In A Brainwashed Army I Had One Thought: My Own Skin…

In A Brainwashed Army I Had One Thought: My Own Skin…
Part 1


22 thoughts on “In A Brainwashed Army I Had One Thought: My Own Skin…”

  1. Doing a word search in Google books & finding one that includes the anecdote of the Duke of Windsor visit – my hypothesis is this is an excerpt from "A Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Germany in the 1930s"

    Henry Metelmann
    Spellmount, 2004 – Germany – 177 pages
    This book is an autobiography of a railway worker's son who joined the Hitler Youth at the age of 12, which was passionately opposed by his parents–the conflict between his Nazism and his father's socialism is a central theme. The book begins in the pre-Nazi period and covers all aspects of life in Hamburg's strong socialist working class community. This settled society was disrupted by the arrival of the Nazis who used violence, propoganda, and skillfully orchestrated gatherings and marches to achieve total political dominence. The author gives an account of the beating and intimidation of individual opponents of the Nazi regime, and the climate of fear and violence which gradually transformed his family, friends, and local community. We see the rise of Hitler and the terrible consequences that followed through this detailed and sometimes painfully honest personal account.

  2. I want to know who all these young men are in the Hitler youth pitcher… I wonder how many made it through came out the other end realize the folly of their ways… Still I’m sure there are plenty who hold fast to these ideas all the way to the grave. Great haircuts by the way.

  3. My grandfather and his best childhood friend who was also his CO made a pact when they found out Stalingrad fell. They were together from the beginning (1940 France) Let’s get as many boys home alive that we can.

  4. Interesting but i think most is made up for a good story. Had a friend Herbie, 22 yrs old in 1942 who was on the Russian front in the winter. Voronish,Between Moscow & Stalingrad. When they retreated in the snow, his feet were frozen And he lost toes.Always walked awkwardly , After being in the hospital, he was on guard duty, Many American prisoners. made fun of him because he was GAY. After the war he came to USA because he had an aunt who came to USA around 1900. He got into KODAK Rochester NY .and died heart 2008. I was born 1938 now 85 Herbie was a good friend. PS His father came to the USA to make money and then went back to Germany got married. then wanted to go back to the USA .His wife hid the boat tickets because she did not want to leave Germany. The result they went thru 2 wars 1st & 2nd 2 of 3 brothers were killed And 2 of his sisters were raped in front there parents BY RUSSIANS !!!!!

  5. Wow… He really does a good job – even indirectly – of bringing me to be aware of the virtual-fantasy-wishful-thinking- -(outright-lies) the Nazi regime would float…
    Efficient, effective, professional manipulators.

  6. All these faces look Aryan, Hilter, well he looks like a …..
    Always wondered why Hilter didn't attack at Dunkirk. I now know the illuminati is real, wonder what that means with respect to the real truth of history

  7. That Hamburg bishop was not a christian-exactly as Kiril in Russia is not a christian. Because being a christian mens following him who said "love your enemies and pray fr those who persecute you" in the sermon of the mount. Christians are only those who in their hearts really are followers of Christ as I see things. A christian should not carry arms as I figure. In nazi Germany many christians resisted-like the catholic bishop of Münster, August von Galen, who openly accused the nazi regime of murder connected to the T4 program, and the reistance group "The White Rose", but the regime installed some of their own people on church positions and tried to control christians through the organization "Deutsche Christen"-"German Christians" -and try to absorb them there.


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