Imperial Russia: Conquest, Genocide & Colonisation | Part 1


28 thoughts on “Imperial Russia: Conquest, Genocide & Colonisation | Part 1”

  1. Europeans, are you out of your mind? Your MEPs officially propose to destroy the neighboring state, they officially say that Russia's resources do not belong to Russia, Russia must be destroyed.

    Do you understand that Hitler said the same things? remember how it all ended for you.

    Just imagine what if this happened in Russia, an official conference with deputies on how to destroy Europe and divide its resources.

    Europeans, you are seriously ill, get better soon before your politicians drive you to war in the East, as Hitler once did.
    It's one thing when you conduct military operations in the Middle East in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and another thing is a war against Russia. You will arrange a third world war.

  2. May soon be reality. First division of Russian/Soviet Empire in 1991 was by some of its republican borders, so it did happen.
    Failed Attempt of its restoration in Ukraine can and should cause further disintegration.
    I only wish restoration of Novgorod Republic union with Ingria would be part of it.

  3. …that Kurmanakaev fella mentioned the essential things why this whole farce is about: "we have oil and we have gas in huge amounts" (1:25:12) – they are 100K people and they want a suvereign country? it is a joke, right?…that Suslov guy reads everything? EU's DG COMM was in action again, copywriting and compiling a medicre crap! who are all the other guys, I could barely find any infos on them anywhere…and have you heard the shitty interpreter for Kurmanakaev? yeah, that's the EU standard! 🤣 anyway, I gotta spend more time to assess this crappy meeting in Brussels…wait, one more thing: there are 100K Hungarians living in the western ukraine, should they ask for a republic of their own?


    Funny European talking about democracy. It has a parliament, which is not even elected by the population of the block, but by its politicians. And are you talking about colonialism? These people are still in Libya, the USA is still based in Germany and Iraq.

    Is this democracy, that the laws within the country are less enforceable than the laws of the EU parliament?

  5. Russia has been around for hundreds of years. So to consider their provinces as colonies, is like claiming most states in the USA are colonies, and their legitimacy can be held in doubt by these same foreigners. Any American should be wary of these people. Either way, this group of people are being sponsored by big business licking their chops in hopes of looting Russian natural resources. Luckily, Russia's eight thousand nuclear bombs are quite a hurdle to get over.


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