Is Evolution Coming to Palworld? | How Would it Work?

Would Evolution be a welcome system, or one that will cause conflict?

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38 thoughts on “Is Evolution Coming to Palworld? | How Would it Work?”

  1. I wouldn't mind having evolution lines like in other monster-taming games. Making a super mode would make it enjoyable for gameplay where they can transform thanks to a device the Tamer wears. Still, it would have limits, and to advance and customize it, you will need to upgrade it, thus giving a Pal different abilities and power-ups.

  2. I don't think evolution would add anything to the game really. Part of the uniqueness of Palworld is that the Pals don't evolve. What I wouldn't mind is more advanced pal equipment like a longer lasting or more powerful Foxpark flamethrower.

  3. I like a mega like evo system, tie it to a craftable item using paldium, pall essence, and boss drops and have it set to a cool down so you have to pick and choose when and where you want to use it

  4. Palworld doesn't need evolution imo. One of the good things about not having evolutions is that you don't have to give up a form you might like better visually for a stronger stat pool. Like how people think Haunter is cooler than Gengar.
    What I really think Palworld could use is slight texture differences to make each pal a bit more unique but I say that for every game lol

  5. I personally could take or leave the evolution mechanic, I find the games monster system fine how it is. If they were to add an evolution system, than I suggest they aim at the pals who clearly have an evolution in game already, such as the paca’s and king paca like what gym leader Ed stated in video

  6. Only reason people are speculating about evolution is the fact some monsters looks like an evolved form to another like the penguins you mentioned in the video but I don’t think the game needs this mechanic

  7. I'm not opposed to a few of the weaker pals getting evolutions to make them more easily retain helpfulness in the late game but I think it would be more interesting to expand on the elemental subspecies the game has. Adding more pals with subspecies and the ability to create consumable to change a pal between its two forms, making one more combat focused but with less utility, could be an interesting take on an evolution-like system that leaves players with a choice that doesn't necessarily make the pal better in every way.

    For example "evolving" an Incineram into Incineram Noct could give it increased stats for combat but you would lose the type advantage against ice/grass pals, gain a weakness to dragon, and would no longer be able to cook or smelt at base. Alternatively "evolving" an Incineram Noct into Incineram could make it more helpful at base and against grass/ice pals but its stats would be lower making it worse battling against anything it doesn't have a type advantage against and it would become weak to water pals.

  8. I think palworld doesnt need mega or normal evolutions, which is weird to say since im such a sucker for evolutions and dont really like fusion systems or the like. It feels really good with the pals the way they are and I kinda see similar looking pals as more convergent evolutions (as in the sciencey way) than needing to be in the same evolutionary line (game mechanical way).

    Great video as always, Ed!

  9. "Evolution" in Pal-World, if it ever get's included, should be something similar to the Scyther-Scizor evolution or temporary mode changes: different allocation of stat points/traits, but not more points. Wanna hit harder? Okay, but now you're slower.

  10. Idm if they add it at the same time there doesn't seem like alot that would evolve mega would be cool i just dont see the point bc of how strong they are already either way it'll be cool so idm

  11. I think it's fine without the mechanic, honestly makes it different from some other games in the genre. Also makes the player have to think how to best use each pal since there aren't stronger forms of a weaker pal beyond the "boss" variants.

  12. I would say that rather than more evolutions, doing some breed combinations could give us specific special breeds, like with Eugenics beyond just hunting for traits, which you can bother with later. But yeah, a mega evolution-adjacent mechanic would also add to the roater, too. I mean, Pokémon alsp has Form Change mechanics which are NOT evolution, and thoaae can change BST, type combinations and, in some cases, abilities and/or weight class, not just the visuals like size and shape. Move pools can also change for some forms, IIRC. Basically. There is a lot that can be derived from Pokémon than just evolution mechanics.

    … that, and the fusion system can always be expanded on with the above stuff.

  13. Not having evolution didn't bother me. I can understand why people like evolution but I also like the idea of quality over quantity. Games like Monster Racers for the DS didn't have evolution and I liked most of those designs. If I like the way a mon looks then I get to keep it the way it is without it being weaker than a form I don't like.

  14. I think I'd prefer more crossbreeding. New variant forms and maybe hybrids that are stronger than their two original pals. Like maybe a daedream dazzi crossbreed that arcs dark energy between enemies (like lightning) or a Wixen Katress version of the two that is flavored as "the result of a forbidden bond. It is ostracized by both sides of its ancestry"

  15. I actually like Palworld as it is with no evolutions. Sure, some pals with a partner skill that has a temporary evolution but no more than that imo. The game is designed in a specific way that it works without evolution.

  16. Im fine with evolution not being part of Palworld. At the same time, if they do do it, thats cool too. Im okay with the element variants for now. The only thing I hope, is that they find a different way create variations for pals other than make them bigger. Alphas are just bigger pals. Luckies are just bigger pals, and they dont even sparkle anymore after you catch them. And honestly the bigger pals are kind of an eyesore in the bases.

  17. I think that making a type shifting device would be best for altering 'mons, rather than just shoehorning in a mechanic that wasn't there to begin with. Make certain 'mons able to change their type via some sort of device rather than having separate entries in the 'dex for X'mon having entries in each element and making more 'mons that are different altogether. Perhaps make a trait that says this 'mon is malleable and thus can be type-shifted.

  18. I'm totally fine with evolution not being a thing in Palworld. On one hand, it would make a lot of pals pointless and easily forgotten; without it they all feel more unique. On the other hand (and I'm probably going to get hate for this), I feel like a lot of people are requesting it on the discord because they want Palworld to be "rebound pokemon" and don't really think about what the mechanic would actually bring to the game. Evolution also kind of reduces the number of pals since most people aren't going to stick with "low tier" pals; i.e. how many people stick with Bulbasaur over Venusaur, outside of challenge runs? So…I'm fine with the game not having it.

    If there were a temporary evolution, like how mega-evolution works, that would be interesting, since it's basically just another form of the same mon. But that's pretty much the only thing I'd be on board with.

  19. If evolution ever got included, I'd like to think that it'd be potentially because of the Pal Genetic Research Unit in one way or another. Though probably a lot more dangerous than the Pals they originally evolved from, so much so they might cause tons of damage if left unchecked.


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