Inside The Weird Wild World of ANIMATED RESIDENT EVIL [Residecember Evil II]

A look at the history of Resident Evil’s animated movies, discussing the making of this strange corner of RE and how these straight to video films translate the games to in-canon side stories for the hardcore fan. Are they good? Does RE work in animation? How insane do these get? Covering Resident Evil: Executor, Degeneration, Damnation, Vendetta, Infinite Darkness, and Death Island.


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35 thoughts on “Inside The Weird Wild World of ANIMATED RESIDENT EVIL [Residecember Evil II]”

  1. The one thing I would have enjoyed seeing happen in Degeneration was Leon hook up with Angela. Sure, there was uncanny valley. But I thought her model was very pretty. Plus she was awfully tough. Also, why no love for Chris?🙁19:53

  2. As fan of resident evil franchise since childhood started with original resident evil 4 as far I’m concerned story and characters otherwise the animation of resident evil movies far better than live action versions of resident evil and other live action adaptations of video games which is already becoming so overused and done to death overtime

  3. Personally, after watching both the Live Action films and Degeneration when it first came out. I soured pretty quickly on RE outside of the games. Death Island sounds fun though.

  4. The problem with the animated movies is that they had the tone of the later games, which followed in the action movie foot steps of the live action films, which seemd to forget that Resident Evil is supposed to be horror first and foremost. The games, animated films and live action films all need a hard reset because the focus on over the top action and convoluted plots has gotten ridiculous. There's definitely a place for that, but I'd really like to see RE go back to its roots.

  5. Listen, listen. I am a defender if the Anderson movies. I loved welcome to raccoon city. Fuck I liked the live action RE series on netflix. I have actively been told by my friends that my resident evil opinions will not taken seriously because they boil down to 'fuck you i love all of it'

    Even I couldn't get through infinite darkness.

  6. The scene in Degeneration of Claire bitchslapping an evil US senator to the ground lives in my head, forever rent-free. It's also why she's my favorite character in the series, over Leon.

    But, seriously, I'm glad these movies exist, especially spending more time with these characters. They may be memorable, but it's rare to see them when they're not fighting BOWs so the more downtime with them, the better with the investment imo.

  7. You had me at Leon being #2..
    BUT You pass the vibe check. So I'll let this slide since you like Jill.
    I liked that you went into further details than most other reviews do. So that was neat. Keep it up 🤙

  8. Matt I always appreciate your deep dives into the RE franchise especially with the films and this video was no exception.

    I think I've only seen the first three CG films a few years ago but ended up enjoying them more than I expected because a lot of comments I'd seen online said that they were bad. They're definitely more for fans of the franchise but I like the over-the-top nature, connectivity to the games and the well-crafted action sequences. I should probably check out the latest one at some point.

  9. I like the cgi movies but I find the "shooting choreography" to be JUST corny. Theres been so many weird shoot outs that it kills all tension for me. The whole cycle of innocent person goes crazy and decides to get revenge is also boring. How about bringing back an actual game villain? They can be killed a final time in a film to avoid messing up cannon. Feature characters that are co-stars like Carlos, Sheva, Barry, or Billy Cohen. I would love a film that explained Billy's story after RE0. Another problem is that the films dont flesh out the characters in any meaningful way. The only film I think that has done anything to define them (which NO ONE seems to acknowledge) is Infinite Darkness. Its the only film that clarifies LEON/CLAIRES view on governmental involvement in bioweapons. Claire believes in transparency and public knowledge and Leon believes in government classification and internal accountability. I dont get an idea of how any other character feels about the larger world from these films. I dont get how so many fans can keep watching these things and be satisfied with the equivalent of watching action figures smash together. Whoopie! Someone did a triple backflip off of a motorcycle while shooting a zombie that THEYVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO IN THE GAMES. I just want something that makes the characters feel less static. And Jill makes ZERO sense in Death Island. The only character to have a RE Engine design???? The same haircut after DECADES? Wearing almost the same outfit? And she just GETS OVER whatever her insecurity was out of nowhere. I didnt understand the "point" of that film in the slightest.

  10. I really want Ethan to be in the next movie. Ethan and Mia are great. I Love them.

    But look me in the eye and tell me you don't want to see how far Capcom can push the Ethan's Face gag when they can design the scenes and put new props in.

    Ethan is introduced napping with a book over his face. The person has a fish tank at eye level. Ethan with has back to us as he works on computers as that's his job. Ethan talking to someone on the phone as footballs or soccer balls always go by his face at JUST the right moment. Come on, Capcom. Do it.


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