Iraq war: 'The media ended up being lapdogs, not watchdogs' | UpFront

In the run-up to the invasion of Iraq 20 years ago, United States President George W Bush’s administration and its surrogates went into overdrive, pushing the narrative that Iraq, and its leader Saddam Hussein, posed an immediate and significant threat to the US, and the world.

Most of the media in the US and the UK uncritically repeated dubious claims about weapons of mass destruction and possible links to al-Qaeda, claims that were thoroughly debunked in the months and years that followed.

So how complicit was the media in selling the Iraq war to the public in the US and the UK? And has the press learned any lessons from past failures?

In an UpFront Special, Marc Lamont Hill is joined by publisher and editorial director of The Nation magazine, Katrina Vanden Heuvel; founder and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, Norman Solomon; and former chief political commentator for the Daily Telegraph, Peter Oborne.

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20 thoughts on “Iraq war: 'The media ended up being lapdogs, not watchdogs' | UpFront”

  1. could it return something to iraq to acknowledeging the blunder absolutely but not worth noting is media is puppet through out his origin even today a sad reality of mortal world.

  2. The comments here equating Ukraine to Iraq and Afghanistan are delusional. Ukraine is a chance for US to redeem itself, not another repetition of its imperialist fallacies.

  3. Media in west is used to manipulate masses. Jewish zionist movement created this system called "agenda setting". That's why they do everything required to control media. They are training hindu fascist movement called hindutva in doing the same. Therefore western media and Indian media today are completely working for zionist and hindutva fascist agenda.

  4. I was shocked when I saw pictures of the destruction and the tears of the Iraqui people. All because of lies told by Bush, Cheney, Rice, and Rumsfeld. Warmongers are running the show now in D.C.

  5. The US invasion number 2 of IRAQ was not justified, and the shock and awe assault probably was a war crime. However, when other countries like Russia invade a country, they often site the US invasion of Iraq …. just because the US did it does not make the invasion of Ukraine ok. That would be like a rapist and murderer sitting other rapists and murderers as a justification.

  6. How US media sold the Iraq war is how they're selling the Ukraine war now. Maybe some of those 'journalists' will start apologising 10 years from now. I really don't mind US and Nato committing all types of international crime just to stay as the top most powerful influence. But please do NOT do it in the name DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM & JUSTICE!

  7. I remember arguing with two local journalists about the US-Iraq invasion, of course they were journalists and knew better, but something about the invasion never sank in well with me over the years. I knew from reading elsewhere that there was no WMD and stood firm from that day that the invasion was illegal and was supported by global media.

    Shame, how all the conspiracy theories and public assumptions about the media are being confirmed daily by the misreporting and profit over lives.

  8. A cynical conclusion I draw from the political impact on mass media is: if you want to be a well-off reporter, don't report the bad; if you must report the bad, don't report them onshore but offshore.


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