game fallout 4 is the worst attempt at a rpg it's just a looter shooter and all the factions are down right retarded
    Fallout new vegas is what a rpg is supposed to be tried skyrim but it's just boring after a while

  2. I just disagree with you on mostly everything but the grind. The grind is annoying. But I love the quests and there are so many lore things about quests or people in quests that encurages you to actually go explore. With the map it makes sence why they have done it and is a great way to viasually show the different areas and the difficulty you will find in those. And ps, the scorced beast was made by the enclave to destabilize the wasteland. But you have to actually explore to figure that out. And it is not pay to win, the things you can buy in the atomic shop is mostly cosmetic, the scrap kits you can get for free pretty easly, and you will mostly use a workbench anyways to fix your stuff. The brotherhood questline is kinda interesting, but how can you know anything about it if you diden't even interact with it?

    I can understand the game not being for you, but in my opinion you seem overly negative without actually knowing the game well enough.

  3. What if "Im a returning gamer from the first month of this games release, curious if the current game will subsume my past rage of spending 60 dollars for this product yet and yield positive results" kinda gamer? just curious since you conspicuously forgot to mention a rather large demo in that opening question.

  4. Bro didn't read any of the lore from westek center and did tagerdy storyline nor the brotherhood dlc. All things have lore and reasons why super mutants exist and why tagerdys version of the brotherhood wasn't really mentioned. They got absolutely wiped off the map from the scorched. Maxon lost contact with them shortly after they took their fort defiance I think it's called

  5. I've played it for a bit recently and it's actually quite fun but I wouldn't really play it solo. I was running around with my brother and my friend and we were just fucking around, doing some quests and having fun. We also just kept doing the Mothman events.

  6. Started 76 last year and am a huge 4 fan. The game is fun and imo worth a play if you like FO games. It has it’s cons like everything else but it’s been enjoyable so far. I’ve also played the whole time co-op which made it more enjoyable since you get to share the experience.

  7. It's not that hard as you describe it. You talk from the perspective of a new player that invested only 50-100 hours. Idk, you sound a bit spoiled. To answer your video title from my professional perspective 3k hours + and 6 min/max characters, fo 76 is worth every second of playing. Also next time, before doing such videos, try to play the game a bit longer before doing conclusions (is it worth).

  8. SUMMARY ON TOP (sorry, but I'm not editing down my diatribe. So, for those who don't have the time or interest, here's the summary)
    **Your opening statement about players with no experience in Fallout trying FO 76, I COULD NOT DISAGREE WITH YOUR MORE. (sorry to "shout" but I just had to say it that way).** Read on if your are interested in my Three Reasons Why….

    Most people who seem disappointed in FO 76 seem to in all truth want "Fallout 5," IMO. Fair enough. But this is an MMO, and for that reason it simply can't be Fallout 5 ish.

    Others complain about grinds…. I don't see that but I will try to "feel your pain." I find more than enough to do in FO 76 to have never felt the grind thing.

    Important Background: I'm in my mid 60's and hardly ever played video games…. until FO 76. It's a game that I really love, and it's essentially the only game I play. FO 76 opened up a whole new world for me. Two worlds, actually. MMOs and the world of Fallout. So, yeah, I'm pretty passionate about FO76 and I really am sorry about all of the "shouting" but I am living proof that for a lot of people, even old F@rts like me, FO 76 IS GREAT GAME FOR People new to all things Fallout.

    Now for the THREE REASONS WHY….
    Again, sorry to "shout" but let me give you all three reasons why FO 76 is a great game for "newbies' like me.
    1) Compared to other MMO type games the SPECIAL resource management, and a lot of other game mechanics, are much more straightforward. My source for this opinion? Adults (who live under my roof, actually) who not only play a lot of games, but are developing not one, not two, but three video games of their own… are my sole data source on that one. So, let the reader decide for themselves. I'm just saying, these "experts" are super into games and into game mechanics, if only to feed their hobby–developing their own video games. I believe them when they say SPECIAL etc. is much easier in FO76 than in many other similar games.

    But as a caveat to FO 76's SPECIAL, I waited till about level 100 until I got serious about managing SPECIAL. I was having so much fun exploring, reading lengthy (to me) terminal entries and other lore—- and following the main quest line– that SPECIAL didn't matter much to me. Now, I have a shotgun SPECIAL load, and a Heavy Gunner load, and a Crafting load and a Sniper load…. Heck I just yesterday created a Melee/knife Special Load. Works great!! I have a lot of SPECIAL loads and I love nothing more than tweaking my loads for this or that situation and then "one shoting a boss" or, well kind of…. but, anyway…. I love SPECIAL. I admit it was a 'hard part do later' aspect for me.

    But that's the point: I can get a lot out of FO 76 by *ignoring* aspects of the game that I'm not ready for, or that just don't interest me. I'll (maybe) pick up those aspects of game play later. Example: I don't play bloodied or unyielding. But maybe some day I will! It's fun to know that I have options. Also, I rarely drop a nuke. That might change…. or not.

    And don't get me started on CAMPS. I have loads of ideas, and some day I'll implement them. I sort of have an ok CAMP. But building up one or more CAMPs where I really push the style and décor is something to look forward to. CAMP in FO76 is way the h3ll better than FO 4 IMO. I dabbled in FO 4 (post FO 76) and I might go back. Might not. FO4's quest line–and choices–is super intriguing, and it is better than FO 76's, for sure. H3ll, FO NV is definitely on my bucket list. Talk about interesting choices and consequences!

