Anti-Disney Crusader Ron DeSantis Got MARRIED At Disney World!

Florida governor Ron DeSantis revealed in his new book out this week that he and his wife actually got married at Disney World in 2009. But he swears that he insisted on having no Disney characters present at the wedding or in the photos. This revelation came the day after DeSantis signed legislation officially dissolving Disney’s special district in Florida and packing the new leadership board with his donors and friends. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what happened.

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had his new book come out yesterday, and it’s been trashed by media critics all over the country. Um, the New York Times actually said it, it looked like it had been written by one of those poorly performing artificial intelligence programs. But the big revelation to me is that Ron DeSantis, who on Monday, the day before his book came out, went down to the Reedy Creek district where Disney owns the district and gets to do whatever the hell they want, signed the law, officially dissolving it. He put his cronies and donors in charge of that district, and the next day his book comes out where he reveals to the world. By the way, back in 2009, I actually got married at Disney World.

The man who has launched this massive fight against the Disney Corporation. He himself got married at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, specifically. He got married at the, uh, grand Floridian Hotel. He says, I didn’t even know they had a wedding chapel, which if you’ve ever been to Disney World and been the monorail, yes, they have a massive wedding chapel that you clearly see from the monorail, but he said that his wife’s family, they’re big Disney enthusiasts, you know, they’re Disney adults. They love going to Disney all the time. So when his, uh, uh, fiance now wife said, let’s do it at Disney, he said, I deferred to her. You know, I wanted to be the, the, the good groom and give the bride whatever she wanted. But I did have one stipulation. He said, no Disney characters present at my wedding at all. I don’t wanna see wedding pictures with Mickey and Goofy and Donald Duck.

All none of those people are invited to my wedding. I want it to look like a traditional, normal wedding at Disney World. And of course, he does point out, you know, I had no inkling that years later I would be squaring off against Disney in a political battle that would reverberate across the nation. Yeah, you, you, you might wanna climb down off your pedestal there, pal, because it’s, it’s not as, you know, oh, you’re such a big badass. Um, here’s the thing. Disney doesn’t really care that their district is being dissolved. As I explained last year when the thing first came up, it’s actually gonna save them a little bit of money so they don’t have to worry about that. Nothing is really going to change with Disney because they can’t actually interfere with the operations. They might try to throw up a couple of headaches for ’em with infrastructure, things like that, but eventually they’re going to get bored with it and it’s not gonna be worth the fight. Disney has way more money than that little board that DeSantis put in place. They’re not worried about any of it. They’re so not worried about any of it. By the way, that Disney actually gave money to Ron DeSantis inaugural committee

This year, right? The, the, the one he had after the 2022 election, after he had already signed legislation dissolving their uh, uh, uh, special district, which they then rewrote and he re resigned it like they still gave him money. That’s how not concerned they are about his little fight because they know at the end of the day that people like DeSantis still love Disney. They’ll come down here and get married if they want to try to hide it from the public, I guess, until you finally make this big grand admission.


47 thoughts on “Anti-Disney Crusader Ron DeSantis Got MARRIED At Disney World!”

  1. ron deFascist can dish it out but he can’t take it. KARMA is like a rubber band. ron deFascist can only stretch it so far before it comes back and smacks his in the face. He deserves whatever happens to him.

  2. Surely, Disney has been a boon to Florida's economy, drawing in spending and "lifting all boats." Now, a slimy panderer, bent on eradicating all social programs, all humanistic (educated, realistic) institutions, barges in, undoing long-standing agreements and imposing his Inquisition-like, autocratic regime.

  3. DeSantis is mad mostly because Disney is a California company. Ew! California. I'm in California and DeSantis can stay in Florida and see how many people are employed in Florida by the nasty Disney Corporation.

  4. Focus on how many Floridians would still be alive if the butcher of Tallahassee ron denazi would of taking covid seriously. How many loved ones be alive today. Only vote for Ron is 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕👇🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  5. So… it's still the happiest place on Earth… but only for HIM.

    He is just testing the waters of how much of a hypocritical SOB he is… and he REALLY believes he aspires to be President like this?

  6. Disney paid a LOT of money to keep up the roads (you know? Infrastructure) in that area. Get ready to pay MORE taxes, Floridians. Way to "own the libs."

  7. Ron's demands regarding his nuptials sound like a description of his preference for the actual world.
    That is, he wants to be there, for his own purposes, but he wants you to clear out all the characters that he doesn't like.

  8. So what I'm getting from this video Farron, is that Ronnie is not woke. However he is married to the idea! And lives it every day in his own home. Thanks that clears it up a lot!

  9. 0:56 Yes and? All this fight with Disney is because they have become a propaganda outlet for the far left in many cases. But that wasn't always the case for decades Disney was a great company creating great stories that inspired all people but over the last years it has sucumb to the Woke cancer and now is basically and antiwester, antiamerican antiwhite propaganda creator so yeah. When desantiss married there it was still a holsome company now is woke trash.

  10. I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on in Congress the percentage of people that love disney it’s far higher than any politician does he want to make it personal because he’ll get trashed by everybody everywhere😝

  11. How absolutely perfect! Ron de Santis was MARRIED at Disney World. What better indicator could there be that this "Mickey Mouse" Governor -pre-occupied as he is with empty gestures and absurd "justifications" for viciously inhumane legislation – has all the gravitas of a cartoon character? No wonder he's fantasy prone! He chose to make a solemn vow in Fantasyland.

    Like his absurd political positions, his choice of wedding venue was "make believe" and that is his defining characteristic: he pretends to believe in Extreme Right Wing fantasies and imposes the consequences of those fantasies on real people in Florida. De Santis is no more "fit for Office" than Trump, Gohmert, Gosar, MTG, Boebart, Rick Scott, Josh Hawley, or any of the GOP Fascists in D.C.

    As a politician, De Ssntis is as "Mickey Mouse" as they come: a celluloid fantasy.


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