Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Movie Reaction!

Movie reaction for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny!

Full reaction to the film:

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22 thoughts on “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Movie Reaction!”

  1. I gave it a thumbs up for your reaction more than for the movie. It's great that you went into it with an open mind. I admit, my dislike of his movie is to a big part caused by the reviews I heard before. Which is sad since I always loved the first three movies a lot because it was a great memory of me, my brother and my Dad in the movie theater. I think you were right, Disney kinda screwed up by trying to reinitiate the IP, but they never had a chance. Indy without Ford is impossible in my opinion. So instead they managed to fully destroy the legacy and I wish I never seen his movie. Also, I am 48, so it is clearly not meant for me, but I don't think it works for a younger audience either. The movie kinda left the impression that older people are useless and need to be guided, rescued and supported by younger people, which I find is a sad statement. Also, it is cinema, so suspending your disbelief is kinda essential while here they went too far with the 'message'. Again, my opinion. That's why I loved the first three movies (and after seen this one, I even kinda have to review my judgment for the fourth one). It was goofy and unrealistic, but amazing entertainment. You just went to the movies, grabbed your popcorn and for two or so hours, the real world disappears and you have a great time. Sadly I think Disney forget that a lot lately

  2. I really enjoyed this movie. It's not up to par with the original trilogy (most movies aren't tbh), but I liked it way more than Crystal Skull, and I absolutely loved the 3rd act!

  3. I didnā€™t like it. 1. It was too long.

    2. Helena is EXTREMELY unlikeable.

    3. Indy is now a broken down drunk old man who basically has a death wish which just made everything depressing.

    4. After a while, I just got bored. Thereā€™s only so many action sequences you can get into until you realize that you werenā€™t feeling any danger and you were just watching the somewhat, (in some scenes) questionable visuals.

    5. Too much CGI. A few times the de-ageing seemed off plus why spend $300 million USD when you still have a 40 year old Harrison Ford STILL sound like 80 year old Harrison Ford?! You couldnā€™t hire the best impersonator money can buy??? In the tuk-tuk chase, you can clearly tell itā€™s CGI when Indy and Helena are bickering. You can see itā€™s CGI a few times when Indy is on the horse, especially on the two or three close-ups of Indyā€™s face upwards. You can easily see that itā€™s a CGI background, which takes us out of the immersion.

    6. Teddy is a Great Value version of Short Round, but isnā€™t as likable or cute. Heā€™s almost like a younger Helena, which is awful. (I could barely stand one!)

    7. The best sequence is the prologue on the train, after in 1969, it quickly becomes such a slog.

    8. What happens at the end with Indy and Helena annoyed me. (She spent the entire time being so ageist and annoying that for me, I was like, ā€œOkay, we still got 15 minutes to go, I think Iā€™m going to dose off a little.ā€ Because at this point, I just didnā€™t care anymore and I just wanted to have it be over with!

    9. Was Indy ever cleared???

    10. Iā€™m sorry but Crystal Skull is better than this imo. I enjoyed it better. Looking back, Mutt and aliens donā€™t look as bad anymore. (They did him dirty btw.)

    11. It only made $24 million USD only for the original Thursday preview and Friday debut. Against a $300 million budget, this is god awful news. It seems(like this movie), itā€™s a long and far journey to even BREAKING even! Thereā€™s no way itā€™s reaching the heights of $600 million to break even, let alone $800 million to be deemed a success!

    12. Why was this necessary?! Everything goes basically back to depressing reality minus one thing by the end! Iā€™d rather have just had Crystal Skullā€™s happy ending if we needed a semi recent Indy movie, just leave it at that!

    And 13. Why couldnā€™t they have brought Short Round back? He himself saw Indy as his own father figure. He could have become an archaeologist himself and reaches out to Indy, (who is happily still with Marion and who is now thriving and president of his university and who has become wealthy and semi famous after writing several books about his adventures that which would evolve into the young Indiana Jones Chronicles ) to help him on a mission and the movie goes with them instead of Helena. Plus Mutt and Indy are on good terms now, with Mutt being much maturer and wiser after all this time. Perhaps he joins too? SR and Indy can have a really touching moment somewhere in the movie too. I started thinking about it throughout the movie. At the end of the adventure, Indy decides to retire and thanks Short Round for giving him one last adventure. Perhaps Short Round has been wearing the same baseball cap since Temple of Doom and Indy takes his fedora off and puts it on Short Round, like passing on the torch to the next generation, similar to the flashback in the beginning of The Last Crusade. Just on what could have been. God what a disappointment!

  4. If I need to give a score of 1 to 10….I would say 7/10. It's an "ok" movie I guess. The first 3 are great and the Cristal Skull is about the same this one.
    39:57 well in fact there were more officers and superiors that actually wanted him dead so….the conspiracy was there

  5. Truthfully, I donā€™t really care and I donā€™t think Harrison either.
    Besides, kind of felt like a nice reunion I think the hatred is unnecessary, but I never blamed anyone okay thereā€™s mistakes, but nothing serious.
    Just barely glorious, and I get the feeling this is the perfect place to end on a note

  6. FYI, as far as I know Harrison Ford was the main driver behind this movie. They were making plans for it since Crystal Skull, but Ford really wanted this movie to get made.

  7. I was honestly skeptical about this film because of the leaks then the reviews which is why i watch the whole movie nor do i want to. (The only scenes i have seen due to watching them on a website)

    after what disney have done to there legacy ips, the not so subtle messages and not to metion there agenda pushing has turn me off watching anything disney related.

  8. 33:48 the thing is – dragons as mythological beings only evolved in the Middle Ages from myths about giant snakes. Even the word dragon comes from the Ancient Greek Ī“Ļį¾°ĢĪŗĻ‰Ī½ (drĆ”kōn) meaning giant serpent.

  9. I am 60 and have been with the Indy movies from the start. I know they are just movies and sometimes things don't click just right. But I love Indiana Jones and I felt they ended the series the way it should be. People complained about Helena and I thought she was just a kid that didn't understand what it really meant to hold history in your hands. She only thought of money. Sometimes people read to much into movies and they really need to just enjoy a movie without the politics. Love the movie and going to buy it and add it to my collection. Thank goodness Harrison made it through the last one. Star Wars included as Han Solo. Seems like an iconic end to a legacy.


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