Intern Catches HUGE CATFISH, NOODLING! Catch, Clean, Cook – Rodeo Time 339

Dale takes Kevin and Jorden to Hannah and Jeff Barron’s to try noodlin’ for the first time. Will they chicken out or will they catch big fish?

Thanks for watching ol son! Please comment and text me “Special Offer” to (940)353-0890! Also my apparel line


20 thoughts on “Intern Catches HUGE CATFISH, NOODLING! Catch, Clean, Cook – Rodeo Time 339”

  1. Hey Dale, next go around with new interns, see if you can get one from Great Brittain, a city kid. The juxtaposition of culture and accent would be funny. Teach 'em how we do fish & chips!

  2. I felt bad once I caught a catfish here in NorCal, and my buddies dad told me to put the nail through it head. The sucker kept moving around as I skinned it and filleted it. The next morning it was still swimming in circles out in the water. Damned thing refused to die.


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