Insane Battle for the BRIDGE Crossing in NEW Battle Simulator Update!

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Insane Battle for the BRIDGE Crossing in NEW Battle Simulator Update for the Medieval Battle Simulator Mount and Blade II Bannerlord full release.











46 thoughts on “Insane Battle for the BRIDGE Crossing in NEW Battle Simulator Update!”

  1. Just another thing about the glaive it’s usually better on horseback with no shield wouldn’t recommend using it in a siege battle (unless defending and going against ladders use it as an axe chopping downwards results are bloody😂) just remember to switch back to ur sword before attacking during a siege

  2. YAY YOU GOT A GLAIVE LES GOOOO. Keep in mind it can get multi kills and downward is insanly effective on the ground. Not sure bout this but if you upgrade your two handed I am pretty sure the glave becomes way better.

  3. HOW TO PREVENT REBELION also just Repeating myself from a previous episode of you don’t want cities to rebel before you owned them they were loyal to their legie so they have projects ongoing so it slaughters there loyalty causing them to revolt to if you do the daily starndars they won’t revolt pretty inconvenient but just a helpful tip love the vids control CALRADIA by the end❤

  4. Again,, to conserve cost grab troops from cities and castles in the center of the empire. Doesn’t matter if you own them. This will also get you more elite soldiers. And always garb all cav from every city/castles you go by. They are less effective in a siege battle.

  5. Can someone please tell me what to do if I have no dennars no food and no troops because I cant do anything and that makes me really mad because I have been doing a series on my channel and I cant continue on the series if it is like that

  6. Daley the glaive is REALLY GOOD on horseback with no shield don’t use it like a spear use it like a 2 hand swinging axe it will one shot EVERYTHING if your going really fast on horseback also when you take a castle or a city and got troops get the troops even if your already full then put them inside the newly captured city or castle

  7. Daley, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but there is a reason you are not being considered for castles. To put it simply, you aren't contributing much to the war effort. Sure you are winning battles, but there is far more to winning a war than that. you need a strategy.

    First and foremost, losing an entire army to take a castle is a fools strategy. You need to amass a force large enough to win the siege, garrison your capture with enough men to keep it, and retain an army significant army to root out opposition in the holding. Capturing castles and not contributing to the garrison is a good way to lose a vote. (In reality, not sure about the game.)

    Second, you need to stop leading from the front. The attrition rate of your army is obscene. You charge ahead of your men seeking only personal glory. Then you fail to control your troop formations, and you end up dying at the precise time that your troops need strong leadership…because you are bogged down in the middle of some enemy formation. A dead commander serves no one, and a bad commander only serves the enemy.

    Finally, relying on the AI in M&B2: Bannerlord to control your formations is the single worst tactic you could employ. This is the same AI who you are single-handedly killing 10-20 of per battle. Imagine what wonders you might be able to achieve if you were commanding YOUR ENTIRE ARMY! 'Strat Gaming' here on YouYube has fantastic tactics videos broken down with ACTUAL K/D RATIOS, so you can see what tactics will work best for your gameplay style regardless of what troops you are using. You can still have fun, make the entertaining videos we all love, AND decisively win battles.

    I say all of this because I love your content. Come payday I'm getting my own copy of M&B2…and that is entirely because of watching your channel. I just want to see you put the stomp on your enemies as brutally and decisively as I know you are capable of.

  8. A tip Daley is if you get a workshop get it in a city you or you're faction own, because if it's not when you go to war with that faction you will loose the workshop.
    Also love these vids!

  9. If you want a sword I did my research and played through bannerlord multiple times it is the best sword in the game go find and buy the themaskene steel kaskara also split you horse archers up into 4 groups it confused the enemy really badly it is really good also use the noble bow or the noble long bow your choice please read this it would mean the world to me I am siring my moms phone and my name is davin I watched you from the start I was in the 1k sub club hi daily


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