India's Military | How Strong is it?

India’s military has become one of the world’s strongest.

Narrated by Tom McKay
Video Edited by Iyanbriandi


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Brought to you by the Behind Asian Team.


30 thoughts on “India's Military | How Strong is it?”

  1. Now adequately. Why are so many itching for a battle test? Indian braves are to be used absolutely carefully. Their lives are as precious as ours. They are willing to lay down their most precious asset for saving the country but that does not make them political sacrificial lambs. Modi JI was rightly concerned that everyone deployed for the surgical strike returned unharmed. Now Israel is trying its best to save its captured men. Responsible political leadership was recently illustrated in saving the lives of eight ex-navy personnel sentenced to death in Qatar.

  2. The budget allocation is further divided to Capital and Revenue funds. Capital for purchases and revenue for salaries.
    – Capital funds are not only for purchase of weapons, equipment and vehicles including aircrafts and ships etc. The same fund is also used for sustenance from buildings, food, clothes, stationary etc.
    – Revenue funds are used for Salary and Pensions, majority of which actually goes less to the soldiers but more to all the civil defence personnels, civilians working in multiples organisations like the MES, DRDO, CDA etc etc. Heard about NFU? The civil defence guys have NFU too.

    So, if you look at the budget allocation by ratio of no of actual soldiers, the spending is much less when compared to other countries. Look at our neighbour Pakistan for example. What's the size of the Military and how much is the budget? They spend at least 5 times more.

  3. india are like china they have rich goverment as far im aware they had small amount debt goods look you have 1st first world country ability right? but you still feel something incomplete accepting u must be fool the way they teach before if pay and rich goverment we are good shape the reality you forget to include things into least your citizen that why still not working you can claimed first world country if your citizen can afford cars and houses and anythings more the basics is a heavenly place lived thats india leaved why? im not live to place dont own words im proving my words right the india people they brings cultures other country now im proving there something wrong thats why find other places according to dream you must turn your place into modern days stop live your on past accepting truth the are still there heart on 1990 you are being left behind try to push it possible to modern days where you lived if you are wanting to be else just copy who ever country u loved look canada america that place where the india live most your dreamer there no advance past always on future you must control the prices of the product for being less like philippines once they have advance economic way system we are having fun you still figured out how things fit into modern times like its come claiming billions of dollar beingw on you every couple days what ever look why canadian government are happy im being live there..hahaha. just kidding what ever your mood is the goverment are being part of it on simple pcs of candy u are having shared to govt you need to prevent corruption its not from me from one of your immigrant citizen he keep blasting govt on our story yah we got on common i can relate here the MOST PAINFUL WORDS THAT YOUR OFFICIAL GETTING BITTER IF NOT HAVING EXPERIENCE TO RUN PLACES THEY DOESNT KNOW WHAT IS THERE REAL LIFE OBLIGATION ON INDIAN PEOPLE THE POLITICIAN MUST PROTECT THEM AND GIVE THERE LIFE EASY NOW THEY DO AN OPPOSITE WAY OF RESPONSIBILITY THATS WHY JOBS WHY YOUR NOT PROTECTING PRICES MAKE THE VALUE OF YOUR SMALER THE REALITY THOSE WHO ABUSED ARE THE ONE GIVE FUNDS MOST POLITICS ALL THERE MOVES THERE ARE ALWAYS TAKING AWAY THINGS TO THE PEOPLE THE RULES ECONOMY MUST HAVE MORE MONEY THE HUMAN POCKETS WHY KNOW TRY TO STILL THING FOREIGHT IDEA STRATEGY TO HELP YOUR SELF TO TURN INTO OTHER IF YOU ARE STILL THING FROM SUCCESSFUL COUNTRY YOU ARE GROWING UP THIS THE REALITY TO TURN DOWN POVERTY BUT ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE THAT THINGS THE REALITY WE MUST HAVE INCOME EVRYONE OF US FROM BABY UP TO RETAIRED AND MAKE IT CLOSE TO REALITY THAT CHILD CARES IS CLOSE TO MINIMUM WAGE AND MUST HAVE RETAIRMENT FUNDS THAT OLD HAVE ENOUGH TO LIVE THAT AMOUNT GUYS THE RATIO IS ONE IS TO ONE HOW CAN FAMILY SURVIVED 5 CHILDREN ONE PERSON WORKS CAN U MANAGE THAT BUDGET …

  4. Dear bro,
    1st of all thnk u 4 spending some time 2 study abt our indian military…but,pls dnt make us fools by uploading an older video vth some small alterations…where is Rafael aircraft?
    Where is S400 triumph air defense system, vch is one of d state of art system in world…u missed aloot of things again(if i started telling it,den my comment vl b longer dan ur video)…4 getting some viewing hours in youtube and money,pls dnt do dis kind of blunders…as a proud citizen of india,its my duty 2 tell dis…i hope u understood…thnk u…
    JAI HIND💪💪💪

  5. Many fail to understand that defense spending includes pensions overwhelmingly. That said, India has miles and miles to go to catch up with China. China's defense capability increased exponentially because of their economic prowess.


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