Is China's New TYPE 003 Aircraft Carrier Vunerable To US Surprise Strike? (WarGames 76) | DCS

*NOTE at 3:25 I show the wrong notepad file!


0:00 Overview
1:00 Example Updates To Chinese PL-15 Missiles
5:20 Fight Details
12:50 Predictions
13:42 FIGHT! Attempt 1
44:55 FIGHT! Attempt 2


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40 thoughts on “Is China's New TYPE 003 Aircraft Carrier Vunerable To US Surprise Strike? (WarGames 76) | DCS”

  1. I am still amazed so many American think they are still able to fight against anti warship ballistic supersonic missile. Jesus. Ask your professor in MIT and cal tech how to ace your physics and EE class. Why the American president use national power to ban Huawei ? Use your brain. And US is gradually losing semicon fab ability to SK and Taiwan. How Chinese is catching up to intel’s garbage 10nm ++ broken process

  2. Really? I'd suggest you get your facts right again, and now go learn all about Chinese destroyers. You really do need to stop with your complete fabricated lies that you can't ever back up with anything factual, real, in existence today, or anything else. It's like reading the thoughts of a pubescent teenager without a clue.

  3. This goes both ways. China is more likely to have massive numbers of cruise missiles to overwhelm American defenses to sink one US carrier. They will launch hundreds, if not thousands at once.

  4. Can you do a naval battle where one carrier group vs. another carrier group each has it's country's best historical battleship with it, BUT aircraft can only attack aircraft; ships can only attack ships. Any self-propelled munitions would be considered aircraft for the purposes of this exercise (except torpedoes, but I'm guessing DCS doesn't include torpedoes).The winner is determined when either all of one team's aircraft or enemy ships have been eliminated. Ship ramming and kamikaze behavior from aircraft strictly forbidden.

  5. @Grim Reapers. It seems you make a lot excuses on why you can't improve the American fleet and spare no expenses trying give every advantage and shadow of doubt towards the Chinese. The U.S. has advanced Classified AIM120D? fielded and you best believe that missile will be able to match be better than its adversary. Let's do a little more research and not cater to your bias programmers in China.

  6. Can you get the Ticonderoga's to launch TLAM's at the S400 at the start of the mission. If nothing else it will burn through a few missiles weakening the S400 ability to attack the Super Bogs?

  7. Also in real life, not all of those hornets would be in A-G mode, they’d have plenty of A-A hornets too along with the EA-18 growler which would destroy the radars of enemy aircraft radar and enemy ground radar, rendering the vehicles useless, but alas we do not

  8. Would it not be possible for the F-35s to launch with external fuel tanks, but otherwise in their Stealth config? Basically, draw from the externals to get off the deck and at least as far as to where the Chinese L-band radars would pick them up anyway, then dump them and be stealthy? I am not sure how the pylons work in that regard, but it should provide both increased range and not mitigate their advantage of stealth.

  9. wait until China has the type 004 that will be nuclear powered and as big as the gerald r ford class, with J-35 stealth jets and j-15's
    the their type 005 supercarrier will be bigger than all other carriers, now and in history, it will be 110,000 tons and 1100 feet long with a 275 foot beam and 100 fighter jets and also many type of helicopters, China is going to have 4 carrier strike groups tgat include the type 075 and 076 LHA ships, and also the type 071 LPD, meaning their carrier strike group packages will include the equivalent of an American strike group plus an American expeditionary strike group and an amphibious ready group into one carrier strike group task force, and one of their carrier strike group task forces will have 2 carriers, the 2 regular sized non-catobar ski-jump aircraft carriers, so in 15 years China will have 4 x carrier strike group task forces that include a supercarrier, 3 x type 055 cruisers, 4 x 52 destroyers, 2 x type 075 LHA ships, 1 x type 076 LHA, 2 x type 071 LPD, 4 x type 056 corvettes, and 3 x attack submarines to each carrier strike group task force of a mix of type 093 & 095 class submarines, and also a bunch of fleet replenishment ships, auxiliary ships, mine layer/sweeper ships, intel ships and other specialized type ships per carrier strike group task force!

  10. This is not a realistic US strike package. The most obvious flaw is there would be an initial wave of naval attack Tomahawks and TLAM-Cs (launched from the Arleigh Burkes) targeting the destroyers and shore defenses. Then there would be another wave (probably only minutes behind) of F-22s to get the AWACS and any CAP. Lastly there would EA-18s conducting SEAD with HARMS (like the Ukrainians are doing now to beat the S-400). And no way would the strike give up the stealth advantage of the F35s, which could be loaded with JSMs internally. Only after all that would you have F/A-18s as cleanup.

  11. A more realistic US strike would be a joint strike with airforce and navy. The first wave before the f18s would be f22s and f15s or f16s to throw aim120s at the wall and hope enough sticks.

