In a 1v2, play like this to BE IMPACTFUL on ADC AGAINST ALL ODDS! – Predecessor Drongo Gameplay

Knowing how to dominate in lane and getting ahead is a vital skill and is the main goal in every game. However, the duo lane is …


13 thoughts on “In a 1v2, play like this to BE IMPACTFUL on ADC AGAINST ALL ODDS! – Predecessor Drongo Gameplay”

  1. Hey Joey, Phantom here. We've been play testing our builds in unison to come up with optimal Damage for TB. Ortis gives you 3 stacks of power per elimination and in total twin had about 40 stacks of additional power just on Ortis alone. Ortis + Infernum proc each other for extra bleed damage. As far as the Ultimate, infernum procs the ultimate 8x (if landing all shots). Plus the 10% physical power from phase link, 10% bonus dmg from all sources on Ortis and bonus Dmg from Crystal Tear. Marshal is easily the main go to item first pick (in playtesting) since that's whats gonna proc Infernum faster and win you trades.

    Nito, said the build isn't broken but more or less optimized because we're building around each other for max damage. We have slowly been playtesting our builds together over the past month or so and this is what we came up with. It's not broken, it's just optimized.

    As far as the cooldown, Crystal tear is what makes his Ult come up so fast. I believe he said it was a 28 second cooldown.

    Additionally, I was in your server the other day and occasionally poke my head in there to play with other players but its always empty. Do you ever see anyone in there on comms?

    Hope this helps. GG brotha.

    (i messaged you from my old YT account the other day, this is my main account)

  2. TB needs to be removed from the game until the fix him. Omeda is always talking about "non-interactive plays" in their patches. Talk about non interactivity as TB wait for ult and use it from a safe distance.

  3. The enemy team makes really strange choices during this match losing tower, Fangtooth and letting you take the prime when they were all alive, I cannot believe it. The TB ultimate seems a little too strong in my opinion, like you push the win button.


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