Serial killer marries six women, only two survive

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Some might say Thomas Randolph was unlucky in love. Others might suggest there was something amiss about his marriages. Thomas wed six times, but four of those women died.

In May 2008, Thomas and his wife, Sharon, walked into their suburban Las Vegas home, and Susan was gunned down in her own hallway. Thomas ran in after her and claimed he saw a masked intruder, so he chased after and shot at him.

Sharon and the intruder, Michael Miller, are both dead.

Detectives turned their suspicions to Thomas, especially because he stood to cash out on a nearly $400,000 life insurance policy. They started digging into his past and learned about the deaths of his other wives. Two potential hit men reportedly came forward and told authorities Tom allegedly hired them to kill his first wife and third wife.

One of his wives, Becky, died in 1986 from a gunshot wound to the head, and officials initially declared her death a suicide. But that would change.

Soon enough, Thomas collected the life insurance policies he took out on Becky. About two years after she died, a man named Eric Tarantino alleged Thomas asked him to kill Becky. Thomas was arrested for Becky’s murder, and while behind bars, he reportedly tried hiring someone to kill Eric.

Thomas was eventually acquitted of killing Becky, but he pleaded guilty to tampering with a witness regarding Eric Tarantino.

Police eventually arrested Thomas and charged him with Susan’s murder. He finally went to trial in 2017 and was convicted of killing Susan and Michael Miller. Then, he was sentenced to death.

Thomas’ attorneys appealed the conviction and argued prosecutors should not have brought up Becky’s death during the trial. In December 2020, the Nevada Supreme Court overturned the guilty ruling and the death sentence.

Let’s take a look back at the case of a Las Vegas man who was spared the death penalty.


48 thoughts on “Serial killer marries six women, only two survive”

  1. The word of God says that love covers a multitude of sins [ all sins, open for people to see and sins that we keep in secret ]. Jesus gave His life as the ultimate example of unconditional love.

    All we need to to is repent. [ decide not to do, think, believe our sin ] and ask for His forgiveness. Ask Him into your life [ sincerely ] and watch Him begin to change things. You will live a blessed life of FREEDOM from the effects of sin [ anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, shame, resentment, confusion, feeling like you have no purpose ].

    There is freedom and [ beautiful ] life for you or you can choose bandage and [ unfulfilled, hard ] life of destruction. I pray you choose life with Jesus. Love you 💜

  2. I've been on the fence about death penalty except where it's most relatable to me and pure I mean pure pure evil like this. I want him to die BAD. I want him to be reduced to the lowest form of life but still have the ability to know that's what he is. Like Dylan roof I want this piece of swine to be treated like a pig going to slaughter no worse and for some time if that can't happen to his worthless life.

  3. You could tell when he re enacted the crime he was explaining how he actually shot his wife ,how he could manage to get married six times is beyond me ,he must of preyed on vulnerable women

  4. What an ass hole ,he got tired trying to resuscitate his wife 😡 you wouldn't care how tired you were you wouldn't stop until ambulance services turned up ,just shows what a horrible narcasist women hater he was

  5. His story about how he found an intruder in his home is pathetic. A five year old could have come up with a more believable tale. Just gross. Trying to look sympathetic with those sad pigtails

  6. his conviction was reversed pending a new trial. A judge ruled that the prosecution shouldn't have been allowed to include information about a previous murder Randolph had been investigated for.

  7. "she wanted to go home and have sex with Tom Randolph."
    Riggtghhhttt…I bet she did! She's a movie fanatic, but his bowl cut and amazing looks got her engine going, and all she wanted to do was get him home to get it on….🤢🤮

  8. He sent his late wife’s ashes to her family IN PILL BOTTLES!?!?!?
    How can this dude not rouse suspicion after the unnatural deaths of FOUR WIVES?
    Another reason why law enforcement should be more corroborating with other agencies, instead of treating cases in a territorial manner. How many people could have been saved if they had?!?

  9. He looks like an 82 year old woman and sounds like a 5 year old playing cops and robbers. How was this womanly looking man able to keep getting these women? He doesn't even sound believable. He is drinking his own kool-aid. That man is wicked.


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