  12. The probelm i have with type of simulation is A) The chinease and russians or notorious for embelishing the actual real world capabilities of their equipment. B) The united states has 50 years of naval combat expecience. Youve basically shown a navel air power equivalent of a classic 1700 musket battle. Especially with your prediction of the F35. Our stealth pilots( f22 and f35) flying strategies are so unique, they are restricted from showing "allied" partner forces our full capabilites, and have to fly more vanilla.

  13. Going up against practically brand new SAM systems and modern aircraft in unstealthy F-35’s? Would definitely have to disagree, though If you’re gonna give them that config at least switch out the two AIM-120’s on the wingtips for 9X’s, especially since there’s nothing to show that the F-35 CAN carry AIM-120’s there.

  14. I feel the CSG was underutilized here. The Tico could have a ton (up to 122 with the exclusion of everything else) BGM-109 tomahawks. That's over 200 cruise missiles from the cruisers alone. There are usually a couple of DDG Burkes in there as well bringing the max total of tomahawks over 400. If you target the airfield and the S400 with the hawks and move the CSG to 200nmi off shore you will eliminate the fuel issue. you will also completely exhaust the anti air capability of the Chinese. With the only air threat being the Chinese airframes that were actually able to launch, the f-35s in stealth config could mop up or at least draw them into SM-2 range. The Super Hornets would have the ability to take off and loiter since they only have 30ish miles to fly before deployment. Once the 109s were in flight the E2 could ingress a bit under cover of the 35s to get a better picture of the action.

    I love these wargames and I like big booms. I'm an American but if we lose fair and square on here then so be it. I think this was less of a chess match and more of a bum rush. The US left a ton of capability on the table here.

    Keep up the good work Cap and crew!

  15. In reality they'd probably use attack subs against carriers, or AGM-158C until the JSM is officially deployed, either of which I doubt anyone actually knows the realistic capabilities of. The problem with all stealth questions in DCS is that it has to model very complicated systems into preset values based on the best guesses of actual parameters.

  16. Taiwan has been ready for China more than 50 years. They are more wealthier than Ukraine and they can do more damage to China than what Ukraine is doing to Russia. I wouldn’t be surprised that I hey have long range missile that could reach Beijing. They’re not going to let Beijing know what they have for Beijing to counter.

  17. Stealth for the F-35s has to be the way to go. Less weight, less drag, more fuel. Plus, let Simba and another pilot go out ahead in stealth mode and try to take out the Chinese AWEC before the rest of the fighters come in. I think you'll get a very different result.

  18. Send 1/2 F-35 in Stealth, the other are decoys and shooting Missiles to cause Chinese to maneuver. For the F-18 reduce the number of missiles by 2 to allow for greater speed and range before required launch. You will still likely have enough missiles to overwhelm the port's air defenses. .

  19. One of the last drills I participated in while in the Navy was a simulated attack on mainland China, our simulations had 12 stealth aircraft as hunter killers completely stealthed timed to arrive as 2 SSGN would pop up and fire antiship missiles from the North and South, hitting all the ships outside the harbor with co-ordinated missile and torp attacks with the main "bomber" fleet of aircraft coming in after the fleet of Chinese defenders were sinking to launch the attack on the harbor just after. We had simulated 10 b52Hs launching from Japan and using 20 advanced cruise missiles back then of about 300km, today iirc we have some capable of 1000km range. I think the JASSM-ER has 1000km range. Its warhead is almost 1000lbs. The XR is doing trials now I think, and has 1800-2000km range.

    The biggest thing about DCS is it assumes that everything is 100% combat ready, China and Russia were not well known for having the best maintenance history. No one else flies as much as our military so we have far more experience so expert vs expert would not be realistic. Without DCS having subs all naval battles are gimped since most of our modern naval doctrine includes attack subs and SSGN subs to saturate a target and take out the defenders from within their home base. That means each SSGN could launch 150 Tomahawks and a fair number of mark 48 advanced torpedoes. Then each of the Navy ships would use their missiles too…

  20. I think that the IDF has shown the supremacy of the vaunted S-400 system is nothing but smoke and typical russkie propaganda. I believe in a real world scenario, a coordinated strike package of a US carrier group, two or three Virginia class subs, a squadron of B-2s supported by Japanese based Raptors would make very short work of the entire PLA navy and it"s operational structure.

  21. But the 003 isn't finished. They just launched it. You can see in the videos that it's completely empty on the inside. They will be lucky to have it built and tested within 5-6 years if they can even get the launch system to work. It's just a giant piece of scrap metal at this point.

  22. Another awesome video, but a bit of mix feelings as Shanghai is my birth city. I need to point out glaring issue is Shanghai harbour is full of skyscrapers, the entire city of 21 million ppl mostly lives in high rise buildings. Those low flying cruise missile would have hit multiple buildings before they even reach it.

  23. Cap – it would seem that one minor modification could radically change the outcome. USN may send a stealth squad to take out AWACs, giving the murder F35s and bugs enough time to get in close and fire off their missiles.


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