In Order To CHANGE YOUR LIFE In 2023, You Need To DO THESE 3 Things First! | Yuval Noah Harari

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On Today’s Episode:

As someone on the path of major self-growth, these conversations are key in stretching your mind, changing your beliefs, and begging you to question how you want to live your life and exist in a rapidly changing world.

Artificial intelligence has become more front and center in the past few weeks with A.I. art and AI generated images becoming virtually inescapable. What can you do to thrive during these massive changes?

Yuval Noah Harari is a historian and the bestselling author of the books that include Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. His book for kids, Unstoppable Us, Volume 1: How Humans Took Over the World is a NY Times Best Book of 2022. Yuval is also a professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the co-founder of the social impact company Sapienship. In this episode the conversation gets deep between the need for your mental flexibility, how much narrative is influencing the world we experience, and the best way you can embrace change.

“It is much worse psychologically to feel worthless than to feel exploited” -Yuval Noah Harari

Check out his latest book, Unstoppable Us:How Humans Took Over the World:


“We have to keep learning and keep changing throughout our lives otherwise we will be left behind.”

“Old jobs disappear, but new jobs emerge. The real difficult thing will be the transition.”

“Almost all people are liberal. Even the conservatives…”

“The ideological differences are small on the ground, but they are very big in people’s imagination. People have fantasies about what the other side is planning to do which are completely divorced from reality.”

“Fantasies often shape history and cause people to do terrible things.”

“Instead of leaders who are trying to heal the national community you see leaders that try to destroy it and get power by kind of leading just one tribe.”

“I think the big narrative is the biological narrative that we are all homo sapiens, that we all have the same basic experiences, […] these are things that are common to all humans.”

“A sacred place is a place plus a story about the place, and this is at the bottom of most conflicts in the world.”

“On the level of the body, we can relate to every other human being in the world because biologically we are all the same. What creates this huge distance between us is the fantasies that the mind imagines and produces.”

Follow Yuval Noah Harari:


35 thoughts on “In Order To CHANGE YOUR LIFE In 2023, You Need To DO THESE 3 Things First! | Yuval Noah Harari”

  1. 1:17:09 to 1:21:45 idk how many people in this comments section know and have finished Naruto, but everything that Tom talks about here is exactly what Pain talks about in Naruto. Coincidentally, Pain refers to himself as God that must deliver this experience to all in order to unite and maintain order and peace.

  2. Welcome to the transhumanism of WorldEconomicForum and its so called Fourth industrial revolution….The plan to transform humanity to half machine half human….Eichmann, Mengele and Stangl were peanuts compared to Harari

  3. No wonder this little, evil weasel has to be in the back pocket of his Big Daddy AKA: K. Schwab. How otherwise would a man with no true knowledge, charisma, eloquence, wisdom, or anything else to offer for that matter would ever make a name for himself?!
    And as for you Tom, what the hell were you thinking?! Seriously….with so many intelligent, wise people, well worth listening to for this long, you invite this guy?! Something doesn't feel right here….🤔
    And let me tell ya', this little 'hackable animal' is the last person on Earth I'll be taking advice from, ever!

  4. What he is saying here is very softball light compared to what he has said in the past. Basically this guy does not believe humans have souls. He believes in the hive mind

  5. Everyone knows this guy might as well be the devil..would you let him watch your children? You might come home to find your child in pieces on the kitchen stove..or bleeding from his anus..this guy is satanic.

  6. Did Tom ask him about why he calls most people “the useless class” and how that thinking can be used to justify genocide?

    I don’t really want to listen to this creepy guy who thinks men can play God.

  7. Tom you brand is taking a 50% hit with this lame interview with this wef transhumanist…. you let him off so easy and did not go after his weak arguments:/// so lame I thought you were a stronger man. But this interview makes it look like you are afraid or a part of the deep state.. boooooo

  8. Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..

  9. Could someone explain to me why everyone in these comments is so against Harari? Why these referrals to Nazism and WEF? I don't understand because in my view he is a brilliant author with ideas about the future

  10. This administration putting so many families into difficult situations, you’ve helped me alots Ms Jobel , You’ve helped me and my family With your advices imagine investing $1000 and receiving $10,350

  11. Some Tom already had Sadhguru too. The Personal WEF-GURU… questions??? Maybe it is a good thing that so many people can see and hear this man so they can awake by thinking and take responsibilty for their own. I wish someone with such huge community would invite Klaus Schwab and show him to the world. The come out if their holes and everyone can see and hear them. You have to know your enemies.


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