Ships of War – Episode 13, HMS Hermes (1953) vs ARA Vienticinco De Mayo (1943)

A comparison of the two principal aircraft carriers on the British and Argentine sides during the Falklands War of 1982, as represented in R. Ben Madison’s ‘Mrs Thatcher’s War’.

For more information about the game, see


7 thoughts on “Ships of War – Episode 13, HMS Hermes (1953) vs ARA Vienticinco De Mayo (1943)”

  1. Excellent review of these two Andrew. Nice work.

    I'd recommend the book by Helion " A carrier at risk" . It give a very good insight into the Argentine use of '25 de Mayo' and coverage of the ship itself…definitely worth a read.


    Happy Wanderer

  2. I used to play a lot of Harpoon (both the paper game and PC game) back into the late 80’s and early 90’s. it was always fun to see the changes made to these older ship in order to bring them up to modern war, well modern at the time. In 80’s you could still find lots of WWII ships in many navies around the world, upgraded and still extremely active. These ships are now all retired, turn into scraps or if they had a certain reputation turn into museums around the world.

  3. Andrew,
    I hope you are well.
    Great to see another instalment of Ships of War, many thanks. My big take away from this one is how old these ships really were.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.
    All the best


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