    But, as noted by numerous experts, you simply can't have an elaborate, consequences based quest line in an MMO. Certainly not on a FO NV level! It's not possible. Fallout 76 is not Fallout 5, and that is what has disappointed so many people who, truth be told, they want Fallout 5.

    Anyway, the settlements etc. in FO 4… meh… I like FO 76 way way better. I just wish that Bethesda would make it abundantly obvious how much CAMP budget an item takes up. They need to create an official system using "flamingo units" or "teddy bear units" (if I lost you, Google it. Cool stuff). That way serious CAMP enthusiasts can know exactly how to manage their CAMP budget, vs relying on guess work like they do now.

    NEWBIES can always build a simple CAMP now (as I did) and get into serious CAMPS later, if they want. Or not.

    I have a lot of freedom on FO 76. Freedom to explore anywhere I want (unlike the old linear games I dabbled with but lost interest in). And I have freedom to ignore any and all aspects of FO 76 that I am not ready for or just don't care about. AND>.. unlike, say, No Man's Sky (a game that I'm struggling to keep interest in), in FO 76 I don't need to master a huge load of stuff before feeling like I'm getting some fun out of the game. Case in point: My first ever public event was Tea Time. I'll never forget how cool that was to be there with these amazing players! And they were all so cool! They even let me "tag" enemies galore vs just mowing everything down before I could get in a hit. I'll never forget Tea Time. I was like a level 6 or something. Very early in the game. It was a rush!

    But that a segue to my next, perhaps most important, point……

    2. The Community on FO 76 is SUPER SUPPORTIVE OF NEWBIES…. they helped me, now I'm always eager to help others. Personally, I LOVE IT when I see a sub 20 player who gives off the vibe that they are a true beginner (and not a veteran who just spun up a new character).

    Gaming Experts galore marvel at how "non-toxic" the FO 76 community is. That has certainly been a huge drawing factor for me. For instance, I had absolutely now idea what "griefing" was until I stumbled across a YouTube video, kind of like the following:

    3. Unlike other games that I have tried to play and lost interest in, I found that in FO 76 even a new player gets some pretty cool instant "gratification."

    I found a lot of gratification in just simply finding and then entering the first place that a faithful follower of the Main Quest Line will follow. D@mn! just getting there in one piece was super rewarding! I'm saying that from literally the very beginning of my foray into all things Fallout I was intrigued, excited and admittedly a little confused. But sorting out the confusing parts (resources, mainly) was a reward unto its own.

    Also, very early on in my experience with FO76 I could jump into these really cool things called "Public Events." My first ever experience was Tea Time. I was like Level 6 or so. So many players, doing this together! wow! The amazing things they could do. Like one-shot any and all enemies. But so supportive! They let me "tag" so many enemies so I too could get in on the looting. They could have mowed everything down in very short order. But they didn't. Cool! Please refer back to Point 2 for details.

  9. I platinumed this game on a side account while I waited for my main to get unbanned. I want to go back and do it again but I remember the Grind killed me. Also if it wasn't for bumping into veteran players to give me ammo then I wouldn't have finished the game

  10. It's a MMORPG like game that can be "beaten" in less than 150 hours. There is simply not much content or room for character development. It's also terribly balanced.

    It was an enjoyable, but short experience.

  11. I think the games biggest flaw is how confusing and ilogical it is at times. An example would be how the anti armor legendary effect is universal and also usually still performs better against robots than troubleshooters which is specifically and soley meant for robots. Also the game is weird in the fact that it shows yellow damage numbers when hitting the head of a robot as if it is the weakpont but you actually do the least damage against their heads and the most if you go for ther combat inhibitors. Its just very hard to deduct how to tackle situations in this game without actively putting in some research and boring work into learning how to best play it and follow a certain meta because the game itself doesn't really explain its mechanics at all. This game is a lot of fun if you know what you are doing but the finding-out bit that comes before is the frustrating part

  12. I play Solo. The game is addicting because there are always things to do, it took me days to come up with my ideal perk load out, spent a lot of time looting and selling excess loot, and I'm always visiting other camps to see what they got for sale. The events are also fun, well some of them are but atleast you get rewards out of them. Then there's the whole camp building aspect that you'll spend a lot of time personalizing and engineering, the activities never end.

  13. The Appalachian chapter not being mention is easily explained by what happens in the brotherhood quest. They were either presumed dead or their names were erased from the scrolls because of what Rahmani does. While the super mutants are explained fine, I do agree that they should have never been there tbh.

    To be honest, the lore of this game is significantly more in depth and better written than you are giving it credit for. Specifically, the pre war lore and the various stories about the initial survivors. It is some of the best written lore in the franchise imo.

  14. The brotherhood was formed by Eldar Maxam prior to the war because westtek were making supermutants. He was declared traitor for executing all the scientists in the facility. Then the bombs fell before the army arrived to deal with him and his troops. There aren’t many cannon conflicts here, they are hardly going to discuss a chapter in fallout 1 of a faction that died 170 years eariler. The idea of other westtek and Vault Tek aren’t doing shady stuff given that’s the whole point of the vaults is a bit of an odd position. Hell, seems like Vault Tek literally started the war.

    The other issues about gameplay and monetisation are valid.

  15. Tbh no game is trash over 100 times I was farming scortch beast or whatever his name is and game has crashed so many times I lost count of there wasent all the crashes maby but it's clearly broke


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