In Sound Mind #6 – Blame

If you can’t trust big pharma, who can you trust?
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31 thoughts on “In Sound Mind #6 – Blame”

  1. Sorry everyone, Youtube did the thing again. Originally uploaded this 8 hours before release, 8 hours after it's still in 360p. Uploaded this duplicate, it was ready in less than an hour. To anyone who commented, I'd like it if you re-posted your comment here so others can read them, though I'll be keeping the original upload unlisted so I can read through them all myself. This community has offered so much insight and I feel like it adds a lot to this playthrough.

  2. Never knew you could sequence break the game at 9:50.

    Also, how silly of you running away from Max, complaining that you can't heal and it is too hectic, when 1: you literally had healing pill. 2: you literally had way to calm down Max. Sometimes your brain just isn't there, is it?

  3. Rest in peace boiler faces we will never see

    Edit: Looks like everyone ended up just running trough the section, so there is no video about the scares…

    Would been fun to see all the faces…

    But there is none, there is no pictures either…

  4. Recomment from the unlisted version:

    Little explanation to the lure pills you couldn't pick up earlier:

    Simple answer, you weren't supposed to be there. What you did was lure the big inkbloat over to break the box, musing how it fits into the theme of being a matador with the bull and how that is good design on the Devs part… While that was not what the devs intended. That segment was rather a tutorial for the lure pills. You were supposed to read the note and conclude "Pill+Puddle=explosion and explosions makes box go away". The second part with the slowly lowering gate was to teach you about the pills speed boost. Unnecessary if you have sufficient speed upgrades, but a good dev has to assume that you might have absolutely none

    Also, a note now that you are done with Max: Did you know that you can temporarily stun the Bull by shooting his eyes out? Well, you can. It's even necessary to reach a stat pill, IIRC

  5. Fun fact I forgot under the original episode:

    When your friend looks at you through the freezer room window, you mentioned how he does not close the door or do anything fancy and you wondered whether he started slacking. Actually, when you return to the control room, you can find a note from him that says that he won't do the exact same freezer trick twice and that he's more original than that. So, it wasn't really him slacking, it's rather subverting expectations

  6. Therapist Librarian: have you ever considdered hurling yourself off a cliff? because that would be a good place to start.

    my mind: proceeds to imagine the max killdozer skull flying off a cliff

  7. Max's story is actually incredibly sad when you see it in full. Losing his job and having his family break apart, along with his issues controlling his anger, drove him down a very dark path. When he's actually cognizant and aware, he knows full-well that he has these issues, but much like the bull he took the form of, when he sees red, it's all over. His entire life seemingly torn out from under him.. but he went about it all wrong, letting his anger control his actions. It's a shame that he couldn't accept help before it was too late, despite our character trying so hard to at-the-least get something out of him.

  8. I'm not a big gamer mainly because I suck and stall but watching you is really one of my favorite things to do now. You have such a way of piecing things together and really connecting with the game. This series "In Sound Mind" is honestly one of my favorite plays you've done. Thanks for being awesome.

  9. I have a feeling that this building (hub world) Desmond (you) is in is put toegther by his mind, and if that is so, what the cat said might be worrysom as to the state of Desmond's mental health, if she (the cat) says the building is falling apart, it might mean that Desmond might either die or lose his mind.

  10. 36:36 That boiler doesn't just "look" like an ogre; its reflection is different than reality so you probably WERE looking into what resembles an ogre. Can't believe you missed that 😀

  11. The "We didn't really listen to our patients" theory made way more sense after listening to that last tape with Max. Max is enraged, obviously about to do something illegal and probably end his life, and we just say "You are (legally) required to stay here". That is so cold.

  12. hay dont forget to listen to the records, you picked up Allen's and idk if you heard it yet, anyway thank you for showing me this amazing game and keep up the awsome work, bye!

  13. From a psychological standpoint, given what we're presented with in regards to Max, that last letter attempting to tug at our sympathy is just another red flag. There's a lot of unhealthy language in there like, "I have flaws". This entirely skirts around the issue of how extremely bad those flaws were; his wording is trying to make himself appear the victim, when he made others the victim of his anger.

    But it's so blatant that I have to wonder if the game devs actually were aware of what they were doing, or if they were ignorant of how poorly that letter comes across to someone who can identify the signs of someone who is only masking their issues under a façade of recovery.


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