Ireland Will Restrict Rights For The Common Good

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33 thoughts on “Ireland Will Restrict Rights For The Common Good”

  1. The criticism is all wrong. Just ask the Irish why they fought so hard against the English… they know why… then ask how these current Irish tyrants are any different.

    Wars and bloodshed for the chance to be enslaved by their own people? Doesn’t sound right does it?

  2. Aaaand…. It's another women in parlement who say stupid things again. I'm at this point not a misogynist, due to the fact that it almost always women in higher position saying things like this. It's almost similar to how women in the middle class or ordinary citizen position turned gym into thirst trap den

  3. If it was one of her kids among the ones that were stabbed to death, would she be singing the same song right now? Perhaps. Never underestimate the self loathing of leftists, and specifically the white ones.

  4. On top of this, if you find really stupid reasons to jail people it makes them much more inclined to do things worth going to jail for if they have some incentive to act. (If complaining about some miscreant has the same penalty as leaving them a cripple… It seems logic dictates that if they're going to be in trouble, then escalate to where the penalty is proportional.) So these politicians are digging a bigger hole than they realize.

  5. I've went from being classical Liberal to criticizing the modern left to being a out right conservative in the time span of 1 month. Seeing the left defend holocaust dog whistles and HAMAS vlags and calls for Jihad on our streets. They went full fascist. This is becoming nuts.

  6. All laws do restrict freedom.
    Laws reversing other laws are just modification of existing law.
    She is correct but the conclusion should be that feelings are not justification to pass new laws.

  7. We are not Restrict freedom , ok we Restrict some freedom , now it's the step 3 we Restrict for the common Good .
    And if they manage do it then next years will be step 4 , Freedom is illegal and what you gonna do about it little peasants 😈😈

  8. Hitler said that they should limit jews and other groups freedom for the greater good of the people. Now they say they will restrict every person's freedom for the greater good. How bad do you think this will end up?


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