Introducing A Golden Retriever Puppy For The First Time! (Cutest Ever!!)

This is the first time Phil met Jessie and the first interaction with any of the pups 1 on 1. Their little tails wagging are adorable, Jessi has a bigger tail than Phil haha. Phil is so calm trying to contain his excitement but its the fastest we’ve seen him get up in a long time! Jessie was slightly unsure but comforted throughout, they’re all really brave in the pack but that would be too much for Phil. Phil loves all animals and people and it’s adorable to watch his happiness wag through that skinny little tail of his!


37 thoughts on “Introducing A Golden Retriever Puppy For The First Time! (Cutest Ever!!)”

  1. Phil look very handsome in his sweater
    First time here😊
    He looks like an ederly puppy 😊
    looks like he has arthritis,I can understand the stiffness 😖 my fur baby and I have arthritis too!
    Sweet boy with the puppy😊

  2. Ahhh, so sweet. The volume on my phone doesn't work cause I'm in the hospital, but please, please, PLEASE cut the nails of the dog in the sweater. That is so very painful for an animal to have to walk around on their nails like that. Any caring owner should never neglect their pets nail trimming.

  3. Oh Phil is so Lovely Bess Him XXXX 😍 ❤️ 💕 I am so sorry that he's lost all his fur.Jesse is a cute little fur Baby and Phil is a very cute big fur baby XX I ❤️ Love ❤️ him the most XX He's such a Beautiful Angel XX 💖💖

  4. First time viewer, now Subscriber! Phil is an absolute love!! Is he okay? I see the patches of hair missing. Genuine msg. I'm researching what dog would fit me best and a Malamute is one of them.


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