I'm Finally Playing Death Stranding… And I'm Struggling

Aaron has been having hard time with Death Stranding over the holidays. Here’s why.

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30 thoughts on “I'm Finally Playing Death Stranding… And I'm Struggling”

  1. Sit back. Walk over the brow of the hill and soak it in as a song kicks in.
    One of the best gaming experiences I’ve had, and it was nothing more than the right music playing at the right time. Stunning.

  2. I only played about 3 hours and stopped playing, I may go back to it one day. As I do kinda like the idea of building the world up as you progress (roads, buildings etc)
    It's what I sorta like about Fallout 4, I stick it on survival mode. then start building & linking up settlements. so I can progress further south easier and quicker.

  3. One of the best things about Death Stranding is is creativity. It's not trying to be like any other game. It doesn't have your typical Skills free or loot box it's a game about connection to the game about life with the game about freedom also the way it incorporates music at the end of every run really makes you feel accomplished and emotional yeah there are some weird things in there here and there but that's what makes it great. Just Embrace The Grind also the ending is Fantastic. All 3 of them😋

  4. I’ve finished it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I also found it hard to complete, but the last 6 hours were such a rollercoaster and I’m still blown away by the graphics on ps5. Playing this one late at night with headphones is so amazing

  5. I literally don’t get why some people won’t admit it is a boring game I don’t care if james cameron or Christiano Ronaldo made it.this game is boring and nothing special about it .

  6. I loved this game but, what I HAVE found is pretty much, if not agreeing myself with other people's crticism of the game, then certainly understanding where they are coming from. I enjoyed the story to a point but agree it gets so nonsenical as to almost not matter anymore. Nevertheless there are some great beats to it. The true hero is the terrain and the glory of the endless trudge through it 😅 Good call to complete it though. Love or hate it, its kind of seminal.

  7. TIP: Don’t rush, immerse yourself in the world and find solace in the private rooms…tinker around, take a shower, poke BB, play Trigger or Ghost on the media player, read the email, reflect and chill.

    The game is intentionally tough at first and but when you get some roads and later a more convenient travel mechanism, you will feel like a king. Also, hunt down the Cyberpunk chips-I enjoyed the cosmetics and upgrades those awarded you. Try to do a few Sam missions each day and just enjoy the ride and have an open mind.

  8. I never had these issues. I found both the story and gameplay addicting.
    Maybe it’s just not your cup of tea? My advice would be to stick it out. The game is a masterpiece. An experience like no other.

    Put in the work and you will be rewarded.

    Keep on keeping on!

  9. Im struggling too at first but, the more i play DS the more obstacle i can pass as i build more structure in the field or using other player structure

    I want to play DS again when i have PS5 in the future to prepare for DS2 😊

  10. NICE! I started 2 weeks ago… It's … addictive! I think it's because there are so many layers in the game.
    There's cargo management, route/path planning, the walking itself, the MULEs and strategy/combat with them, BT avoidance/combat, the deliveries you make to make people happy, the story with the UCA and Bridges, but also your own and your sisters…

    So much stuff going on that makes you want to keep playing!

  11. Happy new year Aaron
    People thinking this is a walking sim need to look deeper within the game, its about the atmosphere and surroundings your in and the darkness that is around in the form of the "monsters"
    There are elements of "fighting or shooting" within it
    Great writing from kojima
    its a slog but its meant to be a story told in interactive form

  12. I might get loads of flack for this but there are so many systems and enemies to learn about I put the game onto very easy and I'm enjoying it much more now. I'm on act three and now I'm getting to grips with how everything works I think I can tweak the difficulty. I'm really enjoying it after I dropped the difficulty level.

  13. If you really can't connect to the story at all and don't care to know where it's going then I'm not sure what to tell you. You could always skip the cutscenes if you only like the gameplay I guess? In that case though why even care about the spoilers of DS2, wouldn't it make sense that you probably won't like that story either?


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