How to Grow Tomatoes in SMALL SPACE Flower Pot, Tomato Cage Trellis GREAT & CHEAP, Container Garden

How to plant a tomato plant to produce tons of tomatoes. And what types of tomatoes you should grow in your zone. In this video, you will see how to Plant tomatoes in small container to produce LOTS of TOP Growth for Fruit, instead of tons of roots. Easy to move this planting method anywhere you want, and easy to protect your fruit from the critters or even the sun. How to grow a tomato, trellis up tomato plants to stake up with great support in container gardening or flower pot.
Irrigation tubing I came up with to stake, trellis and support plants is an Amazing method again to trellis, stake and save vegetables and plants cheap to produce ton of food.

Here is an affiliated link to the Same Irrigation Tubing I use:

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16β€³ ID x 7/16β€³ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price, This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Video of Fountain with No Solar Pump used:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:

Here are the Hummingbird feeders we use, this is an affiliated link:

Growing Food for Cheap, How to Setup a Container Garden, Small Space Gardening, Organic Pest Control

Tricking Vegetable Plants to Grow Early Outdoors & Irrigation Tubing as Vertical Container Garden
Vertical Gardening Using Irrigation Tubing for Support & Container Garden


31 thoughts on “How to Grow Tomatoes in SMALL SPACE Flower Pot, Tomato Cage Trellis GREAT & CHEAP, Container Garden”

  1. Love your video's!! I have learned so much! I can't wait to start my garden! It'll be awhile though, I'm in southern WV and we'll be getting cold again I'm afraid for another month. I can watch all your plants grow in the meantime!! Have a great week! πŸ˜€

  2. Nice one, Robbie! Learning how to trellis goes a long way in growing more food. So many things can be grown vertically.
    That's a nice trellis…strong too.πŸ‘
    Thanks for the knowledge on tomatoes. I'm a better gardener since I started watching you and Gary! I love using masking tape…especially as another hand when I need it.πŸ˜ƒ
    Wishing you loads of tomatoes and broccoli for Miss Kitty.πŸ’•

  3. I use the brown garden twine to create trellises for cucumbers, bean teepees, etc. It lasts for a year, and then I can chop it up and compost it. I'm sure it would work just as well for this as synthetic yarn – and be easier on the planet since the plan is to throw the synthetic away.

  4. Awesome πŸ‘πŸ’‘πŸ‘
    This is so perfect!!!
    And as I watch your video you're giving me so many informations ❣️
    I didn't know that tomatoes don't like big pots! And I remember telling us about the suckers last year and I didn't prune my tomatoes and yes, I had so many tomatoes just from one plant. And I still have some of them cause I freeze them and when I'm cooking I put some cherry tomatoes in… delicious!
    I have a volunteer cherry tomato from last year that's blooming flowers!!
    This year I already have two plants of big tomatoes. But all my other tomatoes are cheery. They grow so well!
    Thank you so much for the super idea Robbie ❣️ You maje my gardening life so easy 😍🌟🌻

  5. hi robbie πŸ€—
    another great video.
    i have indeterminate tomato seeds and grow them in 5gal buckets, 15gal pots and raised beds. i have a 3gal pot, so maybe that'll be an experiment this year. tfs

  6. I'd like to try some dwarfs for fun. I have mine in 5 and 10 gallon nursery pots. You reminding us that we can go smaller is appreciated cause I'm running out of big pots. Just means I need more totes, right? 😁 I got to talk my bf out of his tubing, 😈😏😁

  7. I'm pray the Lord bless's you AS MUCH AS YOU HAVE BLESSED US with your wisdom that gives us ideas (I would of not thought πŸ€” of) 🀣so many light bulb moments with every video..

  8. Your awesome Robbie. I'm new to gardening, and have been watching your videos. Love your method of gardening on a budget with limited space. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Hello Robbie and Gary and kids and hummingbirds, as I watched your video it brought back memories to me when we always had flat tires on our wheelbarrow. So my hubby thought of a great idea 🀠 he took off the tires and added irrigation tubing works like a charm now. We can have tons of snow here in Pennsylvania and the wheelbarrow will still go through it and it doesn't get stuck like it did with the tires… It's a great project and the irrigation tubing is dirt cheaper than tires lol… Thank you for your video have a great day


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